The end

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Suddenly, Karl's heart rate went flat. The nurses tried to electrocute him back to life - but it didn't work.

'Time of death, 3.16 am.' Said a doctor while Quackity started to cry.

Not even a month of being married. Everything ended before it even started. It's all going downhill. He heard the rain, hitting against the window, mocking his sobs.

The rain was always with him, when the 3 of them got stuck on the Ferris wheel, when Sapnap proposed to them, when they were in Greece, when Q got pregnan- he will never meet his baby.

'He'll never meet the baby.' Mumbled Q, raising his head from Sapnaps shoulder.

'What?' Asked Sapnap quietly, his face red from crying.

'Karl will never know about the baby. He will never meet the baby. He won't even know when if the baby was his.' Q started crying.

'Uhm excuse me, did you say Karl?' Asked a nurse, she was holding a card.

'Y-yes. Karl Jacobs.' Said Sapnap, trying to wipe off his tears.

'This isn't Karl Jacobs, this is Andrew Pappas.' Said the nurse.

Quackity stopped crying. He wasn't sad, well, he wasn't as sad. He looked up at the nurse.

'Wait, so if this isn't Karl, then where is he?' Asked Sapnap.

'I don't know, every person from the crash was brought here. He is either already dead, or somewhere here.' Said the nurse.

As soon as the words left her mouth the 2 boys ran to the front desk.

'Excuse me, do you know where Karl Jacobs is?' Asked Sapnap.

'From the crash?' Asked the office lady.

'Yes.' Answered Quackity.

The lady flipped through some pages before her finger landed on a name.

'Karl Jacobs, 5'11, 30 male?' Asked the office lady.

'Yes!' Said Sapnap.

'He came here dead, I'm sorry for your loss.'

A/N this is it! I'm ending this book at this chapter, I want to thank everyone for who ever read, voted, commented etc. even after this book is finished, if someone comments I will read it! I also want to give a special thanks to @rinabread for being my first voter and commenter! Thank you all for reading this book, you'll always hold a special place in my heart <333 word count: 300 bye!

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