The proper introduction

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It's been a week already since Quackity introduced his boyfriends too his family - in - law (and Tubbo). In 2 hours was the dinner. Karl and Sapnap were stressing out a bit, they wanted too make a good first impresion on there boyfriends family. Quackity, on the other hand was very relaxed. He knew that by the time his family will find out that Sapnap and Karl are good pepole the dinner will go smoothely. Quackity picked up his phone, he needed too text phil.


Hey! So, if the boys didn't tell you already, me and my boyfriends are coming too dinner. They don't know I'm trans and I'm not quite ready too tell them so please don't bring it up.

Alright mate, see you at dinner!

After around an hour, Sapnap and Karl walked out of their shared bedroom in suits. "Why are you wearing suits?" Asked Quackity with a giggle. "Because we are going too meet your family and we want to make a good first impresion." Said Karl. "I bet Tubbo will be in pyjamas, your way to formal, just put on a sweater and some jeans and it'll be good." Said Quackity as he made his way towards there shared bedroom, his boyfriends in front of him. 

They got out of the house just in time. Sapnap wore a t-shirt with a fire logogin the top right, he wore a black lether jacket which had chains on the sleeves. He wore black ripped jeans with a emo belt (No offense I just don't know how too describe how it looks like). Karl wore a simple pastel brown knitted sweater that had a toadstool mushroom in the top right corner with a white shirt underneath. He wore dark blue ripped jeans with a regular black belt that had a chain hooked from his jean pocket too the metal hook on his belt (don't know whats that called). Quackity wore a plain white t-shirt with a blue blazer with 2 white strips coming all the way from the top of the blazer down the sleeves. He wore basic black dress pants with a basic black belt with a golden buckle (googled what that was) that had a chain attached to it that streched down to his pocket. Quackity drove them too Phil's house while Sapnap sat nervousley in the backseat hand in hand. "He won't eat you, it might be a bit awkward at first but later Tomm's humor and Tubbo's detachment from earth will make it funnier and probably better." Assured Quackity, knowing his son a and nephew too damn well. 

Quackity pulled up into his uncle - in - laws  driveway. "Were here, if you want to make a good first impresion then be respectful and don't treat the kids like baby's. Tommy and Tubbo have a developed mind, even if it doesn't seem like it and they can curse but Tommy does most of the cursing." Warned Quackity before they exited the car. Quackity led the way to the front door while his boyfriends shakingly followed. Quackity knocked 3 times and the door was swung open reaviling a tall man with long pink hair in a regular black sweater and blue jeans. "Oh hey Qua-" "MAMA!" The man was cut off by a small child racing full speed towards the door, the child threw there arms around Quackity, Quackity hugged them back. "Hey Tubs." Said Quackity happily. Sapnap and Karl watched in awe as Quackity and his son were hugging in front of the front door. "Cut the crap Tubs, you're keeping our guests waiting." Said a voice with a thick bri*ish accent coming from the inside. "Oh yeah, sorry." Said Tubbo as he let go of Quackity who wore a bright smile across there face. They walked inside, the house wasn't too big but lso wasn't too small. They walked into the living room which led into the dining room / kitchen. "Oh hello!" Welcomed another person with yet again a bri*ish accent. "Hey Wil!" Greeted Quackity as he sat down at the table. At the head of the table sat an older man who was closing his book that he had been reading and taking off his reading glasses. To his right sat Tubbo, next to Tubbo sta Quackity and next to Quackity sat Karl and at the end of the table sat Sapnap. To he older mans right there was an empty seat, in the seat next to it sat the man who greeted Quackity at the table. Next to the man sat the tall man who greeted them at the front door, he was reading a book by the name 'The art of war'. After half a second, a small child with messy blond hair, freckles covering his face, he also wore silver braces on his teeth aswell as a plaster on his nose sat at the seat next too the older man. "Why is i' so quie' in he'e?" Asked the boy with messy hair after a silence. "Alright, so, I'll intruduce you guys again." Started Quackity, he turned his head looking at his boyfriend whose leg was jumping up and down slightly but quickly. "This is one of my boyfriends, Karl." Greeted Quackity. "Uh, yeah." Said Karl nervousley. He gave his boyfriend a warm smile which seemed to calm him down a bit more. Quackity turned his head, looking across the table over to his other boyfriend. "That is my other boyfriend, Sapnap." Said Quackity happily which made Sapnap smile. Quackity looked around the table, signalling for the others to introduce themselves. "I'm Technoblade, you need help killin', and you prooth yourself that you're worthy enough of my help, I'm the man." Greeted Techno, holding a hand out, Sapnap shook it happily while Karl's hand was a bit, okay, a lot more shaky. "I'm Wilbur, the fashionista and I play guitar." Greeted Wilbur. "If you'e a 'fAsHiOnIsTa' then why is you' style so shi'?" Asked the small blond boy. Wilbur frowned at the comment. "That's Tommy, the annoying one." Said Wilbur too which evrybody chuckled, except Tommy who held up a visible frown on his face. "Cu' 'e shi' Wilbu'." Tommy rolled his eyes. "I'm Tommy and I'm 'e only one who ge's bitches in this family cus everyone he'e is gay." Said Tommy to which everybody laughed. "Alright, alright, I'm Philza, these 3's father." Said the older man, introducing himself. "And I'm Tubbo, you'e byfriends son!" Introduced Tubbo happily. "So, Sapnap, Karl, how did you meet Quackity?" Asked Philza. "Oh, well at the festival, our friends, and  Quackity's ex roommates introuced him too us." Answered Sapnap, smiling at his boyfriends. Philza chocked on his water a bit, looking at the 2 in shock while the rest didn't get why he was choking. "Ex roommates? So you lo' live togethe'?" Asked Philza in dis - beleath. "Yeah, we do, at first Quackity moved in with us just as a friend but then we all developed feeling for eachother, confessed and the rest is history I guess." Explained Karl, smiling brightly. "So how does your relationship work?" Asked Tommy. "Cause I never seen a 3 person relation ship before, I have seen a love tringle though." Said Tommy, turning his head towards Wilbur. "Isn't that right my dear bro- OW!" Winced Tommy as his brother flicked his forhead. Everyone burst into a roar of laughter. Quackity explained how a polyamours relationship works and the rest of the evening went by smoothely.  Technoblade still didn't comepletly trust them but the rest did so that was great. 

A/N Part 2 tomorow! I have too rap it up and get this chapter out cus time is running out and I have to study for a test tommorow. Family tree will be explained tommorow, also, I know that a lot of pepole don't read this but please if you can (and are interested in the story) vote for my story cus it really makes my day and helps me get motivation on working on future chapters! I really dont want too sound petty, but genuinly it does give me motivation and makes me really happy when ya'll share you're opinion and stuff. Word count: 1266

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