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It's been 2 days since Sapnap's call with his father. Since then, the throuple has been planing their wedding.

That day, Tubbo was coming back from summer camp and Quackity is going to pick him up.

After he arrived at a parking lot of a near by  school, he waited patiently as the other parents for a travel bus to stop, and his child to escort it.

Soon enough, a large travel bus parked in the parking lot, the doors of the bus slid open and a couple adults exited the vehicle first, right before an army of young teenagers. 

After a second, Tubbo and Tommy ran up to Quackity. Tubbo giving him a big hug. 'How was Scotland?' He asked. 'It was alright, not too warm.' Replied Tubbo, realising from the hug. 'How about we go grab your bag, eh?' Said Quackity. They walked up to the large trunk of the bus where the luggage was kept. 

'Did you like the hotel?' Asked Quackity while Tubbo and Tommy looked for their succases.  'It was shit. I gave the hotel a 2/10 on tripadviser.' Said Tommy. 'He's not kidding.' Added Tubbo, right after he got his bag. 'Alright, so now home?' Asked Quackity. 'Not yet, we have to go to the teachers to tell them our guardian came.' Said Tubbo as Tommy turned back towards them, having forgot all about that. 'Alright.' Said Quackity as the 3 of them walked towards a camp instructer. 

'Ms. Kelly, my mama came to get me and Tommy.' Said Tubbo, talking to a camp instructer. 'Alright, where is she?' She asked. 'Oh, uh, that would be me.' Said Quackity nervously. 'But your not a woman.' Said the instructer with a disguested face. 'And? He doesn't have to fit into your sexist, gender steryotypes.' Said Tommy. 'Listen here you little, naughty grem-' 'Thank you, we'll get going now, good bye!' Said QUackity dragging both boys towards the car. 'Bitch.' Tommy mutterd under his breath. 

After they packed their luggage in the trunk, had a fight about who's going to sit in the passenger seat, and ended up sitting in the back, the boys quited down and waited for Quackity to start the car. 

'So, before we go home I have something, that  have to tell you.' Said Quackity, turning around to look at the boys. 'We haven't told Phil, Wilbur or Techno yet so please don't tell them before we do.' Said Quackity. 'Keeping secrets from Phil? AWSOME!' Said Tommy.

'So, a couple days back, Sapnap proposed to Karl and me-' '*GASP*' Tubbo cut Quackity off. '-and there's a lot of wedding planning so everything's a mess.' Finnished Quackity.

After a couple seconds on the road, Tommy asked a question. 'Can I be the flower girl?' Asked Tommy. 'NO! If anything, it should be ME!' Said Tubbo, offended.' 'I'll talk to my fiances, but I'm pretty sure you both can be.' Said Quackity.


After they returned home, Tommy and Tubbo began their sleepover. They went upstairs, had a fight (like they thought boxing style for fun), they watched a movie with snacks, they got ready for bed, went on omegle, talked about their crushes and read google maps reviews of random, unusual places in diffrent voice impresions. 

While they were having fun upstairs, Quackity, Sapnap and Karl were starting to send out invatations to their friends and distant family members, Karl called his family to tell them about the wedding and Quackity was trying to figure out how to tell Phil, Wilbur and Techno the news without scaring their fiances off. 

A/N SO, sorry that this chapter is so broken up, I had no clue what to add in here. Its very short, so apoliges. And I will be re-writing a couple chapters cause I think they are poorly / boredly written. Word count: 591 

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