Where am I?

413 14 1

TW: slight gore and transphobia

Quackity fluttered his eyes open to find himself in a odd place. He was in a basement, a cold basement. There was a tilted window in the corner of the basement. Outside you could see a thin layer of snow as it was already Janurary. He looked around the basement, tilting and turning his head. It had warn out grey walls, there were 2 door in the basement one was direcly acros from Quackity while the other was too his far left. He appered to be sat ine the middle on a wooden chair. The chair was wooden, hard, and cold. Quackity tried to stand up but couldn't as he realised that ropes were tied too his legs, tightly. He tried to move his arms but they were also tied up behind his back. "MMGGH!" He tried too cal for help but he had duck - tape pastered on his lips. He desperetly tried too move his arms but all it did was itch his wrists  as the rope was extreamley un - comfortable. He suddenly saw the door across from him slightly tilt open only reaviling a pair of old eyes."Oh, da bich voke ap!" Said a very thick russian accent. "MMGHH!" Quackity tried tosay something but it again didn't quite work out. "Oh kwit craying! Nov on iz gowing to help you!" Said the accent. The door swung open and two men and one woman came in. On of the men had that very same pair of eyes that looked at him threw the door and he recognised the woman as the lady he was going to help. "Should we le' him speak o' leave him like this?" Asked the woman, reaviling her british accent. "Ye we probably should, otherwise we won't get shit." Said one of the men, he had a deep voice as well as a british accent. The woman and man with the british accent's looked far younger then the man with the russian one. The pepole with british accent's were maximum 32 while the man with the russian one looked to be at least in his 50's. The woman walked over and quickly peeled the duck tape of off Quackity's face. "What do you want from me?!" Asked Quackity with a worried expression in his face. "What is your relationship with JSchlatt?" Asked the woman. "H-he was my husband." Said Quackity. "Well where can we find him?" Asked the woman. "Graveyard." Said Quackity. "So he'z dead?" Asked the man with a russian accent. "Y-yes." Admitted Quackity. "Well when did he die?" Asked the man with a british accent. "L-like 7 maybe 6 months ago?" Addmitted Quackity. "Blyad'." Said the russian man underneath his breath. 

"Well, what is your name?" Asked the woman. "Q-quackity." Said Quackity, unsure if they would belive him or not. The woman raised an eyebrow while the two men behind her simply laughed. "You're real name." Said the woman, a serious tone in her voice. "A-alex Quackity." Admitted the raven haired boy. "Vell, Alyex, are you a men?" Asked the Russian. "U-uhm I, I'm a man." Said Quackity nervousley. "So Schlatt was gay? He told us that he had a wife and son, was he lying or was he telling us the truth?" Asked the british man. "U-uhm." Said Quackity nervously. "H-he lied." Said Quackity, trying to sound convincing. "And so he didn't have a son?" Asked the british man. "He did from his past marriage." Said Quackiy, not sure if they would belive him. "Past marriage? The dude was only 26! He didn't have time for more then one marrige and he apparently had the kid at 16! So, you are either lying about your gender or he was lying to us about you." Said the woman, pissed. "W-well, what did he say about me?" Asked Quackity trying to sound confident. "He told us that you got married on your 18th birthday when your son was 3. He told us you were his wife.  He borrowed 20.000 dollars from us that he was going to get the wedding and start a company and that he would pay us twice what we payed him!" Exclaimed the woman, Quackity didn't now what to say. He could pay the ransom but he needed that money. And he didn't have 40.000 dollars, he had a little over 23.000 dollars from Schlatt and would definitely would not give that away. "So, back to the point, are you the mother of his child or not? Either yes or no." Said the woman. She got confused looks from the men. "He already said e was a man! How could he be a mother and a ma-" "Yes." Admitted Quackity. "Then why did you lie? You're a girl you are a woman." Said the woman. "I don't respect liars." She said as she reached for her pocket taking out a small pocket knife. She walked over to Quackity and placed the knife up to his neck. She leaned over, breathing into QUackity's ear. "You are a girl, not a woman, not a man, a girl" She whispered quietly, making chills go down Quackity's spine. The woman raised her head and looked at the boys neck, she smiled to herself knowing what she was about too do. She pressed the knife into his skin which made Quackity yell from pain. She pressed harder and she made a half - circle with the knife, making a small line up and then towards the middle of the half circle. She raised the knife, blood was pouring out of the wound. She again pressed the knife and pulled down while pressing the blade into the boys skin. Quackity was crying from pain and was trying to move his head but the british man held it still. She again raised the knife and created the letter 'R' next to the line, pressing hard into his skin. She then raised the knife one last time and created the letter 'L' right next to it. She stepped back, looking at Quackity cry and scream out of pain, it made her happy, it made her smile. She even dropped her knife on the floor. All three of the mafia's smiled. "VOT?! Oh shiyt." Said the Russian as he answered his walky - talky. The man had a worried expression on his face, he looked at his colleague's, pure worry and defeat plastered along his face. "Theyv got thyem." Said the man. The smug look's on the brits faces dropped. "What d we do with her?!" Asked the woman. "Leave hyim here, ve have to g-" the russian was interrupted by the door who burst open reaviling three cops with guns pointed at the mafia's as well as two worried looking boys behind them. "HANDS UP! YOU'RE GETTING ARRESTED FOR KIDNAPPING, ILLEAGAL OWNING OF GUNS, DRUG USAGE AND OTHER ILLEGAL ACTIVITES!" Yelled a cop, there gun pointed at the russian as the 2 other cops had their guns pointed at the other 2 mafia's. The three assholes had there arms up in surrender. The cops ran towrds them, pining them each to a wall. "ARMS BEHIND YOUR BACKS! EVERYTHING YOU SAY WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN THE COURT OF LAW!" Yelled the same cop as they cuffed the russian's hands together. "Y-YOU CANT DO THIS! I'LL KILL YOU!" Yelled the russain but the cop ignored him as all three of the copsdragged the mafia's out of the house. 

Karl and Sapnap ran to Quackity, hugging him deeply. Quackity tried to fight through the pain and cried from joy with them. Karl noticed that Quackity was tied up. In between his knees lied a blood y pocket knife. He took it to free Quackity legs and arms. The second that Quackity was free he dropped into his lovers arms, hugging them deeply. All 3 of them cried and hugged eachother. They gave eachother kisses aswell as just enjoying there own company. "I'm so sorry! I never should've yelled at you! I'm so, so, sorry!" Apoligised Sapnap through tears. "I-It's okay!" Managed to muster out Quackity inbetween sobs. "It's not oka-" Sapnap was cut off by Quackity kissing his lips which made him flush. Quacktiy soon pulled back from the kiss and kissed Karl who also flustered. "It's okay! I'm just glad you're here." Said Quackity. The 3 of the boys strengthened there grip on eachother, happy that they were all together.

A/N Hey! Pretty sad but happy chapter ig. Probably gonna make a second part to this when like they got help n shit n yeah. Word count: 1380

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