Chapter 84

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Axel's POV

Brandon and I went to get the two prisoners while the others rounded up all of the Druids on the Isle. "So what do you think about Jerron and maybe Balor?" Brandon asked on our way to the dungeons.

"I think I've been around long enough to see just about everything. If he really is bonded to her, there isn't a force of nature that could separate them. I'm not even sure she can fight a mate bond." I said.

"What's the difference between a soul bond and a mate bond, or is there one?" He asked.

"They are essentially the same but one is instant while the second one gets stronger as time passes and with a physical union." I paused for a second, "I think we all have a soul bond with her, and some will also have a mate bond like Victor, probably Corey with the whole werewolf thing."

He cleared his throat, "Yeah, I'm still processing that one."

By the time we reached the grove with Laurent and the blind Druid, Luke had the others already assembled in the sacred circle. "Brother Druids, I come before you now as your Merlin, chosen by the grove and mists. It has been revealed that Delilah sought to usurp the title of Lady from Nimue and created alliances with Ancient Ones including Balor and Jerron. I ask for any of you that supported Delilah's actions knowingly or by deceit to step forward and submit yourself to trial by tree." Three Druids stepped forward and knelt within the circle not even attempting to defend themselves. Luke looked at them, "Thank you for your honesty, may the trees deal with you fairly." He then raised his head and addressed the remaining Druids, "For any who seek to hide from justice, let me say your death will be suspended within the grove. You shall neither reenter the Cauldron, nor will you become a slaugh. You will be held in limbo entombed within the tree that claimed you, feeding the grove, allowing its magic to purify what you have tainted with your lies and actions."

He nodded to North, who stepped forward with Cernunnos staff. "Let the judgment of the Wildwood fall upon those who deserve it," he bellowed and slammed the staff into the ground. The sound echoed across the grove as groaning sounds could be heard. My hands clenched onto Laurent's arms as I felt the Oak within me calling. I passed him to Brandon and walked into the crowd of Druids coming to stand in front of an older man who tried to keep his eyes down.

"Traitor to the grove," I said, my voice low but carrying across the grove. I placed my hand upon his chest and watched as he tried to scream, but his form was quickly overtaken by the oak tree that sprung from my touch. He was still trying to scream when the tree sealed around him, blood dripping down its sides. I looked around to see several of the others standing before more traitors as their magic entombed them. Turning back to the circle I saw that the three men were still kneeling, yet Serissa stood next to one of them. "Serissa, what is his judgment?"

"Satyr, my King," she said quietly. "His heart was pure, he was just misled. The grove has chosen him to learn his true purpose as a guide and protector." The young Druid looked horrified as she spoke.

"What is your name?" Luke asked.

"Loe, Master Merlin," the young man replied, his voice quivering.

"Do you understand what is being offered to you?" Luke asked. The boy shook his head. "This is a chance at true redemption, Loe. Satyrs are sacred to the grove. It is their job to protect the tree spirits - nymphs and dryads alike. The Wildwood entrusts satyrs with the knowledge of the wood and location of the life spring." Luke bent down to eye level with the young man. "You will be immortal, Loe. Serving the grove as a magical creature for eternity. Do you accept this judgment and honor?"

"Yes, Master Merlin, I accept," he said softly. Luke nodded and placed his hand on the Druid's forehead. Loe let out a painful cry as his body twisted and transformed. When he stopped screaming, he was panting, leaning on his hands and knees. His face and upper body remained human looking, but now a pair of horns grew from his head and his body from the waist down was similar to a horse with a long tail and a rather large erection. He looked at Serissa and gave a playful growl. She blushed and took his hand, leading him into the grove. Well, she'd be with child before the end of the night, I have no doubt.

Luke regarded the remaining two kneeling Druids, "The grove has decided you are not in need of judgment. I ask you to rejoin the ranks and learn from your misjudgment." As the two walked away he motioned for Brandon to bring Laurent forth. "Laurent Phillips, while you are not a Druid, you have violated the laws of the grove and the Isle. Time and time again you have colluded with Delilah in her efforts to harm Nimue and my unborn children. You also stand accused of participating in the murder of her parents. How do you plead?"

He sputtered and tried to break free of Brandon's grasp, "How dare you judge me? You're a fucking child! You have no authority over me."

Sean stepped forward, black mist wrapping around him, "You stand on Sidhe land, Phillips. Choose your words carefully. I think you fail to realize who we are now, what we are." One by one, each of us dropped any illusions we had, revealing our true forms. The man fell to his face, crying out for mercy.

Gabe's eyes glowed as he spoke, "Speak the truth and seek mercy from the grove, Laurent, for you will find none from us."

"Delilah wanted the title of High Priestess, of Lady. She used a slaugh to kill her sister and brother-in-law. The girl wasn't supposed to survive." I felt a shiver up my spine as I remembered the vision I'd seen in Nimue's memory. "When she survived, I was tasked to keep an eye on her. Delilah promised her to me, mine." You could feel the shift in the air. Laurent was walking on thin ice and it was getting thinner.

"What of her alliances?" Owen asked, "Who is she working with, where did she run to?"

Laurent shook his head, "I...I don't know. I saw Balor in her study when I arrived. She told me I was getting everything I wanted - Nimue as my wife and a quiet life, then the fucking giant knocked me out cold. Next thing I remember is waking up here, well, sort of. I have these odd memories of being someone named Joe and she was named Emily - but I don't understand it." We all exchanged brief looks.

"Your Majesty, what does the crown say?" Luke asked Nate.

"His crimes are many. Let the grove decide," he replied.

Luke nodded, his magic began to swirl around him. "Laurent Phillips for crimes against the grove and Isle I sentence you to trial by tree. The land you have betrayed more than once shall determine your fate." As he finished speaking he slammed his hand upon the ground, followed by each of us doing the same to form a ring of magic around him. It was the ivy that rose and entombed him from Nate's magic. His cries and screams echoed until the vines tightened and then fell to the ground, vanishing along with Laurent.

The blind Druid stood motionless within the circle and began to laugh. He'd never made a sound before now. "Save one, but not the other Merlin. He comes for her and time is on his side."

"Shut the fuck up," Gabe roared and the man's body was shredded by the gigantic ash tree that exploded from beneath him. We all just gaped at him, "What? I'm so fucking sick of prophecies and warnings."

Author's Notes: Finally getting some justice...

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