Fight part 2

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TW: Mentions of crying, alcohol and kidnapping

Karl sat on the couch, crying into the pillow silently while Sapnap stared at the door on his knee's. He couldn't belive that that just happend. But atleast they didn't break up... right?

Sapnap got up from the floor and went into the kitchen. He reached for the top shelf and he took out a small, square - like bottle of vodka. He took it along with some chips (crisps for da brits) and headed too the guest bedroom (Quackity's old room). He sat on the bed, and opend the bottle of vodka, he picked up his phone to check the time. He had tilted the vodka bottle slightly, but before the bottle touched hislips he looked at the wall paper. It was him, Karl and Quackity by the lake, the place they were at on their first date. Sapnap smiled slightly looking at the photo. He then remembered his conversation with Quackity when he told them about his ex. How he told them what alcohol could do to a person. He set down the vodka bottle, twisting the cap on top of the bottle. He set the bottle on top of the bed side table, a lng with the chips. Tears started to prickle the corner of his eyes before he bursted out crying. He layed on the bed and covered his head under the sheet's, sobbing loudly. He covered his fce with his hands as he sniffed the sheet's, they even smelled like him.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile with Quackity

Quackity finally calmed down, his cheecks and eyes were red from crying. He realised that he really didn't have a place too stay. If he'd go to Dream and George's then they would just call Karl and Sapnap. If he stayed at Phil's house, Phil would convince him to break - up with Sap and Karl and Techno would probably at least commit kidnapping. He scrolled through his contacts with a shaky finger, looking for someone that would let him crash for the night. He stopped when he saw one contact light up, 'Niki :D'. He clicked on the contact, but just as he was about to press the call buton, someone knocked on his window. He looked over to see a woried looking woman. She had shiney blue eyes as well as some beatiful, slightly curled light brown hair. Quackity rolled down the window, alowing the worried looking woman to speak. "Excuse me, I need help." Said the woman with a shaky breath. "What is it that you need?" Asked Quackity, quite interested himself. "Uhm... m-my ex-boyfriend wanted to meet up with me here to talk and I don't feel safe, could you please walk in there with me and pretend to be like my boyfriend or something?" Asked the woman. "Alright..." Said Quackity, he pulled his phone out and clicked on a phone tracking app, setting his location on incase the woman were to get kidnapped they would have her location. He rolled up his car window and got out. "So, is he in the cafe or????" Asked Quackity as he locked his car. The woman's worried look suddenly changed into a wicked smile. "Wh-" but before Quackity could ask the question, he felt a cloth around his mouth. His eyes were wide, trying to fight against it but someone else held him by the waist and arms. The next thing he knew, he passed out.

A/N shorter chapter /w a clif hanger!!! Stayed tune to se what happens :D word count:570 

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