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6.05 a.m.

Sapnap woke up with a groan, realising that neither of his fiances were with him in bed. He slightly frowned, but then, he remembered 'today's the day' he muttered quietly.

He threw the sheets off of him and went into the bathroom. He hoped into the shower, dried himself up, tied a towel around his waist, did some skin care, washed hi teeth before going out of the bathroom, to the closet where he dressed himself in some sweat pants and sweatshirt (and yes he wore underwear)

They walked down the stairs, expecting to be met with Karl. Sapnap new that Quackity wouldn't be there. He wanted to keep up the tradition that you can't see the bride a day before the wedding. But when Sapnap went down stairs - no one was there.

He found a note on the table, it was from Karl. Apparently, Karl had to leave to sort some more things out at the wedding hall, something about the flowers.

Sapnap looked over at his phone, he saw Dream calling.

'Hey man! Why you callin'?' Asked Sapnap. 'What do you mean why? You're literally getting married! We've got too do your make up, correct your grammar mistakes in your vowes, etcetera.' Said Dream. 'Oh, K.' Said Sapnap before they hung up on their best man.

3 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Sapnap set down the sandwich he was eating on his plate, before standing up to open the door.

'Heyyy Sap!' Said George happily. 'Hey, so, what are we exactly doing?' He asked. 'I'll correct the mistakes in your vowes, George'll do your make up. Explained Dream. 'Shouldn't you be doing Q's makeup? Or Karl's?' Asked Sapnap, opening the door for his friends. 'Quackity's co workers and Wilbur will be doing their makeup and Karl's sisters will be doing his.' Said George, sitting Sapnap down on the coach.

'Right, go wash your face, than put this on your face after it's clean.' Said George, handing him a bottle of face cream. 'K.' Said Sapnap standing up and walking to the bathroom.

After he got back, George sat him down and immediately started his work, he put on sunscreen before foundation, contour and blush. Then he put on concealer, eyeshadow, lipgloss, mascara, a tiny bit of eyeliner and finally he brushed out Sapnap's eyebrows.

'Done.' Said George, leaning back, looking at the master piece he has just done. Sapnap took out his phone, turning it on and turning on the camera to look at himself. 'Wow.' Said Sapnap, looking at his face. 'Wow indeed, now where're your vowes?' Asked Dream. 'Oh uh they're in my room, I'll go get them.' Said Sapnap.

He walked upstairs, going into the trios shared bedroom. He looked around the desk, the cupboards, everything! They then remembered having placed their vowes on this book, it was large, thicc and black. As he looked through the cupboards, he found the book.

He opened the first page of the book, and there were 3 colourful papers with his vowes on them.

He took them out and closed the book, but then he realised a rectangle, yellow post-it note glued to the front, it read "Q's diary".

Sapnap stared at it, he wanted to read it, badly, he knew he shouldn't. If he'd read it, it would abolish Quackity's trust in him.

'Sap- whatcha readin'?' Asked Dream, looking over Sapnap's shoulder - he saw the diary.

'Oh. Meh it's pretty boring, just some love shit and child problems.' Said Dream, rolling his eyes.

'You- you read it?!' Asked Sapnap in utter shock. 'Yes?' Said Dream. 'Come on, we've got to correct your grammar mistakes.' Said Dream, nagging Sapnap's shoulder.

Sapnap rolled their eyes and put the diary back in the cupboard before mindlessly closing it.


Rainy Days - Karlnapityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें