Chapter 11

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It has been a month since Mo Xiaobao ran away from the house. Although he hid well, he is always discovered.

What's more, everyone knows that he has a good relationship with Brother Lin in the village, so in order to find Mo Xiaobao, this father Mo stopped working and followed Brother Lin all day long.

Brother Lin wanted to deliver something to Mo Xiaobao. This time, Father Mo would naturally find out. The date set with the Pan family was coming soon. After confirming the approximate hiding place of Mo Xiaobao, Father Mo brought him with him. Take people up the mountain to catch people!

Father Mo's movement was not small, and many people in the village saw it. Seeing that the situation was not right, Brother Lin left his things and reported the news from another road.

Lin Geer ran all the way to the entrance of the cave, and when he was about to call Mo Xiaobao to run away, he suddenly bumped into Pei Shaorong who had just come out of the cave.

"You, who are you?" Lin Ge'er stared at Pei Shaorong in horror, isn't A Bao living in this cave? How did you change people?

Before he was too confused, Mo Xiaobao walked out of the cave when he heard the movement. Seeing Lin Ge'er, he was overjoyed and said, "Lin Ge'er, why are you here?"

He made an appointment with Lin Ge'er every other day. Send something once every five days. Why did Brother Lin go up the mountain again before the time came?

Seeing Mo Xiaobao's appearance, Brother Lin couldn't even think about why there was a strange man in the cave, so he quickly grabbed Mo Xiaobao and said urgently.

"Abao, run quickly, your father brought someone up the mountain to arrest you!"

"What?" Mo Xiaobao was surprised.

"It's all my fault. Your father must have followed me to find you. Leave quickly, Uncle Mo will be there soon..."

Saying that, Lin Ge'er took out a string of copper coins from his arms and stuffed it into Mo Xiaobao's hand, "Take this money, find another place to hide, wait for a while if your father can't find you and can't give it to anyone, The only option is to withdraw from the marriage, and then you will come back."

"I... Thank you, Brother Lin, I will return the money to you when I come back..." The situation was critical, and Mo Xiaobao did not refuse, with red eyes After accepting the copper coins, he turned around and ran back to the cave to get his baggage and prepare to run away.

But as soon as he came out of the cave, Pei Shaorong grabbed his arm, and Mo Xiaobao jumped in a hurry, "Brother Pei, why are you holding me, let go, my father is coming soon..."


Pei Shaorong didn't let go After a moment of silence, he said, "You just ran away like this? Where do you want to run? This mountain is more dangerous the more you go inside. Even if you run out of the mountain, if you go outside alone and don't starve to death, you will be caught by traffickers and sold. The..."

Where can a little brother Mo Xiaobao go? The ancient traffic was so backward, he had to run far away, and he had no self-defense ability when he was alone, and there was only one dead end.

"..." Mo Xiaobao was speechless, how could he have time to think about these issues in an emergency, the most important thing at the moment is not to be caught by his father.

"Don't worry, you can't hide like this..." Pei Shaorong comforted, seeing that Mo Xiaobao didn't listen to the struggle, and continued, "It's not too late to leave after listening to me.

" Letting you marry into the Pan family is nothing more than a betrothal gift for the three ounces of money, you can only use the three ounces of money to make up the money, and then you can persuade your father to leave the marriage..."

"And then How can you say that you are also his own, if you can solve the money, he will not force you to death?"

Of course, if Mo Xiaobao's father is really the kind of person who doesn't recognize his six relatives, he will say it for nothing, but he is no better than him. It's better to go outside alone.

If he really ran outside and met bad people, Mo Xiaobao would really tell Tiantian not to ignore him and his father would ignore him. The outcome would not be much better than if he married to Pan's house.

"But where can I go to find Sanguan money? It's not about a penny. The Pan family won't wait until I make enough money to withdraw from my relatives..." Mo Xiaobao sighed.

"..." Pei Shaorong smiled, and took out the money from his arms and put it in Mo Xiaobao's hand, "Didn't I say, you make clothes for me, will I give you three wages?"

"... Big Brother Pei, you, are you really giving me money?" Mo Xiaobao stared at Pei Shaorong blankly, and Lin Ge'er next to him stared at him in surprise.

"Well, I, Pei Shaorong, are what I say, just remember to make the clothes for me..."

"I...Thank you, Brother Pei, don't worry, I will definitely make the clothes for you!" Mo Xiao Bao red eyes nodded sharply.

"Okay, then I'll go first..."

Pei Shaorong nodded, and then returned to the cave to quickly pack up and leave quickly. If the villagers saw him alone with Mo Xiaobao, he would not be able to tell clearly at that time. .

When Pei Shaorong left, Lin Geer, who had not spoken, pulled Lamo Xiaobao and asked in a low voice, "A Bao, what is your relationship with that man?"

He wanted to ask just now. This man seems to have stayed in the cave together. Now he has given A Bao three coins for no reason. What does A Bao have to do with this man?

"I heard him say that you made clothes for him just now, Bao, are you with him, are you with him..."

Lin Ge'er didn't say anything after that, but Mo Xiaobao already understood it, and he was still immersed in his father just now. The fear in the urgent atmosphere of coming to arrest people suddenly disappeared, and he blushed a lot.

"No, it's not what you think..." Mo Xiaobao explained with a blushing face, "I have nothing to do with Big Brother Pei, he just helped me out of sympathy for me, let me help him make clothes, he paid me wages, these two Thanks to him for taking care of me..."

"Really?" Brother Lin still didn't believe it. He was paid three yuan for making a piece of clothing. Isn't this man's brain?

"Really, by the way, Brother Lin, take your money back, thank you, you have helped me so much, and you also lent me money, it would be bad if your in-laws knew about it..." The

situation was urgent just now Mo Xiaobao didn't worry so much. Now that he has Pei Shaorong's money, of course he can't ask for Brother Lin any more.

Lin Ge'er is already married, and this man spends money privately without passing through the family. If Lin Ge'er is discovered by her husband's family, she must be taught a lesson.

"It's okay, this is given to me by my boss. Are you going back to the village now? Is that man's money okay?" Lin Ge'er still had some doubts about Pei Shaorong, and was worried about Mo Xiaobao.

"Is there any problem? I don't have any good plans. Let's settle the Pan family's affairs first. By the way, Brother Lin, help me bring the cloth for Brother Pei's clothes to your house and put it there first?"

"I'm afraid I'll take it back now, and then my father will sell it to my brother-in-law to give money to my brother-in-law. It's what Big Brother Pei belongs to, and I have to make clothes for him and pay him back the money. I can't ask for money from others for nothing... "

Mo Xiaobao shook his head indifferently, what did he have to deceive, anyway, now they are all barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, he has no worries.

"Okay, then I'll go first, you will pay attention later, I saw your father brought a stick..."

Brother Lin nodded, thinking about it too, what can that tall man deceive A Bao, except to lie to A Bao Can anyone cheat other than money?

The man looked familiar, as if he was the one who had just moved to the village. It would be a good thing for that man to trick A Bao back into becoming a daughter-in-law. They were all in the same village, and he couldn't bully A Bao even after they got married!

After Brother Lin left, Mo Xiaobao hugged his burden and went to meet up in the direction where Father Mo came from.

It was said that after Father Mo found out that his little brother had escaped marriage and hid in the mountains, he was so angry that he immediately went home and took his wife up the mountain to arrest him.

Mo Xiaobao is a little brother, and it's not easy to talk about kissing at first, but when he broke up with him and was shirtless in front of the whole village, it was even more difficult to talk about kissing.

After going round and round, he stayed at home until he was eighteen. It was hard to say that he was not married yet, and he dared to escape from marriage!

Although the man's conditions were a little worse, he seemed to be old at that age, and he had a bad temper when he drank, but he was a blacksmith. People who depended on craftsmanship for food must have a well-off family.

At that time, when the blacksmith becomes his son-in-law, he must respect himself, and all the money can be used for the eldest son-in-law to examine him.

The schedule for the eldest son-in-law to go to the palace to take the imperial examinations for the imperial court is a matter of the past few months. He is short of tolls and money, so he has to find a way to help.

When the eldest son-in-law becomes an official and gets rich in the future, he will make a lot of money from the investment and investment in these years, and the Sun family also promised to adopt a son to him, which is a good thing.

It was a bit of a grievance to let Mo Xiaobao marry the blacksmith Pan, but if the Mo family made a fortune with the eldest son-in-law, he would definitely not keep him at a disadvantage as a father, and would definitely support him, this little brother How can you be so ignorant!

Out of breath, he ran up the mountain with a stick. Father Mo and his companions searched for a while on the mountain and saw Mo Xiaobao.

Father Mo was furious, ran up to grab Mo Xiaobao, grabbed a stick and gave him a stick.

"The bastard finally showed up, I finally managed to find a marriage for you, and you dared to escape from the marriage. You are too courageous, it's really against the sky!

" Being as old as you is really embarrassing to our old Mo family, do you still want to get married, do you really want to stay at home and let Lao Tzu support you for the rest of your life?"

"Look at your sister, who is also Lao Tzu's baby, why do you So unsatisfactory, your sister heard that you were going to get married, and ran back to give you a dowry. That's how you repay your sister? What's wrong with you marrying into the Pan family? Blacksmith Pan is not short of money. But it's just to enjoy happiness..."

Father Mo scolded and beat him, but Aunt Mo couldn't hold it. Mo Xiaobao was in a state of pain after a few sticks. Hearing that Father Mo also told him to marry him, he suddenly felt in his heart. Aggrieved and angry.

"I don't want to marry! Dad, you don't know who Blacksmith Pan is. He will kill me. He married me to work!"

"Damn!" Father Mo was furious again. "Marriage has always been the order of the parents and the matchmaker. It's your turn to make the decision. The little brother of this family doesn't get married and doesn't work, so you are lazy..."

"No! Dad, the Pan family only does it. Will he live? He will marry me and use it as a livestock. It's a fire pit, you push me into the fire pit, you know?"

Mo Xiaobao was also stubborn, "Dad, aren't you just trying to give my brother-in-law money for the exam ? "My brother-in-law is your son-in-law, and my sister is your daughter, so I'm not your own?"

Mo Xiaobao wiped away his tears, and quickly took out the money that Pei Shaorong gave from his arms and handed it to Father Mo.

"Father, Yinzi, this is three coin. I don't want to marry Pan Blacksmith. If you cancel the marriage, I will stay at home for the rest of my life and work for you for the rest of my life. I don't want to marry Pan's house!"

"... "..." Father Mo, who was angry, stopped immediately when he saw Yin Zi.

After staring at Yin Zi for a while, Father Mo put away his stick and said bitterly, "Hmph, let me go back and talk about it!"


Mo Xiaobao didn't speak, glanced at his father, and was relieved.

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