Chapter 25

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Time passed quickly, a month passed in a blink of an eye, and the marriage schedule was quickly brought up.

After secretly meeting each other that day, Mo Xiaobao went home with the red cloth and was no longer tangled. He happily started to make wedding clothes for himself and Pei Shaorong, thinking that after getting married, he would be tired and open up a few more acres of land to save. That's it.

Father Mo really wanted to play with his idea of ​​red cloth. This time, Mo Xiaobao learned to be smart. He locked himself in the room and cut two pieces of cloth before starting to sew.

This cloth was cut, and Father Mo couldn't use it to sell it for money.

Mo Xiaobao was used to being scolded by his father for a long time, and he was not angry. After finishing his work every day, he would be locked in the house to embroider wedding dresses. He thought, why is it so long a month... On

Pei Shaorong's side, he has already married The things to be used are all prepared, and the banquet is also done. The cooks are all looking for Qin Aunt to help.

The dishes at the banquet, Pei Shaorong, were also prepared. According to the custom of the village, he bought a lot of sauerkraut in the town. The big vegetable was going to make a sauerkraut and pork noodle. Except for the sauerkraut, the pork has its own space. Semolina is also not expensive.

In addition, Pei Shaorong is going to use the chestnuts he collected on the mountain to make another chestnut meat. This thing is not rare, it is everywhere on the mountain, and it does not cost money.

A sauerkraut pork nugget, a chestnut braised pork, are common boiled vegetables in the village feasts, when the two pots of vegetables, plus a few stir-fried or cold vegetables and a pot of steamed bread, it is also very rich in the village. 's banquet.

The whole village knew that he was poor, and Pei Shaorong didn't want to show off too much. In this era, every household in the countryside was not rich, and whoever made wine would usually go to the sea to eat on an empty stomach.

If it's too showy, come on, maybe as soon as the wedding is over, someone will come to his house every three days to beat the autumn wind!

Pei Shaorong thought about it carefully, but still felt that he shouldn't be too pushy. It was almost enough to touch the village's standards. With the money to show off, he might as well keep the money and buy more clothes for A Bao.

The dishes for the wedding were prepared two days in advance, and Pei Shaorong went to the village chief's house to hire a donkey. Although Mo Xiaobao didn't say it, he also knew that the little guy was still eager to wear a red dress and ride a donkey to marry a man. of.

He has secretly asked his friend Lin Geer about this. Po's favorite food is meat and snacks; Po's favorite color is blue; Po's favorite thing to do is go to the county seat See the world.

Also, Po's greatest wish is to find a man of his own who he likes and doesn't dislike, who wears a bright red dress and rides a donkey to get married, so that the villagers will stop gossiping about him, and then give birth to a white and fat baby to live!

Two days before the wedding, Aunt Qin dragged Uncle Qin to Pei Shaorong's yard. She also regarded Pei Shaorong as her junior.

Getting married is a big and happy event. He is the only young man in Pei Shaorong's family, and he has no elders to help. She was worried that Pei Shaorong, a big man, was careless and didn't understand the customs of their village, so she wanted to come and have a look.

When I entered the yard, I nodded when I saw the yard and house that was clearly cleaned and deliberately rested. I felt that Pei Shaorong was quite attentive, and the house was made to look decent, not like the messy homes of singles and bachelors in the village.

When he saw that Pei Shaorong went to the mountain to find a few beautiful flowers and plants to transplant into the yard and meat dishes for the banquet, his eyes widened.

"Oh my eldest brother, is this the meat dish you use for the banquet?" Aunt Qin stared at Pei Shaorong as if she was not at home and didn't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt were.

"How can you use it so well, big brother, forget about this dish, this pork aunt told you that half of it is enough, you are so wasteful, why don't you call your aunt when you buy meat, it must be the one who sells it. The porker listened to you about getting married, and deliberately coaxed you to buy so many..."

Pei Shaorong heard from Aunt Qin that the best way to hold a feast in this village is two pots of stewed meat dishes and a few vegetarian dishes, and also wanted to do it according to the standard here.

But he came to this ancient times a long time ago, and he had never seen what it was like to have a wedding banquet. According to the standard he thought, the two pots of stewed meat were mainly meat, and of course there was no need to prepare less meat.

But now after listening to Aunt Qin's nagging, Pei Shaorong realized that the stewed meat dishes for the banquet in this village are not the same as what he thinks!

Aunt Qin stared at the pile of hundreds of kilograms of pork in the corner, and then said, "Big brother, listen to Auntie, use half of this meat, you can marinate the rest and save it for later eating, ouch, how much does it cost for so much meat? Silver..."

"And eldest brother, why are you planting these wild flowers in your yard? It's time to pull it out. It's practical to plant some green onions, garlic, and vegetables!"

After reading the meat dishes prepared by Pei Shaorong, Aunt Qin saw it again. The donkey that Pei Shaorong hired from the village chief's house in advance wanted to continue to nag a few more words, but after seeing Pei Shaorong's ignorant and depressed look, he changed his words amusingly.

"Come on, eldest brother, don't dislike your aunt's nagging, everyone knows that your family is not wealthy, and almost no one will talk about you in the banquet. In the future, it is the most important thing for you to live with Bao... By the way, this donkey is a Did the village chief borrow it for A Bao to ride?"

"Well..." Pei Shaorong nodded honestly with a smile.

"...It's good to have a donkey to pick up A Bao. After the scenery is beautiful, the village will have to envy him if he dislikes A Bao. It's the big brother who has a heart!"

Aunt Qin nodded in relief, feeling that she really did not see the wrong person. Brother is a good person, honest and careful.

Most of the girls and brothers in the village get married by walking, or the groom himself is a man-pulled scooter, and it is more beautiful to be able to ride on an animal when he is married.

After talking to Pei Shaorong for a while, and then mentioning the things he should pay attention to when getting married, Aunt Qin pulled Uncle Qin away.

The day before they got married, Pei Shaorong cleaned the house, and replaced all the beds and bedding with new ones from the space.

The windows and doors were also pasted with the words "Happy" in red, which made the house extremely festive before going to bed early, raising enough energy to meet the most important day of my life... On the day of the

official marriage, Pei Shao Rongtian got up before dawn. , tidy up the house, put on the wedding clothes, and kept twirling nervously in the house to calm down.

Finally, after Aunt Qin and a few old ladies who helped with cooking and greetings came, Pei Shaorong was excited to take the donkey with the big red flower to the Mo's house to welcome the relatives...the

Mo's house.

Mo Xiaobao also got up early. In fact, he didn't sleep for long last night. He fell asleep in the middle of the night when he was excited, and woke up early this morning.

Accompanied by Aunt Mo, Mo Xiaobao happily changed into his own clothes and sat in front of the bronze mirror with his mother helping him comb his hair, his face full of sweetness.

Seeing Mo Xiaobao's happy look, Aunt Mo couldn't tell the feeling in her heart. She closed the door to cut off Dad Mo's sight. Aunt Mo secretly took out a money bag from her arms and stuffed it into Mo Xiaobao's hand. .

"Xiaobao, mother is useless, you can't beat your father, this is secretly saved by mother, so it should be your dowry. How can this person marry without a dowry, she will be looked down upon by her husband's family..."

Aunt Mo said, While wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Xiaobao, don't blame your father for being biased, it's because your mother didn't give birth to a son for the Mo family, leaving the Mo family without incense..."

"I will marry the Pei family and serve your man well, While he likes you now, try to give him a fat boy, you can't go the same way as your mother!"

Aunt Mo's private money is not much, but it's not easy to get a few dozen pennies out of Father Mo's hands.

Mo Xiaobao was also very uncomfortable. His mother was soft-natured and never dared to speak loudly to his father, let alone resist his father's decision. From childhood to adulthood, his mother was a submissive look in his mind.

She didn't dare to speak even after being taught by her father, she only dared to secretly deliver food to him and wipe away her tears afterward.

At that time, he always felt that his mother didn't like him, but when he grew up, he realized that it was not easy for his mother, anyway, he dared to talk back to his father.

His mother only dared to cry behind his back, because his mother did not give birth to a son for his father, and everyone inside and outside the house said that his mother was not.

It's the woman's little brother's fault for not giving birth to a son these days. There is no reason, it's the sad system of this era.

Seeing his mother, Mo Xiaobao was suddenly a little worried about what would happen if he didn't give birth to a son for Big Brother Pei in the future?

Will Big Brother Pei dislike him? After all, it is not easy for my little brother to even give birth to a baby, so how can you be accurate when it comes to giving birth to boys and girls?

But as long as he thought of Pei Shaorong's gentle embrace of him, Mo Xiaobao felt inexplicably at ease, as if all his troubles had disappeared at once.

I have to say that when Pei Shaorong met Mo Xiaobao, he lost the indifference in the apocalypse, and Mo Xiaobao also fell into the blindness of love.

When Aunt Mo finished combing Mo Xiaobao's hair and whispered, Pei Shaorong also led the donkey and knocked on the door of Mo's house.

Seeing that Pei Shaorong brought a donkey over to welcome him today, it was rare that Father Mo didn't show a disgusting look on his face.

Father Mo greeted with a smile with a dry smoke gun, and shouted to the house, "Here's someone, my mother, bring Xiaobao out..."

Hearing the sound in the room, Aunt Mo hurriedly helped Mo Xiaobao tidy up his clothes again, and then walked out with a sweet-looking Mo Xiaobao.

"Abao, I'm here to marry you..."

Pei Shaorong stood at the door of Mo's house, wearing a red wedding dress, holding a little donkey in his hand, staring at Mo Xiaobao who came out of the house, his eyes were full of this The figure of the teenager.

When he met his gaze, Mo Xiaobao's breathing was almost stagnant, his heart was beating wildly, happily announcing its joy, and he couldn't wait to walk towards Pei Shaorong.

He didn't have the reserved appearance of the little brother in the village at all. Seeing that, Father Mo hated iron and steel, so he quickly reached out and grabbed the man, and put a cloth bag with things at his feet into Mo Xiaobao's hand.

"Nuo, Dad doesn't have the money to make a dowry for you. You can take this bag of grain and seeds. In the future, you will change your temperament and open up two acres of wasteland with your man to live a good life..."

After that, Father Mo held it in one hand. Holding the dry smoke, he walked to the door with Mo Xiaobao in one hand, and put Mo Xiaobao's hand in Pei Shaorong's.

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