Date Trucks

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It was almost the end of July, Quackity was at work, he was again like always serving churros too customers, suddenly he saw a text message pop up.


Hey! Would you like to go out w me n Karl after work?????

ooh, so like a date????

yeah ; )))))

😧😧😧😧😧 yesssssssssss ; ))))))

Great! We'll pick you up from Deam and Georges, when should we come get u???

Around 7pm

Alright, see u there ; )))

He shut off his phone, smiling too himself, he wished it was an actual date.... . Wait what?!  No he doesnt, he doesnt like them like that, oh god... . Maybe he does?! he might have a tiny crush on them. Okay, a huge crush on them but they'll never know! How could they?! They cant find out...  . Not now, not ever, eventually his feelings will go away,.... right? 


It was already 6pm, Quackity closed the churro stand, he left the establishment, got in his car and drove to Dream and Georges. 

He got out of his car and headed towards the house. He got in his room and showered, he's always sweaty after being near a deep fryer for so long and especially when indoors with so many other pepole. He soon got out the shower, changed into some fresh clothes and headed downstairs. "Im going out innnnn 10 minutes." Stated Quackity as he gadered some of his belongings into a bag. "Whos you're date with?" Asked an interested George. "It's not a date and with Karl and Sap." Answered Qauckity. "Didn't think ya'll would hook up that quick but okay," stated George, making Dream whezze. Quackity sent a glare and finished packing his things. He sat on the couch, next too his friends as he waited for Karl and Sap too pick him up.

After around 6 minutes he saw text messege from Sapnap saying that they were there. Quackitygot up and walked over to the drive way where theyre car was parked. He got in the back seat. "So, where are we headed?" ASked Quackity as Sapnap was pulling out of the drive way. "Oh that's a suprise." Said Karl turning around to face his friend. Quackity nodded and looked out the window, it was a bit of an akwarddrive but soon they got their. Sapnap parked in the parking lot and walked out, after him Karl and then Quackity. "So where the hell are we?" Asked Quackity. "Patience, we have too walk there." They soon walked out of the large parking lot and walked towards a park. At the park, there was another large parking lot but t wasnt filled wih diffrent types of cars, there were a lot of trucks, food trucks. In the middle of the parking lot were a couple of large, long tables. The three boys found a table and sat down. "Right, Sapnap knows what I want so he'll get the for me," started Karl, turning his head from Sapnap towrds Quackity. "Ad you can get what ever you want, I'll watch our things." Smiled Karl, Sapnap walked out towards one of the food trucks, Quackity smiled back at Karl and made his way towards the trucks. There were alot of diffrent options but Quackity decied on one of them, he hadn't had sushi in around 4 months, might as well get some. He walked towards one of the food trucks and orderd, he got his order number and was told that he had to wait around 30 minutes if not more, he walked back too were Karl was watching there thngs. "Hey, wheres your food?" Asked Karl, Quackity waved the recipt with the order number. "In 30 minutes." Replied Quackity.

Around 30 minutes later, Quackity walked back towards the food truck from where he got his order, his order number just got called out so he walked to pick up his sushi. He took the sushi along with some chopsticks and walked over towards his friends. Sapnap jus came by and he had two kebabs in his hands, he gave one two Karl as he sta down across from his boyfriend. Quackity sat next to Sapnap across from one of the chairs where there were a pile of bags. "So, we wnted too ask you a question." Said Karl, looking at Quackity, Sapnap also looked towards the boy. "So, uh, we have been friends for a while now, and, uhhh." Continued Karl. "And?" Asked Quackity. "Wewantedtoknowifyouwouldmoveinwithus, no presure." Blurted out Sapnap, Quackity's eyes widened slightly. "YES!  I mean uhh, sure I don't see why not." Agreed Quackty, a slight smile on his face, Karl and Sapnap looked at each other, both clearly smiling. "So, when do you want to move all your stuff to our house?" Asked Karl, Quackity thought about it, it wont take too long too pack everything. "Why not tomorrow? After i get home i can start packing and then after my shift tomorrow i can finish it and drive to your place." Offeed Quackity, both of them nodded and they continued there date. After around an two hours of talking, eating and walking, Sapnap and Karl drove Quackity home, they said there goodbyes and Quackity got home with a smile on his face. "I'm assuming that the date went well." Said Dream. "Yeah, I'm moving in with them tomorrow." "Wow it went really  well" Said George, his eyes wide from shock. "Yeah, now you can fuck as loud as you like." Said Quackity walking into his room leaving both of his friends very flustered. He started packing his things.

After around an hour, he gt ready or bed and drifted off too sleep

A/N Hey! word count: 933

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