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Quackity walked up to the cashier, it seemed rather busy today. "Please go wait at the end of the line." A voice spoke out, it was a quiet and calming voice, a pretty high one too, Quackity guessed it was a females voice. Quackity look at the cashier, they had to the shoulder length long hair wich was died a pastel pink colour. They were wearing a black and white stripped sweater with beige coloured jeans. "Hi, I'm here for the job interview, I called what I believed to be the owner?" Asked Quackity in a nervous voice, "oh I'm so sorry, I'll go get the boss right now". Apologised the cashier as they turned too look at a pair of heavy metal doors. "MINXXXX, THE GUY FOR TGE INTERVIEW IS HERE" - yelled out the cashier as she turned back to Quackity. "She'll be out shortly". Smiled the cashier as they turned back to a customer who looked stunned.

After around a minute someone walked out the front the front door, they had elbow-lengthen curly, purple hair. They were wearing a black sweater with a whit collar and some black ripped jeans. They walked over to the cashier that Quackity spoke too earlier, they said something in their ear as the cashier pointed to Quackity. The purple-headed person then walked over too Quackity. "Hello, my name is Minx and I'm in charge, let's get started with the interview, but first, please, introduce yourself." Said the person who was now identified as Minx. "Uhm..., hello, I'm Alex but please, call me Quackity." Said the Raven-haired boy as he held a hand out nervously. Minx gladly took it, and shook it, a wide smile appeard on they're face. "Follow me, il take you where you might be working," said Minx as they walked over to the other end of the store to reveal a small van in the corner. It was what looked like to be a churros stand. They walked in. "Here is an apron, and oh, hang your jacket right there," said Minx as she pointed towards a coat hanger. "Thank you boss". Said Quackity as he hung his jacket on the coat hanger. He walked over to where Minx was. "Right, now, make me some churros and give me Nutella on the side." Said Minx as she laid against a wall of the van, Quackity looked too his side and saw a tube with dough already in it, easy enough. He squeezed out 10 straight lines of then dough as he dropped them into the deep-fryer. He waited around a minute r so before flipping the churros, after that, he strained the churros and cored the in sugar and cinnamon. He put the churros into a box, he squeezed some Nutella on the side from the dispenser as he handed the box to Minx. They had an impressed look on they're face, they looked down on the churros, they picked one up, dipped it in Nutella and bit into the churro. They're face expression change from impressed too shock real quick as they took another bite of the churro, Quackity had a worried look on his face, 'what if they don't like the churros?', 'what if they say that the churros are disgusting'? These thoughts quickly came too an end when Minx looked at him straight in the eyes and said the following words. "You're hired, I'll give you my phone number and I'll send you your shifts and you'll run the churros stand at the festival, only if you want too and yes, you will get payed extra." Quackitys face lit up quickly, he felt like crying tears of joy, or hugging Minx. "Tank you so much, and yes, I'd love too run the churro stand at the festival. If you don't mind me asking, what are your pronouns and what is your gender?" Asked Quackity, a wide smile stood on his face. "Oh my pronouns are She/They and I identify as a girl, how about you?" Asked Minx, looking at Quackity. "Right, my pronouns are He/They and I am a boy, may I get your number now?" Asked Quackity looking up at Minx since she was taller then him. "You may" giggled Minx as they pulled her phone out.

A/N I lied last time, THIS is the longest chapter so far 😦 word count(not counting a/n) : 718

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