
492 10 6

TW: minor mentions of sex, fighting and crying

It's been 5 weeks since Sapnap and Karl met Quackity's family. There was also the meet - up with Tubbo which went well. Other then the fact Tubbo asked inappropriate questions and made Sapnap look stupid since he didn't remember the capital of particular countries. 

Sapnap and Karl were slowly becoming upset at Quackity.  He would always lock himself in they're bathroom which would always worry Karl and Sapnap. A couple times, Sapnap would yell too Quackity if he's in there. They have also been expieriencing a movement in their relationship, they were having more intimate moments. During those moments, Quackity would always keep his boxers and shirt on, stil joining in on sex. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present time

It was a regular afternoon. Quackity just got off work and was sitting on the couch next too his boyfriends. They were joking and laughing at George and Dream who both liked eachother and still stayed in complete denial. "Y'know that a couple days ago me and Dream were on a cal and he was telling me how he liked George 'n stuff and when it came to asking out it was, and I quote. 'oH bUt hE wOuLdN't lIkE a gUy lIkE mEeEEee'." Cried Sapnap, trying to mimick Dream in a high - pitched voice even if Dream's voice was particularly low. Karl and Quackity burst out laughing. "H-he's like a p-pick - me - boy." Managed too muster - out Karl through heavy breath's, trying to recover from his laughter. "Y-you wannu know what Geore told me?" Asked Quackity through shaky breaths. Karl and Sapnap nodded theirheads fastly. "So, I was calling George and he was like; 'Oh du you think Dream likes mee?' " Said Quackity, trying to mimick Georges bi*ish accent but failing miserably. "And I told him that obviously yes, and he kept asking, but really, but what if and shit like that. So I told him too not be a pussy and y'know, ask him. And he still had the AUDACITY to be like: 'Noooooo I'm no' gut enough fo' himmmmm. He woudn' like meeeey." Said Quackity, again failing to mimick the accent. Karl and Sapnap chuckled. "They're like 2 pick - me boys, I bet George or Dream said that they're 'A PART OF THE BOYS' and that they're 'SOOOO SMALLL'." Joked Karl too which everyone bursted out laughing. "Oh I need to go to the bathroom." Announced Quackity as he got up from the couch from his spot next too Karl and made his way towards the bathroom. From the minute those words escaped Quackity's mouth Sapnap gritted his teeth in anger, not wanting him too lock himself in. The minute he heard the lock click, announcing that he has locked himself in, again. Karl slightly frouned looking from the bathroom to his boyfriend who had his teeth gritted in anger. 

Half a minute later, Quackity left the bathroom. His smile imideatly dropped the minute he saw his boyfriends faces. "What's wrong?" Asked Quackity, walking over too sit beside Sapnap, rubbing his hand along the man's spine. "Why do you always have too lock yourself in the bathroom?" Asked Sapnap, trying to hold in his anger. "You know that I'm just not as comfortable as you." Said Quackity. "Why, is their a problem?" Asked Quackity. "YES! We get worried, were scared that you're going to do something to yourself, again." Said Sapnap. "Well I won't, so you don't need to worry." Said Quackity. "I don't care! Please don't lock yourself in the bathroom though! We won't walk in on you, and besides, you have nothing to hide!" Said Sapnap, tossing Quackity's arm off looking straight into the man's face. Karl sat there, stunned, unable to move and or speak. "You don't get it!" Yelled Quackity. "I do! Your the one that doesn't get it! You've already showed us your wings! There's nothing for you to hide!" Yelled back Sapnap. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! JUST TRUST ME!" Snapped Quackity. "HOW CAN I UST YOU?! YOU LITTERALY TRIED TO KILL YOURSELF!" Yelled Sapnap. Karl sat on the couch, eyes wide, his lips glued together. Tears pierced his eyes as if they were rose throns. He wanted to stop the fighting but was unable to make any sort of movement. "YOU'RE FORGETTING THE PART OF A RELATION SHIP WHERE YOU TRUST YOUR SELF! WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSATND THAT IM BETTER! IM FINE STOP WORRYING ABOUT ME! JUST DO YOUR PART AND I'LL DO MINE! YOUR MY BOYFRIEND FOR GOD SAKES!" Snapped Quackity "WELL I WISH I WASN'T!" The words left Sapnap's mouth before he could think it trough. When he realised, it was already too late. Quackity's eyes were brimmed with tears while Sapnap's wide, regret could be seen all over his face. Karl's eys were wide, his cheecks red. The tears on his face stung like a jellyfish, hurt, worry, guilt, sorrow, all of it was going through his head, a million miles per a minute. "If that makes you happy, I'll leave." Stated Quackity, sliping on his shoes and walking out of they're house. "Quackity wait-" "No, Sapnap, If that's what you want, I won't force myself onto you." Said Quackity. He swung the door in his face, waking towards his car, falling into the driver's seat. With tearfull eyes he barely managed to drive into a gas station parking lot. He parked his car and had a mental melt down in his car. Tears soaking his face, trying too hold onto the wheel for support. 

As soon as the door shut in Sapnap's face, he fell down to te floor, crying. Karl sat there, stunned by what happend. Tears were stabbing into his skin as if he frew his face into a cactus. Karl hugged a pillow from the couch, crying into the soft material.

A/N YEAH ANGST!!! This will have a part 2, maybe 3, I'm not sure. Anyways, word countttt: 975

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