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Quackity was laying in his bed, it was around 10 pm, when he suddenly got a phone notification, he clicked it too reveal a contact

Tubbo 💛🐝
Hey mama!

Hey tubs, why are you texting me this late?

Tommy is texting techno and I'm bored

Oh, okay well, how was school?

It was really boring but i met 3 new friends! :D

Quackity couldn't help but smile that his son has some new friends! Of corse it's really good that he has his cousin (Tommy), but what if they get in a fight? Who will he be able to talk too? Quackity was really glad that tubbo has some friends

Really? That's amazing! What are they're names?

Eryn, Purpled and Ranboo!

That's fantastic! Are you going to the festival with anyone?

Yeah me, Tommy, Purpled, Eryn and Ran we're gonna go with Wil and Tech cause Phil wouldn't let us go alone

Oh, well, you can get free churros at the stand ; ) I'll make sure of that!

Mama, I don't think the cashier will give me free churros

Oh he will, I'll be the cashier


Yes really, but you have too promise to be good and too listen too you're older cousins

Okkkkkk, when will I see you again?

Probably at the festival

So I won't see you before then????? :((((((

I mean, maybe we could meet a day before the festival????

So like on the  14th????

I can pick you up from uncle Phil's house and we could go too a café or something

That sounds awesome, I have to go cause Phil told me and Tommy that we have to got too bed.

Phil is right, you should go too bed, sweet dreams tubs!

Night mama!

God he loved that kid, he missed him a lot. He still remembered tubbos 8th birthday, it was before Schlatt turned into an alcoholic, his family was with him, Tubbo and Tommy caused a bunch of chaos and broke a lot of glasses, the cake was with nuts and everyone including Wilbur forgot that he was allergic so Wilbur had to go to the hospital, there was karaoke and Quackity with Wilbur played and sung on guitar, and Tommy with Tubbo sung "That's what I like" by Bruno Mars. It was so nice, him and Schlatt got married 5 years and 7 months ago at that point, it was such a great time. He didn't care about others opinions, he had a small, loving family that he loved and cared for. He missed that, he really did, maybe if Schlatt didn't turn out the way he did, he would now be in bed with his husband, not alone. He would be in HIS house, not at his friends one. He would have been a lawyer, not a guy working at a churro stand. He would have been under the same roof as Tubbo, driving him too school, after he would be done with his work, he would buy some take out and take it too his house where he would find Tubbo and Schlatt. He maybe would have been happier, but there was one thing that he knew would have never happened if they had that life. He would have never had his transition.

You see, Schlatt was transphobic, he would have never supported Quackity. And Quackity would have stayed quiet and wouldn't fight back, in fear of making his husband angry. So is it good that Schlatt died? Is it good that things turned out the way they did? Guess he would never know.

A/N heya yes I made Quackity and SBI family, it's from Schlatts side but mans dead so no one cares (L) word count: 594

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