Meet up

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TW: mentions of coming back from the dead, nightmares and manipulation.

The next 4 days went by pretty quick, work was good and today Quackity was meeting up with Tubbo, he walked out of the Mexican place as he got in his car, starting to drive home.

When he got home, he quickly went upstairs too change his outfit and to spray on some deodorant. As he walked out of his room, he saw Dream and George cuddling on the couch. He picked up an apple from the fruit bowl, biting into it as he sat on the couch. "You going somewhere?" Asked Dream as he looked at Quackity. "Yeah, Im going out, why?" Dream raised an eyebrow as he asked. "With who?" God he was nosy, so nosy in fact. "With Tubbo." It's funny to watch Dream get all confused, and then again nosy, that's not fun. "Oh he's my son." Said Quackity, from Dreams face went from concerned to extremely pale and shocked. "YOU HAVE A SON?!" Asked a very concerned Dream. "God you don't have to yell, and yes, I do have a son." Answered Quackity as he again bit into the apple. "Who's the mother, how old is he?" Why is Dream so nosy?! "He's 10 and the mother is moi" said Quackity pointing to himself. Dreams expression softens a bit, "oh so he's your adopted son?" Asked Dream, a very casual expression on his face, only too again be shocked. "No, he's my biological son." Announced Quackity as he bit into his apple for the last time. "YOUR TRANS AND YOU NEVER TOLD US?!" Asked an extremely concerned Dream. "Oh I know" said George. "Yeah I'm trans, now that that's out of the way, may I leave?" Asked Quackity sarcastically, even if Dream said no he would still go. "You may" said Dream as he looked back at the tv.


He parked his car at a very familiar driveway, Phil's driveway. He got out of the car, locking the vehicle. He walked towards the door, he took a deep breath as he knocked on the heavy oak door. The door swung open immediately reviling 2 people standing by the door. A tall brunette with black ripped jeans, a dark yellow sweater and round, golden glasses. Next too him stood a smaller boy, his height reaching the taller's waist. He had fluffy dark brown hair, small goat ears growing out of his head, he had a pair of beautiful brown eyes, the same colour as Quackity's . The boy was wearing a green t-shirt and some dark blue ripped jeans. "Hey tubs!" Said Quackity as he stretched his arms out. "Mama!" Said the alerted boy as he ran into Quackity's arms. The two hugged, Quackity felt tears of joy building up in the corner of his eyes, threatening to spill. "I've missed you." Said Tubbo as hot tears ran down his face, "I've missed you more" replied Quackity tightening his grip around the smaller. "This is so wholesome, I'm literally about too cry." Said a deep voice. Both the boys looked up at the taller, he had one hand on his mouth. "I'll bring him back by 8pm." Said Quackity, his grip still tight around his son. "Ok, bye guys!" Said Wilbur as he closed the door. Quackity and Tubbo moved towards Quackity's car, Quackity sat in the drivers seat while Tubbo got into the passenger seat sitting right next too Quackity.
Quackity parked they're car in the parking lot of the café they were going too. The both of them got out of of the car and walked towards a table. "What d'you like to get?" Asked Quackity. "I want a hot chocolate and a honey cookie." Answered Tubbo. Quackity walked towards the counter and ordered the food, he gave Tubbo what he asked for as he sipped on his coffee. "So, did anything new happen?" Asked Quackity trying to get rid of the awkwardness. "Well... I-I had a d-dream... well... n-ni-ghtmare..." Answerd Tubbo, Quackity's face dropped as he looked at Tubbo. "Do you want to talk about it?" Asked Quackity, he hated when his child was in pain, after everything that happened he couldn't let his child get anymore hurt. Tubbo hesitated but nodded his head as he approved. "W-well... we were at his funeral, a-and them..." Tubbo suddenly stopped, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Keep going bud, you're doing amazing." Quackity tried to comfort the sad boy. "Then... he c-climbed out of the g-g-ground a-and everything was s-sooo da-ark an-d it was j-just m-me a-a-and him". At this point tears were spilling out of the smaller's eyes like a waterfall. "He got out of the ground a-a-and h-he g-grabbed me and told me I-i was W-worthless and a, a disappointment. Then he d-dragged me with h-him and t-tried t-too pull me down with him b-but I w-woke up cause Tommy saw that I was sh-shaking." Said Tubbo, finishing the story. Both of them were crying crocodile tears. Quackity looked up at his son straight in the eyes, he smiled. "I'm so, so proud and happy that you trust me enough too tell me. You're so brave and so amazing, heck I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have the courage too tell someone about a nightmare like that. I'm so glad you told me, do you want to go to the park after you finish you're cookie?" Asked Quackity, trying to change the subject. Tubbo happily agreed, he ate the last bite of his cookie and stood up, ready too leave.
The rest of the meet up they spent at the park and then they went over too the Mexican place and got quesadillas. Niki really liked Tubbo and Minx at first didn't want too give them free churros but after Niki asked Minx agreed. Soon came the time for Quackity to take Tubbo back too Phil's house. After Tubbo walked inside his uncles house, Quackity left to go too Dream and George's house.

He got ready for bed and went too sleep, tomorrow was the festival, and he was so excited and nervous at the same time.

A/N long chapter yassssss word count: 1056

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