Playing around

595 20 14

Tw: Drinking

It's been 3 days since Quackity moved in with his two friends, Quackity got his new work schedule, he had 2 days off, those days being Tuesday and Friday. Today, was Friday. Today was the first day that all of them were free. It was raining so they decided too stay inside and play some games. "It's 2pm, I think I'm going to order something... do you guys want anything in particular?" Asked Karl as he checked the time on his phone. "Not really, how abut you?" Asked Sapnap turning too look at Quackity. "What if we cook? I mean, were not really doing anything and I'm pretty sure I saw some some ramen noodles, what if we make noodles?" Offerd Quackity turning too his two friends. "Well, umm, me and Karl don't really know how too cook so," admitted Sapnap, both him and his boyfriend looked embaressed. "You guys can't cook noodles? That's like the easiest thing too cook." Said Quackity, looking at the two boys. "Okay, how about we run too the store, pick up some ingredients and I'll teach you how to cook noodles." Proposed Quackity, they both agreed and decided to go to the store. Quackity first checked what they got and then opend up the note's app and wrote down what they needed. After writing his shoping list, he looked at one of his many notes, one stood out out of all of them, it wrote:"Pick up some pills n pads cus you need them!". "shit"... He muttered under his breath as he closed the app and walked towards Karl and Sapnaps car, he swung the car door open and plopped down in the back seat. "So, what do we need chef Q?" Asked Karl jokingly as Sapnap reversed they're car. Quackity silently giggled at the nickname, "We need bacon, lettuce, corn in citric acid, milk, eggs and instant ramen noodles." Annouced Quackity. "I thought you said we had noodles." Said Sapnap. "Yeah, we do i just want some instant ramen noodles for my self like a midnight snack."Answered Quackity. "Alright well, were here." Announced Sapnap after a long pause.

They got walked into the store, Karl had the shoping trolly as they scanned the alleys for everything they needed. Soon enough, they got what they needed... and a lot of stuff they didn't need. They walked towards a self check-out and started scanning the items. When it came time too pay, Quackity reached for his wallet but before he could pay, Sapnap scanned his card. "Dude, what the hell?!" Asked an out-raged Quackity. "oh hush." Said Sapnap as they walked towards the car, Quackity remebered that he needed too pick up his pads and pills. He wished that he could get bottom surgery but it was just way too expensive. "Ummm, you go to the car, I need too pick up some thing." Said Quackity, he really didn't want too tell them what he needed. "Okay, well see you at the car." Said Karl turning his back towards Quackity. "See you then!" Called out Quackity as he ran too the pharmacy that was right next too the store.


Soon enough, they were home, Quackity first things first ran too his room to un-pack his stuff from the pharmacy into a drawer. He really wished that he was a real man, but sadly he wasn't and there wasn't much he could do about that. He made his way down stairs to see Karl and Sapnap un-packing the groceries. "There you are chef! So, what do we do first?" Asked Karl as he finished placing the last of the groceries into the fridge. "Alright, first we boil the noodle water." Said Quackity as he took a pot from the bottom drawer and started filling it up with water. 

After some time they got the pasta boiling, the bacon frying and now Karl and Sapnap were cutting up vegtebles. "Alright were done, what do we do with these?" Asked Karl as he held the cutting board with vegetables in his hand. "Add 'em too the bacon." Orderd Quackity, Karl did as he was told, placing the vegetables into the pan with frying bacon. Then, there was beeping, the water with noodles was done. "Okay, now drain the noodles using this." Said Quackity handing Sapnap a drainer. Karl picked up the pot and walked towards the sink. Sapnap had the drainer in hand, holding it stiffly. Karl started pouring the noodles into the drainer, draining them. "Now what?" Asked Sapnap. "Add them to the bacon and vegetables." Said Quackity. Sapnap did as he was told, pouring the noodles in. "What now?" Asked Karl. "Hand me an egg and Teriyaki sauce." Said Quackity. Karl went too the fridge and grabbed one egg and some Teriyaki sauce. Quackity took the egg and added them too the noodles. He mixed around the food until you couldn't see the egg. He then took the Teriyaki sauce, adding it too the food and then mixing it up so everything was nicely coated. "Voila." Said Quackity, turning the heat off of the food. They all took a portion of noodles onto their plates and ate them. "God these are delicous!" Announced Karl, taking another mouth full. "We did a great job." Added Sapnap, also taking another mouth full. "All you did was cut up the vegetables and drain the noodles." Said Quackity, eyeing Sapnap. "It was also MY recipe." Added Q.

After eating the noodles, they decided too play poker, Quackity won every time making Sapnap pretty angry. They then decided too play a game Sapnap has never lost, that game being truth or dare. The rules were simple, one person asked a question too the other, they pick either truth or dare, if they refuse to answer their truth or do their dare - they have too take a shot of vodka. "Alright, Sapnap, truth or dare?" Started Karl, looking at his boyfrined. "Dare." Answered Sapnap. "I dare you too take of one peice of clothing." Said Karl, Sapnap thought about it, he then decided too take of one of his shoes. "Pussy" muttered Karl under his breath, earning a chuckle from Sapnap. "Alright, Quackity, truth or dare?" Asked Sapnap. "Truth" Quackity didn't think twice. "Alright, when, where and how old were you when you had you're first kiss?" Asked Sapnap. Quackity thought back too his first kiss, it was with Schlatt. "Oh my first kiss sucked. I was 19, drunk at a bar and it was probably behind the bar or something." Said Quackity. "Did ya'll hook up?" Asked Karl. "That wasn't a part of the question." Said Quackity, a smirk on his face. 

They played a few rounds, a couple shots were taken and Sapnap again gave the question too Quackity, Sapnap was the most sober only having one shot. Quackity had 4 and Karl had taken 8. "So, truth or dare?" Asked Sapnap. "Truth" Answerd Quackity. "Alright, well, when, where, with who and how old were you when you lost your virginity?" Asked Sapnap, on the previous question Quackity had said that he had lost his virginity. "Well... it was at the guy's house that also stole my first kiss," Stated Quackity, "It sucked." He finished of. "Well, did you like him?" Asked Sapnap. "Kind off." Said Quackity he held his head down low. Karl eyed Sapnap and Sapnap eyed Karl, they seemed too have a conversation with they're eyes before Sapnap nodded and Karl looked over too Quackity. "Hey Quack, can you look at me?" Asked Karl. Quackity hesitantly looked at the taller boy. "Can I kiss you?" Asked Karl, this made Quackity blush, he looked over too Sapnap, he had an approving smile plastered on his face. "I-if you want too, then y-yeah." Approved Quackity. Karl cupped the smallers cheeks and pulled him into a kiss, then he pulled away, leaving Quackity beat red.

A/N Heyyy for the next 3 days I wont be posting so this is my last post for now, word count: 1314 

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