An explanation

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The next day Karl was the first one too wake up. He lifted his head up, droping his hands down. He saw that he fell asleep on top of his friend. He looked at the small boy that sat next too him. He was asleep, he looked peacefull. Both arms were dropped down at his sides, his head layed on top of Sapnap's shoulder for support. Karl smiled too himself, scanning through the mans features. He couldn't help but blush. 'God he's so pretty..' He thought, He suddenly shook his head and stood up from the couch, walking into the kitchen. 'What are you thinking?! You have a boyfriend who you love, you can't be going around getting crushes! But...' He drowned himself in his thoughts, standing in the kitchen and thinking too himself, diffrent thoughts came too his head. 'I love Q, but I also love Sapnap.' And, 'I have too love Sapnap more, but it feel's like I love them both the exact same.' And 'Maybe Sap loves Q too, what if we all love eachother!' That thought kept coming up. But how would that work? Can that even happen? What even is that called? Does it even exist? In stead of questioning further, he decided too search it up on google since the internet is a thing. 

He read through the article on the wikepedia, it read:

Polyamory (from (polloí) 'many', and '') is the practice of, or desire for, with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in with a conscious management of and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships. Others prefer to restrict their sexual activity to only members of the group, a closed polyamorous relationship that is usually referred to as .

Polyamory has come to be an for various forms of non-monogamous, multi-partner relationships, or non-exclusive sexual or relationships. Its usage reflects the choices and of the individuals involved, but with recurring or , such as love, intimacy, and . It can sometimes be distinguished from some other forms of in that the relationships involved are loving intimate relationships, as opposed to purely sexual relationships.

"So it exists..." muttered Karl silently as he looked at the article, a smile forming across his face. "What exists?" Asked Sapnap, who was now in the kitchen, Karl quickly shut his phone off and walked out of the kitchen. "Nothing!" He called out as he got out of the kitchen in a hurry. 


For the rest of the day, Karl avoided his boyriend and friend witch was pretty easy. Quackity had a shift at the mexican place and was also going too look for more jobs closer too him. Sapnap on the other hand had a 2 hour stream with George and Dream and after he talked too hiis friends for around 2 hours before leaving. Karl locked himself up in his streaming room, trying tooo get his mind of off things. He thought of more merch designs, plots and stuff he could do in the future for his job and after decided too watch some youtube videos. He didn't want too think about his emotions and about the way he feels, he can't really do that with out saying or thinking something negative about himself. He ignored his feelings and the pepole around him in hopes his feeling's would magically dissapear and he would feel the way he felt like before. Sapnap seemed to notice that his boyfriend was ignoring him. Normally, even on busy days they would talk and eat together at least once for a minimum of 5 minutes. Today however, they didn't talk at all wich was really wierd. 

It was already midnight, Karl just got finished and layed down in bed, facing Sapnap. "Night.." Muttered Karl, he wasn't tired at all, he just didn't really want too talk about it. 'Wait! Be for you go to bed, why have you been ignoring me?" Asked Spnap, looking straight into the mans eyes. Karl didn't want him to ask that queston, but Karl decided too give in. "I- I think I have a crush on Q...." Said Karl quietly. Sapnap's eyes widend, he really wasn't exepting that. "Well,...did you do anything?" Asked Sapnap, scared of his boyfriend's answer. "N-no... I.. don't really know anything! I feel like I love him like I ove you, it dosen't mean that I don't love you it's just that I've also developed feeling for Q, and I still love you the same i not more and-" Karl was cut off by Sapnap kissing him on the lip's, Karl gave in and kissed him back. Suddenly, Sapnap let go, he looked happy, his warm eyes meeting with Karl's shocked ones, they stared into eachother appretiating echother. "It's fine Karl, as long as you don't act upon your actions, it's fine. I'm glad you told me." Spoke Sapnap, a warm smile forming across his face, Karl blushed looking at his boyfriend and smile back. They cuddled up against eachother and fell asleep in eachother's arms, happy.

A/N Hey! Change of POV, It's always a Quackity but I decided too change it up a little, we're getting somewhere 🤭 word count: 858

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