The truth

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"You're what?" Asked Sapnap, he still couldn't belive what his boyfriend was saying. "I-i'm trans male." Repeated Quackity, unsure if his boyfriend's would accept him or not. "Wow- uh, well, I don't really know how to react, uhm-" Stummbled Sapnap, clearly not knowing what to say. "We're happy you are comfortable enough to tell us." Said Karl as he moved his hand up and down the boys thigh which seem to calm him. "So, uh, I don't want to be rude or anything but is tubbo like, are you like, you know?" Asked Sapnap making wierd hand gestures. "Yes, I'm Tubbo's biological parent, he'd always call me 'mama' and it doesn't offend me in any way. Honestly I feel like it would be wierder if he'd call me dad now." Said Quackity which made all three of them giggle. "Wait, so, how old are you?" Asked Karl trying to do the math. "Oh, I'm 25 and Tubbo is 10." Answered Quackity. "Wait, so, you had a kid at 15?" Asked Karl with a frown. "Yeah but it's fine, it's actually the main reson me and my ex got married." Explained Quackity. "Oh my god, Quackity, I'm so sorry." Tried to comfort Sapnap as he slid his hand up and down Quackity's torso. "I've came to terms with it, Tubbo is probably the best thing that has ever happend to me." Confessed Quackity.

After their talk, they went down stairs to eat. Nothing special, just some cereal since QUackity had a shift at the mexican place at 12.00 am and Karl and Sapnap wanted to work on something for work. After the trio finished their breakfest, they all got dressed and did their own thing. 

Quackity parked his car in the parking lot of the mexican place. He got out of his car, locking it as he made his way towards the resturant. 

Quackity walked in frew the back door and hung his coat. He the went over to the bathroom to wash his hands, after he took some disposable white gloves. He went to his station and waited for orders to pop up on the screen. 

It was his break time. Quackity sat down by the bench outside of the resturant. He ate a quesadilla. Suddenly, someone elese emerged from the mexican place, the person was a woman who worked with Quackity but he had never even spoken to her before. "Might if I join you?" She asked, pointing at the seat on the bench next to him. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind." Said Quackity as he took another bite of his quesedilla. "Want one?" Asked the woman as she pulled out a packet of cigarettes. "Nah I'm good, what's your name?" Askd Quackity as he looked at the woman, she had a wierdly familliar face along with puffy white hair. "Oh I'm Puffy, you?" Asked Puffy, looking at Quackity. Quackity staired at her face trying to remember where he had seen it before, he was sure he had seen it somewhere but he just couldn't put his finger on it. "Hello?" Asked Puffy as she waved a hand infront of his face. "Oh! Sorry, I feel like I recognise you from somewhere, are you from here?" Asked Quackity, that was a stupid question, he wasn't even from here. "Nah, I moved here from the U.S." Said Puffy as she took out a cigarette from the pack and placed it to her lips. "Same actually, my name's Quackity." Said Quackity as he noticed Puffy lighting the cigarette, she inhaled and exhaled sharply, sighing. "Nice to meet you Quackity." Said Puffy calmly as she again put the cigarette towards her lips. Okay she looks way to familliar for him not to remeber her. She was so familliar almost like he had known her for a big portion of his life. "So, why'd you move here." Asked Quackity, talking the last bite of his quesedilla. "Oh, well, I had a son when I was 16, I had to give him away though. My parent's didn't want him and our whole family knew. I wanted to keep him for at least a year or two before I would give him away. In the mean time, a older cousin of mine also had a kid, he and his wife decided that they could take my boy with. So, we got some legal stuff done, then, I hopped on a plane with my baby boy only to leave him in a fresh pair of hands and never came back." Said Puffy sadly as she took yet another large puff of her cigarette. Quackity felt really bad for her, she sounded like she really loved her son, Quackity couldn't imagine if he would have done that to Tubbo. He would have probably killed himself. "Well, how old would you're have son have been?" Asked Quackity. "He would have turned 27 a couple months ago." Stated Puffy. No, it couldn't be, Schlatt couldn't be her  son. It's imposible! "Well, what was your son's name?" Asked Quackity. "Schlatt"

A/N heyyyy needed to wrap it up and with the next plot line WOOO word count: 838

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