Somethings wrong

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It was 7:30 p.m.. George sat on the couch watching a random show on Netflix. Dream sat by the didnig room table which was just behind the couch, editing a video. Suddenly, a notification popped up on George's phone, he ignored it still watching the show. "You should check that." Said Dream from the didnig room table, hearing the notification. "It's probably just something from twitter, it's not important." Reasoned George, not caring about the notification. "But what if it is? Just check it, it'll only take like 4 seconds." Said Dream, raising his head too look at George. "Ughhh, fine." Agreed George, pausing his show and reaching over for his phone. He looked at his notification, his face expresion changed from annoyed to confused. Dream couldn't see his face expresion, however he did see the fact that George stared at his phone a little longer then he shoud've. "What is it?" Asked Dream, getting more worried and confused by the second. "Y'know how me and Quackity used to have our locations 'cause he was paranoid." Said George, turning his head. "Yeah? What's wrong?" Asked Dream, a bit more worried. "I got a notification from the app, saying that he turned it back on." Said George. Dream became a bit more worried and confused, okay a LOT more worried and confused. "But it's probably nothing, he could've just had some nightmare or something." Said George, turning off his phone. "We should call Karl or Sap, just in case." Reasoned Dream, being the most worried in the situation. "What if they're having sex or something?" Tried to reason George, in reality he was sure it was nothing. "Why would he turn his location on during sex?" Asked Dream, knowing that George just didn't care. "My phone sometimes get's late notifications or Quackity's just a bottom." Said George. Dream rolled his eyes. "Just call Sapnap or something." Said Dream, tired of Geroges excuses. "Ughhh, fine." Said George. He turned his phone back on and entered his passcode. He went into the calls app and clicked on one of the contacts that had the name 'Karl JacobSS'. "H-h-hello?" Answered Karl shakily. "Hey Karl, is Quackity with you or Sap?" Asked George, Dream listened to there conversation. "N-no, why?" Answered Karl honestly. George became mor intreged. "Well, do you know where he is?" Asked George, way more worried. "N-no... we got into a fight and he just left." Said Karl. "Ok, bye." Said George, hanging up. "So?" Asked Dream, worried. "They don't know shit." Said George. Dreams face expression dropped. "Well, where is he?" Asked Dream. "He's in a car, he's headed to 'Whilesborough'." Said Geroge, checking the app. "We should go after him, what if he's in danger?" Reasoned Dream. "We should, let's go to the car." Said Dream, standing up from the dining table, he walked towards the counter and grabbed his keys. George went right after him, sliping on his tennis shoes before following him out the door, lockin it and into the car. "So, where we headed?" Asked Dream while starting the car. "Looks like he's headed towards 'Sellindge'." Said George. "Alright, I'll call Sap." Announced Dream as he unlocked his phone and called Sapnap, putting there call call on speaker. "Yeah?" Answred a tried Sapnap. "I think Quackity's in trouble." Said George. "WHAT?!" Asked Sapnap, shocked. "Yeah he's headed towards 'Sellindge', now he's turning down some kind of allyway to soe abandond factory." Said George. "Okay, send me the location I'll go there." Said Sapnap. "NO! You can't go there alone! You have to call the police or something." Said Dream,  almost over the speeding limit, trying too get to the place as fast as possible. "Fine I'll call the police." Said Sapnap. "Alright, call us when you call them!" Said George. "Yeah, yeah, right." Hung up Sapnap as he made his way down stairs. He went to the living room and stood across from Karl. "Y-yeah?" Asked Karl, his voice raspy from crying. "George think's Quackity got kidnapped." Said Sapnap worringly. "WHAT?!" Asked a worried Karl, his face expresion completly shook.

A/N BTW I don't live in the UK! I have 0 clue how accurate this is! I litterly got these location's off of google maps! Quackity POV will probably be in the next chapter, or two or so chapters from this one. Anyways, word count: 683

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