Chapter 61

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Brandon's POV

The room had been filled with the sounds of Nimue's orgasm, followed by each and every one of us. Then in a sudden flash, she and Luke vanished. A few moments later, Corey had called out that Raven had also disappeared. My mind raced back to the way Raven had been acting since we arrived in Faerie. He had argued with the Queen, with Brigid, and been a suspicious ass the entire time. Could he be the one Lugh had warned me about? I was furious. I wanted to go off and find them, but Axel said we needed to wait. He just gave me this odd look, like he knew something.

We waited for what seemed like hours when Raven finally appeared in the room. "Where the fuck are my husband and wife," Gabe demanded.

Raven raised his hand in a show of submission, "They were in the dark grove when I left them. Luke has completed his transition to Merlin, and he was completing her rites as Lady of the Lake and Wood." I noticed he sounded different, his speech much more fluent than before.

Axel gave him a grin, "Took you long enough, brother." Raven laughed and embraced him in a fierce hug. "I should have known. Did you know about me this entire time?"

When they let go of one another, Raven shook his head, "Nyet. It wasn't until Nimue started making connections that I began to understand. I feel foolish for not realizing sooner." He held his hand out to Corey who eyed him suspiciously. "I need to tell you something, moya lyubov'. I have hidden my true self from you, from all of you. I was afraid you would reject me, hate me."

Corey took his hand finally, standing before him. "What do you mean, Rav? What have you been hiding?"

Axel gave him a reassuring look, and Raven spoke. "I'm not human. I'm the Holly King. Unlike Axel, I'm not living a new life, I've been alive for thousands of years, and I'm Dark Fae." I saw several in our group stiffen, remembering the Pooka. But Corey just stood, still holding his hands. "I left Faerie a long time ago to find the darkness that was attacking us. My journeys led me to Russia and eventually all of you. I found a place I felt loved and where I belonged. I forgot my duties to the dark grove. I'm sorry...sorry for lying to you." He looked tired as if he were carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Corey stepped closer to him, then touched his face, "Show me," he whispered, "Show me who you really are, my love." Raven's eyes crinkled as tears fell. Slowly his form changed. He grew taller and older, but he still looked like himself. His skin swirled with green magic tendrils and his voice was deeper - if such a thing were even possible. Just like Axel, you could feel the power radiating off of him. "So you and Axel really are brothers?"

"Da, we are two halves of the cycle of the Wheel. One rises as the other fades, but we are never really gone," Raven said.

"It's just like the fact that there are light and dark Fae," Axel said. "Similar to Owen and Sean, but not a romantic bond, just a never-ending circle."

Corey lifted his hand to Raven's cheek, stroking it softly, "I don't understand, but I still love you. I always have." His voice was just above a whisper, but it seemed to break Raven. He pulled him into his arms, kissing him and whispering into his ear.

"Look, man, I don't give a rat's ass that you're old or the Holly King, I just want to fucking know how do we get Luke and Snow back?" Gabe grumbled, "No offense."

Raven chuckled, "No problem, but we can do nothing. Her rebirth depends on the grove. She must make a sacrifice, just as Luke did. When the grove accepts her, she will return. He will not leave her alone, and she's in no danger in my groves."

"She might not be in danger, but we sure fucking are," Jax yelled as he came running inside. "Get some damn clothes on and come on!"

"What's happening?" North asked, buttoning his jeans.

"We're under attack," he looked at Axel and Raven, "Your Highnesses, Bánánach are approaching from the east and an Oilliphéist has been spotted coming in from the sea. The Queen requests your presence," he looked around the room, "She requests all of your help in the battle."

"We are willing and will obey," our voices rang out as we followed him outside. Memories of battles long past flooded my mind as I took in the scene. Fae warriors were in formation, trying to hold a line away from the palace walls. Creatures seeped from the treelines, some corporeal, some not. I quickly recognized the Bánánach variations that slunk along the edges of the battle. Their glowing eyes stood out against the haze that seemed to envelop the land.

"What is causing the mist?" Silas grumbled, "That wasn't here before."

"Oilliphéist," Raven said, pointing to a dragon-looking creature that circled above the trees. "It brings the sea with it. Shouldn't be this far inland - dark magic is here, something or someone is controlling all of this," he grumbled.

"Two fucking guesses and the first doesn't count," Gabe snarked.

Marc shook his head, "I've dealt with her for centuries in her various forms. Delilah doesn't have this kind of power." He shot me and Kota a look, "Only one creature I know could control this many dark forces."

"Balor," we both mumbled, fear touching our hearts at the thought of the giant. Why wouldn't Lugh tell me if his sperm-donor father was involved? Then again, just like he couldn't tell me who the betrayer was, maybe he wasn't able to say or know about this.

"You may be right, Marc, but until we have proof, we need to deal with the issues at hand," Kota said. "If you are aware and able to control your magic, then join formation groups of Fae to help push back the Bánánach. Watch out for their touch. As a type of demon, they can infect or poison a person without killing them." He turned to Sean and Owen, "You two stay together. Your powers will enhance each other, not to mention elves are natural warriors. Grab some bows or swords and take the formation to the east of Jax. Sean, use your dark sight to spot creatures at the forest edge."

"I'll take moya lyubov' and move toward the serpent," Raven said. "Victor, you should come with us. My dark magic with your vines may be able to restrain the thing." Victor nodded and began to follow them.

I grabbed Corey before they left, hugging him tightly, "Stay safe, brother. I love you."

He returned the hug, "You be careful too, Bran. Love you," then he grabbed Raven's outstretched hand and they headed out.

"Silas, you stay with Nate and North," I said. "Let your connection to the past help with battle strategies. You've seen a thousand lifetimes' worth of attacks - don't be afraid to direct them or all of us for that matter. The history stored in your mind is priceless, and Nate you may not have been marked, but you're a natural strategist and one hell of a fighter. North can keep the magical creatures at bay." I saw the look of surprise on both Silas's and Nate's faces. "Don't sell ourselves short, guys. We all have skills here."

Gabe had already joined Jax's group and was successfully pushing back the line of creatures. Axel and Marc were helping organize a group of archers while Kota and I joined a ground formation. His body danced with flames and I chuckled. "Hell of a time to laugh, Henshaw," he grumbled.

"Can't help it, Kota," I said, suppressing a full-blown laugh. "A month ago, my only concern was working on motorcycles and trying to get laid. Now, I'm standing in Faerie, next to a freakin' human torch, facing mythical bad guys right after having a damn orgy with the woman of my dreams and my brothers." I waved my hand around, "It's so messed up that if I don't laugh, I may just cry."

He snorted, "Well ain't you just a barrel of sunshine?" I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes. "Let's just take out the trash so we can focus on the girl when she gets home."

"Fuck yeah," I said, raising my sword and following the charge toward the creatures ahead.  

Author's Notes:  Thoughts?  Vote, comment & follow!

I'm home and safe now.  Managed to sleep some - have to return to work tomorrow sadly, but the weekend and binge-writing is near.

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