
505 11 16

TW: intrusive thought's, suicide attempt, self harm

4 weeks have passed since Qiackity, Karl and Sapnap have slept in the same bed. Things have only gotten better. Firsty, he moved into Karl and Sapnap's shared bedroom which was now also his shared bedroom. He still uses his old room for the bathroom that's there so his boyfriends won't find out that he is trans. His savings are also going well and he hopes that he could go to therapy soon. He hasn't called, played or even spoke too Tubbo in a bit over a week. They did have a breath text conersation 2 weeks ago but it was very short. "I think I'm going too call Tubbo today, we haven't spoken in a while, I'll see you in around an hour or so!" Announced Quackity as he got up from the couch, leaving too go to his old room where he had his gaming set up. 

He sat down in his old bed, his phone hooked to the charger. He went into calls andd clicked on Tubbo's contact. The phone rung for a while, it was un-answered. He called again, still, no answer. He called 2 more times before it was answered. "Hey Tubs!" Said Quackity cheerfuly. "Hey." Answered Tubbo simply. This suprised Quackity since Tubbo always called him 'Mama' and was always happy when they called or played games. "How have you been doing?" Asked Quackity intregued. "Eh, it's been okay." He didn't sound 'okay'. Tubbo sucked at hiding emotions, Quackity new that something was wrong, even if his son tried to cover it up. "Tubbo what's wrong?" Asked Quackity. "Nothing's wrong, everything is fine, what do you want?" Asked Tubbo coldly. "What has gotten into you? What happend? I won't judge." Said Quackity. "You won't judge 'cause you are'nt here." Said Tubbo sternly. This made Quackity feel some guilt. Ever since Schlatt became really abusive Quackity was always guilty of not living with Tubbo, but recently that guilt seemed to die down. "What do you mean?" Asked Quackity sadly. "What do I mean? Your never here! We haven't talked in over a month! Your forgeting about me!  All my friends get to go home with there parents and I have to go home with my cousin! And it's not like I even see you at home! I haven't seen you since the festival and that was months ago! I hate that your not here!" Yelled Tubbo. Quackity felt tears builting up i the corner of his eyes, he felt saddness, guilt, angry. He wanted to scream at Tubbo all the sacrifices he made too have him, he also wanted to stab himself because of it. Because Tubbo didn't choose to be born and he felt like a dick for blaming it on him. "I-I'm sorry I'm not there, I just have a lot and I can't live with you right now, I'm really, really sorry. I-I want to be there-" " THEN BE HERE!" Yelled Tubbo cutting Quackity off. Quackity fekt tears running down his face. "Be here! I don't need too live with you just, be here! call me, meet up with me, help me. Jut, just be there." Started Tubbo. "I'm done, y-yesterday I got in  fight and while that kids mom came, my uncle came there. Not my mom, not my dad, uncle. The school dosen't even have my number, you don't know my grades! Your not here. I can't count on you to help me with stuff! It's cause you're not here!" Continued Tubbo. Quackity was silently sobbing, guilt eating him from the inside. He wasn't there, his son was right, he didn't know what or how his kid was doing at school, for all he knew, Tubbo's arm could be in a cast at the moment! He didn't know, he wouldn't know. "Im done of being your last priority! Bye." "W-wait!" Said Quackity to the phone, but Tubbo already hung up. Tears were spilling out of his eyes like a waterfall. He tried too call Tubbo but it wouldn't let him. He tried to text his son but his texts wouldn't go through. He was blocked. Tears were blocking Quackity's vision, he was sobbing.

He stayed curled up on the floor, sobbing for over an hour. He stood in the mirror, looking at himself, calling himself insults one after another. "Your just a bad excuse of a parent" "Your stupid" "You can't even stay" "He was right" "You deserve to die" "No, death would be too good for you" "Your still a girl" "Your just a bad mother" "He desreves better then you" "You should just, die" They'll be happier without you". Tears escaped Quackity's eyes, the voices were right. He did desrve to die. He walked up to the bedroom door and locked it, he went into the bathroom and locked it aswell. He looked in the mirror. "Ew you look disgusting" You're weak" "You're just a slut" "Fuck you" "Die, girl" He looked down, disgusted. He pulled open a drawer from under the sink, he moved some stuff out of the way, reaveling a blade on the bottom of the drawer. He looked at the knife, then at himself. He hesitated before picking the knife up. He placed the blade gently towards his wrist, he pressed, then pulled the blade toward himself. Reaviling a cut, blood slowly started too flow out. "You desrve the pain, fat ass" He thought as he moved the blade further up his arm, proceding to do it again, and again, and again, and again until his ram was covered in cuts, from wrist to elbow. He looked at his reflection, he looked disgusting. He raised his leg, placing it on the sink. He leaned over, pressed the blade against his ankle a pulled towards himself, he repated the proces three times before looking at his reflection in the mirror. "You're just a dissapointment" He thought to himself

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~change of POV

Quackity has been gone well over an hour, Sapnap was starting to become worried. Karl brushed it off but after Sapnap wouldn't stop insisting on checking on their boyfriend, Karl agreed and they walked up the stairs together. They walked towards Quackity's old bedroom door. Sapnap knocked 3 times. "Hey bubs, can I come in?" He asked - no responce. He knocked again. "Bubs?" He asked, again, no responce. They stared to get worried. Sapnap twisted the door knob but it wouldn't budge. Buth of them were getting worried. "Quackity if you won't answer me in tow seconds i will break down this door." Warned Sapnp sternly, Sapnap waited a bit. "I warned you." He said, the raven haired boy stepped back, throwing his body weight on the door, the locks started too go loose but it still wouldn't open. Sapnap repeated the proces, the door swung opne and both Karl and Sapnap ran in. They looked around the room, no one was their. They could see a light coming from underneath the bathroom door, they walked over there. "Q?" Asked Karl walking up too the door - no one responded. "Q I know your in their." Said Karl. " What?" Asked Quackity sternly. "What are you doing babe?" Asked Sapnap calmly, trying to control his emotions. "I'm going too kill myself." Answered Quackity coldly. Karl and Sapnap looked at eachother worried. Sapnap tried to twist the door knob but it wouldn't budge. "It wont open." Said Quackity coldly. "Quackity if you don't open this door right now I will break it down." Warned Sapnap. "Rember that I always loved you and apoligise to Tubbo for me." Said Quackity. Sapnap waited no more, he ran back and with his full body weight he pushed on the door. The door swung open and Karl ran into the bathroom, holding Quackity's hand up from his stomach, his other hand taking the blade from it. Quackity's smile dropped. Sapnap ran over taking the blade into his arm. Karl rapped his arms around his boyfriend, holding him tight. Quackity cried into the brunettes chest. Sapnap placed the blade on the counter, rapping his arms around them both. 

Quackity cried into their arms for a good 15 minutes before passing out from exhaustion and minor blood loss. Sapnap picked up his and Karl's boyfrined and they carried him into they're shared bedroom. After Sapnap put him down on the bed he and Karl realised that there was dried up blood on Quackity's arms. Karl ran downstairs, grabbing some paper towels and a bowl of water with some bandages while Sapnap went into Quackity's old room too clean it up and take the knife away from his boyfriend. 

After everything was taken care of, Sapnap and Karl changed into their pyjamas and laid down next to there boyfriend, cuddled up close to him. 

A/N Heyyyy a bit of a sadder chapter but longer, next one will definetly be shorter but i might suprise you. word count: 1461

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