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TW: a lot of crying, mentions of death, blood, stabbing, panic attacks

Karl was in New York for about 2 weeks, meeting up with family members, sorting out his mother's will, attending the funeral, etc. He just got back, he was lying in his bed, thinking. All the things he could've told his mom, maybe they would've made up, maybe he would get to see her again, alive. But all of that is now thrown out the window, his mother isn't alive anymore. She doesn't even really have a body anymore! She was a bunch of ashes, in a tin, 6 feet in the ground. He is thousands of miles away from where his mother's ashes lie. Now, he's almost alone. Yeah, he does have Quackity and Sapnap, his fiancés, but his inner child no longer has parents anymore. He doesn't have parents anymore. Karl felt tears start to build up in the corner of his eyes, the more he thought, the more he felt like letting these tears run down his face like a river. And so, he did. Tears fell down his cheeks, falling onto his shirt. His face crinkled as he cried, turning red. He placed his hands over his face, trying to stop himself from crying.

Quackity was out of the house with Tubbo and Tommy. Techno was in high school in Liverpool, he was an English teacher. Wilbur gave private, online guitar lessons (Wilbur was the one who taught Quackity how to play), he also made his music and when traveling would play on the street. Wilbur had a guitar competition up north and Phil had gone on a business trip. Leaving Quackity the only person who could help, Quackity gladly accepted. He lived in Phil's house and Sapnap came over a couple of times, he would also facetime Karl in the afternoon, and Karl would receive the calls in the evening thanks to time zones.

He found out that Karl's back yesterday, but he couldn't leave Tommy or Tubbo since an adult will be back in 2 days. So instead, he still calls Karl and Sapnap and they're supposed to come to Phil's tomorrow and are supposed to spend a full day together with Tommy and Tubbo.

Quackity was in the kitchen making spaghetti while Tommy and Tubbo fought on the couch about Minecraft. "How could you say that? Bee's are lovely!" Screamed Tubbo, protecting his statement. "No, they're not! Imagine if Minecraft bees were in real life! It would be bloody mental!" Screamed Tommy. "Bees are adorable! You're just too blind to see it, Mister Minecraft!" Yelled Tubbo. "Ha! I have a cool last name and you don't!" Yelled Toomy, flipping his imaginary hair. Tubbo just rolled his eyes, he was kind of jealous of his cousin's last name since it was their favorite video game.

Quackity chuckled as they fought, he thought it was funny to see his son and nephew fight. "Tommy stop bullying Tubbo!" Ordered Quackity as he drained the pasta. "You're just mad 'cause you lot have the same last name!" Yelled Tommy, making Quackity laugh as he poured the pasta into the hot tomato sauce. He stirred the food, ignoring the boys' bickering. He hummed one of his favorite songs as he stirred the food. He took some grated cheese he grated earlier and put it into the pasta as well as still mixing the food. Suddenly, his phone started to light up. He stopped stirring the wooden spoon, he dried his hands on his apron as he picked up the phone, answering before reading the caller's name. "Hello?" He answered unsure who was calling since he didn't read the name. "Hey ducky, I'm a bit worried about Karl."Answered a too-familiar voice. "Sapnap! What happened? Is Karl okay?" Asked Quackity worryingly. "I'm fine, but I'm not so sure about Karl." Answered Sapnap honestly. "What's up with Karl?" Asked Quackity. "He went into his room 3 hours ago and hasn't left, I'm editing a video with an open door and he hasn't left the room." Answered Sapnap, clearly worried. "Check up on him, can you please not disconnect?" Asked Quackity. "Yeah, I just won't talk to you since I'll be talking to Karl." Explained Sapnap. "Okay, just, regardless let him know I'm there." Asked Quackity. "Of course." Said Sapnap.

Quackity heard a bit of rustling, then a knock on the door, and then a door swinging open. "Karl! C'mere..." Heard Qauckity over the phone, he heard slight rustling, and then Karl threw himself onto Sapnap. Quackity heard his cries, and he also felt like crying. There was a slight pause, Quackity heard muffled bickering between Tubbo and Tommy, but most importantly he heard Karl sob, he was very upset. "So, why have you been crying?" Asked Sapnap after a moment. "Well, I'm just such a disappointment, I could have probably made up with her if I wasn't so selfish! But now, there's nothing I can do! She died knowing that I didn't forgive her or died before then! It's all my fault..." Weeped Karl, Quackity himself felt like crying. "Shhh, It's okay, It's all okay, It'll get better, I pro-" There was a loud smash, before a scream "MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA" They screamed. Quackity turned away from the phone and ran into the living room. "You're on a call with Quackity?" Asked Karl but Quackity didn't hear it as he stepped into the living room. Tommy was standing on the side, he had big eyes and a guilty facial expression while Tubbo sat on the floor. A couple of inches away from the sitting boy there was a tall shelf that was empty. In the spot where a vase would always stand there was nothingness and instead, the vase was on the floor, next to Tubbo, a large shard of china was stabbed into the boy's foot. "Oh my, Tommy! Get on the couch and- and, hold this!" Yelled Quackity. Tommy quickly jumped onto the couch that was next to him. 2 seconds later, Quackity threw the phone into his arms before kneeling in front of Tubbo to see the wound. "Tommy! What's going on?!" Asked Sapnap. "I- I," "SAPNAP CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Yelled Quackity as he looked at the wound. The porcelain stabbed deep into the boy's skin. Tubbo was trying to hold back tears but was failing miserably. "ok but-" "SAPNAP CALL THE DAMN AMBULANCE!" Karl cut off Sapnap angrily. "Karl, give me your phone you stay with Quack." Ordered Sapnap. "TOMMY GET THE FIRST AID KIT!" Yelled Quackity, he wasn't sure what to do. Tubbo was running around barefoot and a few, tiny little crumbs of porcelain were sinking into the boy's skin. Tommy abandoned the phone and ran to the kitchen.

Tubbo's breathing started to get heavier and heavier, he was having a panic attack. "Hello? 911? I need paramedics at *******. There is a" "A KID WITH A STABBED FOOT WHOSE SKIN IS SOAKING UP BIT OF PORCELAIN!" Yelled Quackity. "A kid that has a stabbed foot whose skin is soaking up a lot of porcelain. Uhm, he's been around 11 years old since December, Tubbo HQ" Finished Sapnap. Tommy sat down in front of Quackity, opening the first aid kit quickly, and taking out some alcohol wipes. He opened it up quickly, giving the wipes to Quackity who quickly disinfected the scar, leaving the china inside his foot since he knew that the shard should be taken out by professionals.

Tubbo's breathing started to get even heavier, he could barely breathe. He looked down to see the wound. Everything was getting very blurry. He tried to take a breath, but he couldn't, a loud ringing went through his ears. "Tubbo? TUBBO!" He heard Quackity scream, he felt as if someone caught him from behind. The last thing he could see was his injured foot before everything went black and the ringing was the only thing that was heard before he passed out in Tommy's or Quackity's arms.

A/N Hello! Still angst hehe. Got some motivation back woooo. Word count: 1318

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