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It's been around a week since Karl kissed Quackity, nothing really happend. Mainly because Karl barely remebered doing that, Quackity wanted for them too forget that happend and Sapnap decided not too push. Today was Schlatt's birthday, well, would've been. Quackity decided too visit his husbandfor the first time since his funeral wich took place around 4 months ago. He didn't tell his freinds where he was going, he only said that he was going 'out'. He went too a flower shop and bought a boque of flowers, well, two. He also wanted too visit one off his and Schlatts old friends. He got into his car and drove towards the cemetery. He parked in the parking lot on the far end, making his way towards the gate that led too the cemetery. He walked by, admiring all the diffrent types off grave stones that were there, he came across one grave stone that stood out. It wasn't nice and polished, there weren't fresh, beatiful flowers set by the grave stone. It was stoney and well moldy. It looked like it hadn't been washed for years. 'Andrea **** 1970 - 2009' was writen on it, barely seeable through the mld. Quackity sighed, thinking about the person who no one cares about, about the pepole and creatures that no one cares for. He walked past that garve stone and down a couple aisles before he stoped at a diffrent grave stone. It had a beige colour and there sat a small bouge of coulred flowers. Quackity leaned over setting down his own bouqe of flowers. "Hey Slime." He spoke out looking at the grave stone, he sat down and talked a bit too his old friend, well, not really. He talked to the grave stone about everything that has been going on in his life. About how Schlatt died, about how he lived with Dream and George, how he moved in with Karl and Sapnap and about the churros. He soon stopped, saying his goodbyes as he walked towards a new gravestone. It was polished and well, pretty. There were 4 large bouque's of dried up flowers resting at the grass near the stone. "Hey, how have you been doing?" Asked the raven haired boy, talking too the grave stone as he set down a bouqe of flowers. "A lot has been going on here." Continued Quackity. "I moved to and out of Dream and Georges, i now live with some new friends. You probaly wouldn't liked them." Stated Quackity. "I miss you, Tubbo also misses you. We both do, sadly i don't live with him. I also got top surgery, no longer got boobs, you would have hated that." Chuckled the boy thinking back too what would happen when he would do something that Schlatt didn't like. "I don't reall know why I miss you though, you were very mean, extreamly mean." He paused, again thinking about the bruises he would recive. "I really don't care that you did that too me, I'm glad you didn't do that too Tubbo, unless you both haven't told me something." Quackity then realised, it hit him. What if, what if Schlatt would also hit Tubbo? He wouldn't, no, he couldn't. Quackity really hoped that never happend. But, maybe, just maybe it did? "Please don't tell me you hit Tubbo, if you did, I'll burn down any piece of evidence that you ever roamed earth. Even if I do love you, I love Tubbo more. You, you didn't, did you? Oh god, I'm acting like a crazy person, you can't talk to me! You can't even hear me, I'm crazy. Maybe I'm just thinking too much, am I thinking too much? Maybe, I don't know." Paused the boy, taking in what he was thinking at that moment in time. He started too cry, he didn't know why but he was. Did he really know anything? Maybe Schlatt would hit Tubbo, he wouldn't know. Tubbo didn't really know what happend to Quackity, it was only a bit. Quackity knew that Schlatt would verbally abuse Tubbo and everytime he did Quackity would always step in, no matter how mad or drunk Schlatt was and if Schlatt would hit Quackity, it happend a couple times. He cried, and cried, and cried until he passed out, leaning against his dead husbands grave. 


It has been almost 7 hours since Quackity left the house, it was worrying his friends. Karl was pacing, not knowing what too do while Sapnap tried too think off something they could do to find they're friend. "We could try too track his phone". Proposed Sapnap. "How though? We don't have his locatio-" "WE DO!" Shot up Sapnap reaching for his phone. "What do you mean?" Asked Karl, clearly not getting it. "He has his location turned on on snapchat!" Said Sapnap, logging in and going on the little map on the application. "That's a dumb idea" Said Karl. "I have the place, let's go." Said Sapnap standing up and grabbing his car keys. Karl followed his boyfrined and hopped into the passenger seat. 

The car ride was silent, suddenly, Sapnap parked outside of a cemetery. "A Cemetery?" Asked Karl. "Yeah thats what the map shows, come on, let's go." Said Sapnap hoping out of the car, Karl right after. They walked towards the gate and pressed it open, walking into the cemetery. They walked passed a grave stone, it wasn't like the rest. it was stoney and moldy but infront of it sat a small old lady, talikng to the grave stone like if it was a living human.  'Andrea **** 1970 - 2009' was writen on it, Karl smiled too himself as he and Sapnap sprinted along the aisles. They ran until Karl spotted something, or someone. "Sap! Over there!" Pointed Karl as he sped towards a grave stone. Besides one of the grave stones sat Quackity, his back pressed by the grave stone, his cheeks red from what looked like crying, asleep. Karl wanted too shake him awake but Sapnap decided too carry the boy all the way too the car, laying him down in the backseat.

When they pulled up to the driveway, Quackity woke up. "How'd I get here?" Asked Quackity, looking at his surroundigs. "Oh, you were asleep next to a grave stone so I carried you too the car." Sated Sapnap, Quackity couldn't help but blush at his friends words. Soon, all three of them got out of the car, into they're rooms, got ready for bed and headed too sleep in complete, utter silence.

A/N Hey! Just got back with a new chapterrrrrr. Word count: 1096

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