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Quackity woke up the next day, he was wrapped in his boyfriends arms. He tried to get out of their grasp but failed, being further pushed down on the bed. "Can you let me go?" whispered Quackity into his boyfriends ear. "Nope." Answered Sapnap, his grip strengthening on the man. "Please?" Purred Quackity quietly into his ear. "Noooo" Answered Sapnap, not wanting to let go. "Please I want to go make breakfest." Asked Quackity, gently stroking his boyfriends jaw. "Ugh, fine." Agreed Sapnap, rolling his eyes jokingly and loosening his grip on Quackity. "Thanks babe!" Quackity whisper-yelled as he crawled out of bed and went into the kitchen. Sapnap smiled to himself as he closed his eyes shut, drifting of to sleep again.

Quackity came into the kitchen and got some bread, eggs, cheese, ham, butter and spices to make some french toast. He took a pan from one of the bottom draweres and set it on the stove as he took a plate and bowl from the cupboard. He started too heat up the stove and added a spoon of oil. He took a piece of the bread and coated the bread in the egg before placing it on the frying pan. He reapeted the action 6 time - 2 pieces of toast for him and his boyfriends. When he put the last piece of toast on the frying pan, he was greeted with arms rapped around his waist. "Mornin'" chockled Quackity as he turned his head around, Karl clung onto him like a tick. "mhmmm" Mumbled Karl into Quackity's shoulder, it was clear that he was tired. Quackity just laughed as he picked up one of the french toasts and placed them on the plate, seasoning it before buttering it up and placing a piece of ham and cheese on the slice. Quackity repeated the proces with all pieces of the toast while Karl was still clung onto Quackity, both of the boys had a pretty shade of red on their faces. Convenietly, Sapnap walked in just as Quackity was adding the last piece of cheese to the last piece of toast. "Karl, get the plates, Sap, get the juice and glasses." Orderd Quackity as he sat down with the plate of french toast sitting in the middle of the dining room table. "And what will you do?" Sapnap raised an eyebrow, eyeing Quackity. "I made french toast, therefore I don't need too." Reasoned Quackity, placing his chin in the back of his palm. "Fair enough." Sapnap raised his sholders as he leaned over to a cupboard too fetch 3 cups and later an orange juice from the fridge. Karl was already sat in the table, passing out plates. In a matter of seconds, Sapnap also sat down, placing the orange juice in the middle and passing out the cups too all three of the boys. They picked up 2 pieces of the french toast each and started too dig in. "I still can't belive how you can cook so well." Asked Karl astonished. "Same." Added Sapnap taking another bite of his french toast. Quackity only smiled as he kept eating.

After they ate, they all sat on the coach. Karl sat with Sapnap's arm around his sholder and Quackity's head lay in his lap. They were watching a movie and when Karl interrupted. "Uhm, Quackity, w-what happened last night?" He asked unsure, pausing the movie. "Uhm, well, uhh. H-how do I explain it, well, uhh." Quackity stalled, earinig worried glances from Karl and Sapnap. "Ok, well, uhh. I-I was in a call with Tubbo and well, Tubbo told me how I'm not really ever there for him and how sad and mad he is about that and well, he got carried away and blocked me." Started Quackity, Karl and Sapnap wore frowns on there faces as they watched there boyfriend talk. "I-I got intrusive thoughts, and well, I listened to my voices and well, yeah, that happened." Ended Quackity, getting the weight off his shoulders. "Do you want to meet up with Tubbo?" Asked Karl, looking at Quackity, a worried look plastered on his face. "Y-yeah but I can't really talk to him though." Explained Quackity. "Well, who is Quackity staying with?" Asked Karl, the only one who new what to do in the situation. "Uhm, his uncle, I can call him and ask him if me and Tubbo can meet up today or tommorow." Answered Quackity. "Well, do you want to?" Asked Karl. "Y-yeah. I'll go get my phone and text him." Answered Quackity. Quackity got up from his seat on the coach and moved towards the trouple's shared bedroom. "Is it wierd if we ask him can we meet his son?" Sapnap whispered into Karl's ear. "I don't know, we can though." Answered Karl, Sapnap shook his head and Karl just smiled. 

10 minutes later,  Quackity still hasn't returned. Karl and Sapnap decided to go over to their shared bed room to check on Quackity - he wasn't there. They ran into Quackity's old room too find him on a call with a couple pepole one discord. "Oh, hey guys!" Said Quackity to his two boyfriends. "Hey bubs, watchu doing?" Asked Sapnap walking over too Quackity Karl right behind him. "Oh I'm just on a call with Tubbo and his cousin's." Said Quackity with a smile. Quackity was luckily muted so no one heard the three of them speak, Karl notied that. "Hey, uhm, We've got a question." Said Karl. "Can we meet Tubbo?" Asked Sapnap. Quackity shook his head yes. "Stay here for a sec." Said Quackity as he un-muted from the call. "Hey, guys, GUYS! I need to tell ya'll something." Said Quackity. "So, uh, you don't know this, but, uh, I kind of have two boyfriends." Said Quackity, there was a pause and Quackity chuckled. "No, no, they're better, TUBBO!" Said Quackity as he turned a light shade of pink, Karl and Sapnap both took a mental note as they watched there boyfriend. There was again a pause before Quackity said something. "No, no, uh, do you wannu see them though?" Asked Quackity. Quackity looked over too his boyfriend's who nodded, Quackity made a hand gestre, initiating for them too come closer and they did. Karl sat on one side of Quackity and Sapnap sat on the other. "Now, Im un-pluging my headphones so they can hear you, don't say anything dumb! Warned Quackity before he unplugged his head phones. "ELOOOOOO!" Screamed a child with a british accent. "TOMMY!" Yelled another voice with a similar british accent but it was deeper. "Hehe." Chuckled anther voice silently, this one had an american accent and it was even deeper. "Who are you?" Asked a diffrent child. "Alright, alright." Said Quackity silently but the screaming didn't die down. "Hush children were about to meet the motherfuckers." Said Wilbur, Techno chucked, the only one getting the joke. "Alright, so umm, none of you really know this, but, uhh, I kind of have two boyfriendssss." Said Quackity, dragging out the 'S'. "Uhm, So, lemme introduce you. So, guys, this is Karl and Sapnap." Said Quackity awkwardly. "Uh, hi!" Said Karl, slightly nervous. "Uhm, hey." Added Sapnap awkwardly. "So, Karl, Sapnap, this is Tubbo, my son, say something Tubbo." Asked Quackity. "Oh, I'm Tubbo, and I have a question." Asked Tubbo. "Shoot." Answered Sapnap. "Are you two railing my mother?" Asked Quackity, everyone from the call started laughing while Quackity, Karl and Sapnap blushed an angry shade of red, Quackity hiding his face in his hands. "Not yet." Said Sapnap, making Quackity even redder while everyone else started laughing harder, except Tubbo who didn't understand the joke. "A-anyways.." Said a fulstered Quackity. "Uhm..., this is Tommy, the loud one." Introduced Quackity. "OI! WO' 'E 'ELL MAN?!" Screamed a pissed child. "I mean, he just be spi'in facts mate." Said a deeper, british voice. "Oh, and, this is Wilbur, one of the oldest." Introduced Quackity. "I'm not THAT old." Said Wilbur too which Quackity rolled his eyes. "Ahem." Said a deep voice, the only one with an america accent. "Oh and this is Techno, older thhe Wilbur by 2 minutes." Said Quackity. "Yuh." Said what appered to be Techno. All of them talked for a while and they planned on coming over to a man named Philza's house for dinner in a week so they can all properly introduce eachother. 

A/N Suprise, suprise, it's longer hehe. Family tree will be explained in later chapters, not soon though. Word count: 1400

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