Third wheeling

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The next 6 hours went by pretty fast, customer's came and went. He looked at the time- 17.56 his shift is about too end, he served his two last customers and started closing up the van, he put his apron on a hook and picked up his jacket. He was about too close the deep - fryer when he noticed that there were 4 churros left, he looked in the deep-fryer, then at the door, then back at the deep fryer as he thought about it. "You can take the churros, Minx always let's us take them after we finished our shift" said a soft voice, he remembered that voice, it was that cashier from earlier! "R-really?" Asked Quackity, he wasn't sure if he was allowed too take them. "Yes really! Go on, you can also add some Nutella, Minx doesn't really care." Said the person, Quackity smiled too himself and scooped out the churros as he closed the deep fryer. "So, what's your name?" Asked Quackity as he coated the Churros in sugar. "Oh I'm Niki, I identify as a girl, my pronouns are she/they, what about you?" Asked the pink hair lady who was now identified as Niki. "Oh I'm Alex but please, call me Quackity" asked the raven haired boy as he finished coating the churros in cinnamon. "I identify as a boy and my pronouns are He/They" said Quackity As he started adding Nutella to the side of the already filled churro box. "Nice meeting you Quackity!" Said Niki with a giggle as she walked out. "Same here!" Answered Quackity with a smile on his face, he started walking out of the van and then restaurant, heading to where ge parked his car.
When he finally arrived at the driveway of Dream and George's house, he parked his car and got out of the vehicle. He went into
they're house wich was weirdly unlocked. He took of his shoes and walked into the living room. "Hey, where have you been?" Asked a familiar voice, that voice being Dreams. He sat on the couch with one arm held around George. "Oh I was looking for a job and I found one! It's at that Mexican place!" Said Quackity with a smile on his face, Dream looked back at the TV. Quackity sat down at the other side of the couch, seeing what they were watching. Suddenly, George raised his head from the crook of Dreams neck, looking up at the blonde. Dream looked back down at the Brit, his green eyes met the other blue ones. There faces where inches away, suddenly Gorge leans in and so did Dream, just as there lips were about to meet... "Don't fuck too loud" said Quackity as he got up from the couch and into his room, leaving both Dream and George red and flustered.

When he entered his room, he closed the door and fell on his bed, suddenly a contact name popped up in his phone screen. It read 'Minx da boss' he clicked on the message that just popped up

Minx da boss
Hey is this Quackity?

Yeah it's me, did something happen?

No,I just have an offer for you

An offer? What type of offer?
Thought Quackity

What type?

So, you know about the festival right? Well, I was wondering if you wanted too run the churro stand for the festival, you will be, of course, paid extra. So what do you say?

Yes! Id love too!

Great! I'll give you further details tommorow!

This seemed wonderful! If you don't know, the festival happens once a year, every year and it goes on for 3 days, and in the late evening music artists come and preform on stage. Everyone always had a blast. Last year, Wilbur got super drunk and jumped up on the stage and security had to take him down.

Quackity plugged his phone into a charger and decided too go down stairs, eat dinner and then take a shower, after that he will probably scroll through his phone and then he'll go to sleep.

A/N heyyy Wilbur is a bit cray cray in this fan fic but that's fiiiine. Word count (not counting a/n, I'll just stop saying L):

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