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It's been 3 days since it was decided that Quackity will wear a wedding dress. Since then, Karl and Quackity could only talk about the wedding. Sapnap wasn't that into it. Of course he was include, but he himself doesn't like picking out random things from nothing. His anxiety eats him up before he can ever even bring up a proposal. The 3 of them already decided a couple things.

They decided to have one rule for the dress code - keep it colourful. They didn't want a black and white, stereotypical wedding. Instead, they wanted it a bit more crazy.

Another thing they agreed upon is that they are to have a non - religious wedding. None of them were religious and Sapnap was an atheist so it only made sense.

But one thing that they didn't yet have figured is the guest list. They we're gonna obviously invite Phil, Techno, Wilbur, the kids, work friends, and etc. But family, as in blood related was a bit more tricky, Quackity was pretty much disowned, and the family that was against him being disowned didn't accept the fact that he's trans. Karl has a pretty good relationship with some of his cousins and aunts  so they'll obviously be invited but neither Karl nor Quackity ever asked Sapnap about his family.

Sapnap briefly spoke to his family, mostly because they didn't like the fact he's an atheist. Sapnap came from a very religious family, in his whole childhood he missed church 2 times. Both times being very ill and unable to go. The only Sunday, that he can remember which was spent with out a second in church and healthy was only when he was 19. At that age he started to learn more about himself and figured, that he was in fact an atheist.

He told his parents 2 months after he found out. They barely talked since, only brief texting conversations for birthdays, anniversaries and etc.

'Sapnap!' Quackity called out from the living room. Sapnap stood up from his desk chair and wandered off into the living room. 'Yeah?' He asked, looking at his fiancés. 'So me and Q are making the guest list and we want to know if you wanted to invite your family. Oh and btw, we have no clue who they are so.' Said Karl looking at Sap.'

'I haven't seen them in like 7 years, but they'd definitely want to be at my wedding and they'd love to meet you.' Said Sapnap sitting down. 'Well, I think that we should meet them before the wedding.' Said Q, looking at Sapnap. 'Yeah, I'll just have to call them.' Said Sapnap standing up.

He walked on over towards the bathroom. He unlocked his phone and clicked on the contact.


Hey, uhm, do u have time 2 talk?

Yes, I'll call you right now.

*Ring, ring*

'Hey dad.' Said Sapnap into the phone. 'Sapnap! Oh I'm so happy you called! Should I get Skeppy?' Asked the familiar voice of his father, Bad Boy Halo. 'Yeah, it's pretty important.' Said Sapnap, and imideatley after the words left his mouth, he heard a muffled yell. 'GEPPY! GET OVER HERE!' His father screamed in a happy and excited voice.

Soon enough, he heard the voice of his other father. 'Hey Sap! How are ya man? Bad said it's important, so what's the news?' He asked into the mic. 'Well, uhm, can the both of you hear me?' He asked. 'Yes' they replied in sync. 'Well, around a week ago a proposed to my fiances and we want to know if you'd like to come to the wedding, it's in the UK.' They finished.

'Oh ofcourse! Who are they? What are their names?' Asked Bad. 'Uhm, Karl Jacobs and Alex HQ, why?' They asked. 'So I can stalk them on facebook, I want to know who my son's marrying!' Said Bad in an obvious voice.

'Well none of us have facebook, we have instagram though.' Said Sapnap smiling. 'Alright, I'll download that.' Said Bad smiling. 'Is the wedding in a church?' Asked Skeppy. Everyone became quite, an akward feeling was spread out through all of them, even if the Atlantic Ocean is seperating them. 'No, I'm an athiest and my fiances are non religous.' They replied. Silence was still on the other line. 'We'll definately visit you but we'll have to think about coming to the wedding.' Said Bad. 'Oh. Ok. When you're coming text me, I'll tell you the addres.' Said Sapnap, before hanging up.

Sapnap stood in the bathroom, looking at the wall infront of him before walking up to the mirror and looking himself dead in the eyes. 'Why am I such a faliure?' He said to himself quietly.

'SAPPY! CAN YOU COME?' Karl yelled out from the living room, making Sapnap forget about his emotion of self dissapointment. He wiped the few tears he had on his face and exited the bathroom.

'Yeah?' He asked. 'Which flowers d'you think match more? The ranunculouses or the roses?' Asked Quackity, showing him a laptop screen. 'Hmmm, I think the roses.' He said, looking Quackity in the eyes.

'Have you been crying?' Asked Quackity, slightly tilting his head. This statement caused Karl to look up from his laptop at Sapnap. 'What? No, well, yeah.' He said, grabbing a chair and sitting down next to Quackity. 'Why? What happend?' Asked Quackity, leaning his head on Sapnap's shoulder. 'Well, I just talked to my dads and they said that they support us, will visit us, but they might not come to the wedding because it's non religous.' Said Sapnap, laying his head on top of Quackity's. Quackity rubbed circles on Sapnap's back. 'It's okay, they'll probobly come, and even if they don't, you have us, and we'll never leave you, no matter your religion.' Said Quackity, he raised his head, which caused Sapnap to raise his. Then, Quackity pressed his lips towards Sapnap and they shared a heart-warming, full of love kiss. 'AWWWW' Said Karl, looking at them. It caused the 2 to break the kiss.

Quackity returned to finding wedding halls while Sapnap walked over to Karl and shared a kiss with him, slowly breaking apart and looking Karl in the eyes lovingly. Karl looked back towards his laptop, looking for caterers. 'Wait, who will marry us?' Asked Sapnap. This caused both Karl and Quackity to look up at him. 'Dream?' Proposed Sapnap. 'Nah, he'll do something stupid or steal the thunder by proposing to George.' Said Quackity. 'What about Wilbur?' Proposed Quackity. 'There's a 99% chance he'll yell something out or say something about a country or ant eaters.' Said Karl. 'Well, what about Techno?' Said Quackity. No one was really against it so they just looked at themselves, nodded and carried on with their work.

A/N Hey! Daily uploads??? Btw I forgot that Tubbo existed in this book so let's pretend he's been at summer camp with all his friends. Word count: 1128

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