An odd first encounter

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Quackity pulled up to Phil's drive way, he had already showed Puffy a photo of Tubbo to which she coudn't shut up complimenting him. "Alright, we're here, now, there are 4 kids in that house, Tubbo, probably the most innocent, Tommy, he loudest, most annoying and curses." Paused Quackity taking in a breath as Puffy shook her head slowly. "There is Wilbur who seems really nice but can get pretty wierd. And Techno, the chillest and is probably reading a war book or something about violence." Finished Quackity, taking in a deep breath while Puffy just nodded. "Alright, so, can we walk in?" She asked. "Ofcourse!" Answered  Quackity as he got out off the car. They walked over towards the house and QUackity knocked 3 times, the door swung open almost imideatly reaviling a shoked and exicted looking Phil. He and Puffy stared at eachother for a bit before they hugged and both started sobbing. "What's this abou- MAMA!" Screamed a voice, that voice being a little boy's one. Tubbo ran into Quackity at full speed, partly throwing himself onto him as he hugged him, Quackity obviously returning the favor. "Who's this?" Asked Tubbo, looking up at Puffy. Puffy looked over to Quackity who just nodded. "Hey, uhm, I'm your grandma, your dads mom." Smiled Puffy. It took Tubbo a second to realise what she was talking about but the minute he understood he gave her a tight squize. Puffy smild and imideatly hugged him back, crying from happiness. Quackity and Phil watched them both with smile's on their faces. 

Tubbo and Puffy talked for a bit, they bonded quite well. All 4 of them did, later 5 because Wilbur decided to join in on the fun. They all told story's about Schlatt mostly. Puffy told stories of when he was a little baby, Philza told stories of when he was growig up with Techno and Wil, Wilbur told stories of when they were kids and teenagers, Quackity told the happy stories of when they dated and Tubbo told some stories of when he and Schlatt bonded. A lot of truths came out, Philza found out that Schlatt was quite the liar. "So, you and Schlatt broke my favorite vase?" Asked Philza in disbelif. "Yeah, but, it was his idea!" Tried to reasoned Wilbur. "And the cat ended up getting punished". Reasoned Philza to which Wilbur just bluntly rolled his eyes while Quackity gasped. "Oh my go- do I have a story about cats." Said Quackity, getting everyone's attention. "So, when I was 16 and Schlatt 17, we were out on a walk with Tubbo and we saw a small orange tabby." Started Quackity, but Puffy cut him off. "16?! Oh my, you're that young?!" Asked Puffy in disbelif. "Yes" Answered Quackity, Puffy just sat there with wide eyes. "Anyways, we saw the cat and Schlatt desperately wanted to take it home with us and that's what we did." Said Quackity. "Wait, you had a secret cat, and no one new?" Asked Philza in disbelif. "Oh everyone new except for you, and when Tommy came he also absolutely loved him, we named him Jambo." Answered Quackity. "So Kristen new?" Asked Philza. "Yep" Answered Wilbur. "Well, what happend with Jambo?" Asked Philza. "This is the best part," said Quackity, an excited look on his face. "So, about 6 months after we got Jambo, 4 months after ya'll brought Tommy, he ran away." Started Quackity, there was a lot of throwns. "WAIT A SECOND!" Yelled Quackity. "So, a year later, when me, Schlatt and Tubbo moved into our new home, Tubbo was in the garden, Schlatt at work and I was pronbably cleaning or something, I hear a scream." Continued Quackity. "It was me" Interrupted Tubbo. "Yes, it was Tubbo, but, he screamed, cause there was a cat in the garden!" Everyone gasped. "WAS IT JAMBO?!" Asked an amused Wilbur. "IT WAS!" Yelled Quackity. "Well, what was Schlatt's reaction?" Asked Puffy, shoked. "He was jumping up and down from happiness." Explained Quackity with a chuckle. "Well, do you still have him?" Asked Puffy excitedly. Everyones smiles dropped. "Well, he ran away after Schlatts death and we never saw him again." Explained Quackity sadly. "Oh..." Muttered Puffy sadly. There was an uncomfortable silence before a ringing was heard. It was Quackity's phone, he picked it up to see what was causing the noise. "Oh, be right back guys." Said Quackity as he walked out. His fiance was calling him, so he answered. "Where are you? Didn't your shift end an hour ago?" Asked an irritated Sapnap. Quackity didn't realise that he had already been at Phil's for over 2 hours. "Oh, uh, I kinda bumped into someone at work and i've been at Phil's for over 2 hours." Explained Quackity. "Well, who'd you bump into?" Asked Karl. Quackity paused, how was he supposed to explain it?  'I just met my ex's biological mother who had to abandond him when he was little and she never even knew him or what he had done and started crying so i brought her over to Phil's'. Wait, thats a perfect way to explain it! "Oh I just met my ex's biological mother who had to abandond him when he was little and she never even knew him or what he had done and started crying so i brought her over to Phil's" Said Quackity casually. "WHAT?" Yelled a suprised Sapnap and Karl in union. "Yeah, I could excuse myself and say I have to leave tho-" "No, no, you can stay if you'd like, it sounds complicated" Justified Karl, cutting Quackity off in the middle of his sentence. "Alright, I'll just talk to them for a bit and then I'll probably get going." Announced Quackity. "Alright bubs, bye!" Said Karl as he hung up. 

Quackity turned off his phone and stuffed it into his pocket. "Hey guys, I'm going to be leaving now, Puffy, d'you need a ride?" Asked Quackity. "No, no, Phil let me stay here for a while." Said Puffy with a smile. "Alright, I'll get going no-" Before he could finish the sentence, Tubbo lashed onto him like a tick. Quackity hugged him back. "I'll be back soon, alright?" Said Quackity. "Ok.., bye mama." Said Tubbo saddly. "Bye tubs, I'll see you soon." Said Quackity as he got into is car, starting it before begining his drive home.

A/N Hey! Sorry that I hadn't uploaded in a while, I've been feeling really de-motivated and also got school n stuff. I won't keep daily uploads, it will be random. I hope that I don't make too many long pauses cus I really want to keep this book going. Also, thank you so much for all the reads! I would have probabl never expected this much in a bit over a month! And thank you for the votes! I really appreciate that  :"D. Word count: 1065 (I never count the A/N)

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