Last Chapter :)

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Hey! So, it's been almost a year since I started this book. I had diffrent plans for this book but it worked ot the way it did. I want to thank again all the readers, voters and especially the commenters! I still read all of the comments.

In January I lost intrest in the DSMP fandom. And at first, before I even made the book and was only mapping everything out, I was planning on everything going great, no one dies, they have two kids, yadi yadi yada, but over time that concept seemed really boring so I killed Karl lol. 

Anyway, I'm just gonna sum up a backstory and the future.

Backstory, Schlatt and Wilbur both had a crush on Q boy in High School but Q boy fell for Schlatt, Schlatt got Q boy drunk at a party and fucked him, Q boy got prego, was forced to move back to London with his new family, a month or so after his b-day he gets married with Schlatt, everything is good but when Tubs is around 8 or so mans gets drunk, rape-y, abusive, etc. and fucking dies.

Tubs moves in with his grandparent and uncles? Q boy gets depressed and moves in with dnf, (we all know what happens after).

Now after Karl's death they go back to the UK, have a funeral, the husbandos barely talk after the funeral, sleep in seperate beds, you name it. After the child is born it turns out to be Karl's, this drove Q boy into a HUGE deppresion and Snapchat had to take care of the kid. They named her Rosemary (after Karl's grandma + favorite plant). Q boy tries to oof himself, is sent to a mental institution, the child's life is at risk, (lack of titties and titty milk from Q boy). When kid's 3 Snapchat wants a divorce from Q boy, Q boy agrees they get divorced, he get's back into a deep depression, and ultimately kills himself.

Sappy boy, Rosemary, Tubs and the rest of la familia stay close in contact, Sappy boy gets a job in tech, Tubs starts doing those ani suicide, sh, depression talks in middle and high school's, they end uo having a bueno life.

When Rosemary turns 14, Snapchat tells her about her other (dead) dads, she visits their graves, she looks into their older stuff and she actually picks up guitar and starts a fashion buisnes including Karl's old designs and names it Quarl.

That's it, this is the last udate, Todays date: 9th of July, 2023, word count:423 :]

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