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TW: Very un - realistic cop incounter. (I have the privallige of never being incountred with a cop in this way so idk how this works so yeah.)

Karl, Sapnap and Quackity sat in eachother's arms like that for maybe 10 to 20 minutes before they heard footsteps. "Uhm excu- oh." Said a voice behind them the trio raised there heads from the group hug and looked up to the door where stood a young cop. "Uhm, so, who exactly was kidnapped?" Asked the cop looking at the 3 of them. "Oh, it was uh me." Said Quackity looking up at the cop. "Alright, well, we have to take you in for questioning." Said the cop as the three stood up. All three of them followed the cop outside and towards the cop car. "Right, so, uh, we have to take the victim in for questioning and you two can just uh leave." Said the cop looking at Karl and Sapnap. "Can we just come with? We'll just stay in the waiting room we just want to be with him." Asked Karl. The cop looked nervous as he looked towards the cop car window which rolled open.  "Nope." Said the cop in the drivers seat. "You guys can however drive behind us." Added the cop. The trio agreed, Sapnap sitting in the drivers seat while Karl and Quackity sat in the backseat. "Why can't ya'll just sit in the front?" Asked Sapnap sadly. "We would but 1, it's illegal, 2 we are litteraly driving to a police station behind a cop car, they could and will right us a ticket." Reasoned Quackity to which Sapnap just rolled his eyes as he started the car. He reversed out of the parking lot and drove behind the cop car. Karl was sitting next too Quackity when he noticed something. "Q! You've got blood on your neck!" Said Karl. "Oh yeah uhm, it's not that big of a deal." Said Quackity. "It is!" Said Karl as he reached for the center console in which they had a small first aid kit and some wet - wipes. Karl took the wet wipes and wiped Quackitys scar, collecting all the dried up blood until there was just the scar left. Karl was very worried and confused when he saw the scar. The word 'GIRL' was ingraved acroos Quackity's neck. He took a alcohol prep pad out of the first aid kit and wiped the scar to prevent infection. He also took a bandage out of the first aid kit and placed it on the scar. "What hap-" "Can we talk later?" Asked Quackity, cutting Karl off. Karl silently agreed and they kept driving towards there destination.

It was around 4am, Quackity just got out of questioning. The throuple was in the car. Sapnap in the drivers seat, Karl in the pasenger seat and Quackity on his lap. They talked and joked until Sapnap pulled up to their driveway. The trio got out of the car and headed towards their house. They walked in, slipped there shoes of and wait straight to their bedroom and collapsed in bed, all 3 of them falling into a deep slumber accompanied by eachother's arms. 


The next day Sapnap was first to wake up. He noticed that Quackiy's bandage was pealing off, before he could do anything, it fell of. It reavealed the word 'GIRL' craved into the mans skin. Sapnap raised an eyebrow. Why would the word 'GIRL' be craved into his skin? He was a man, not a girl! Or atleast he thought, what if Quackity was a trans female? But why would mafia's support him? It wouldn't make sence, it's more likely that they would do the opposite, wait. Is Quackity trans male? That would explain a lot. Wait, why is he assuming things? He shouldn't be nosy, he'll just ask Quackity when he wakes up.

30 minutes later Quackity stirred awake and Karl soon after. Sapnap decided to confront Quackity about the scar, if Quackity dosen't tell him then that's also fine. 

"Uhm, Quackity?" Asked Sapnap hesitantly. "Yes?" Asnswered the boy sleepily. "Why is the word 'GIRL' ingraved in your skin?" Asked Sapnap, Quackity suddenly moved his arm to his neck feeling the scar, slowly, tears started building up in the corner of Quackity's eyes. Karl and Sapnap moved their arms to comfort the crying boy. "Hey, it's okay, you can tell me when you're ready." Assured Sapnap as he masaged the mans back. "N-no, i-it's fine." Said Quackity. "Alright, so uhm." Started Quackity after calming down. "I'm trans, female to male." Said Quackity as his boyfriend's eyes widend.

A/N Hey! Sry if chapter's a bit boring, i just needed to close this scene up. Word count: 733

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