Chapter 43

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 After deciding to investigate Qin Xiangrong's matter, Pei Shaorong began to act.

According to Xiaopangdun's remarks, the most direct way to know the truth is to ask Taohong, the maid in Xiaopangdun's mouth.

But Pei Shaorong didn't do this. He didn't know whether this Taohong was good or bad, and why would an irrelevant maid help Qin Xiangrong.

If this person is bad, he just goes like this. Isn't that a death sentence? Not all his previous life experience and the whistleblower in the TV series are the fastest to die. Pei Shaorong doesn't want to be dead. The reputation of leaving a name...

After thinking about it carefully, anyway, the matter of Zheng San's caravan has not been finished. For the time being, there is no manpower to go back to Yueyang Town to get sleeping bags and sneakers. Pei Shaorong decided to stay in Yueyang City for a longer time. .

After staying in Yueyang City, Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao quietly bought some small clay pots and bottled some red and white wine to sell.

This wine is too profitable, I still have dozens of large tanks in my space, and now I sell less than one tank, so I can exchange a little more money.

There are also leftover bacon in the space, fresh pork, duck and chicken, etc. meat, eggs and other food that can be sold. Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao split up and secretly sold them to restaurants and stalls. Hawker.

These must be dealt with, otherwise, A Bao and I alone will eat them. I don't know how many years we will have to eat them. We can quickly deal with them now. After we go back, we can eat the green-encircled local specialties here every day!

As for other shower gels, shampoos, soaps, rice, noodles, grains, oils, snacks, etc. in the space, Pei Shaorong has no plans to sell them.

The non-renewable good things of daily necessities are not a last resort. Pei Shaorong will never take them out for money. Daily necessities such as bathing and washing hair are more comfortable.

Pei Shaorong didn't plan to deal with rice, noodles, grains, and oil, so he kept it for himself. He didn't want to eat brown rice every day like the villagers. The fine rice noodles here are very expensive, and most of the quality is not as good as in his own space!

As for some other things, most of them are not here, and they are too strange for Pei Shaorong to show off.

For example, a lighter to make a fire, a convenient gas tank, and other things that were considered fetish in the eyes of ancient people, he only dared to use Mo Xiaobao secretly at home. road!

While continuing to secretly deal with the extra space, Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao were also secretly tracking and observing the maid Taohong in Xiaopangdun's mouth, and by the way inquired about the original Su Yuexia murder case.

It stands to reason that investigating a murder case should be very serious and tense, but when it came to Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao, the tension was there, but the seriousness disappeared completely.

Every day, he goes back to the inn from outside to lie down in bed. After Mo Xiaobao has discussed with Pei Shaorong, he is always curious and excited, "Brother Pei, do we look like the famous detective Conan you said?"

Pei Shaorong will also He added, "Yes, there is only one truth!" Then he hugged his little shou and covered it with a quilt to sleep.

After the Lantern Festival, after staying in Yueyang City for nearly a week, Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao secretly followed and observed, and found that the maid Taohong in Xiaopangdun's mouth was indeed as he suspected, and she was not a kind-hearted savior's maid at all.

After a few days of observation, Pei Shaorong found that the maid Taohong's behavior was very vulgar, and she gnashed her teeth occasionally when she talked about Su Yuexia on weekdays.

From this point of view, Taohong should have had a holiday with Su Yuexia before speaking out when she left the magistrate's office, and wanted to bury Su Yuexia with a bomb from time to time in revenge.

After inquiring from other people, the Su Yuexia murder case was indeed full of doubts.

According to everyone's description, the deceased Wang Da did not find any fatal wounds on his body when he died, nor was he poisoned to death, which does not rule out the suspicion that Cen Ziwen asked the yamen to lie and fake.

But when I inquired among the people present at the time, when Wang Da died, the various conditions were not like Cen Ziwen said he died of a stroke!

There are too many suspicious points in the whole case, but it has been two full years now, and even if there was any evidence at the scene at the time, it is now impossible to find.

No evidence could be found at the crime scene, so the only key to finding evidence now is Wang Da's body.

Since he was killed, then Wang Da will have evidence of the crime. As long as he finds the real cause of death and has evidence, it will be much easier to report Su Yuexia and Cen Ziwen.

But now Wang Da's body has been buried long ago. In ancient times of feudal superstition, wanting to dig a grave and open a coffin for an autopsy would be disrespectful to the deceased, and would be beaten to death by the family of the deceased!

And even if he wanted to help Qin Xiangrong, he and A Bao could not expose the matter. First, it was too dangerous. Second, they had little relationship with Qin Xiangrong. It was hard to guarantee that Cen Ziwen would not frame them in order to keep Wu Shamao, and others would not believe it easily. their words.

After thinking about it, Pei Shaorong finally set his sights on Mrs. Feng, the wife of the deceased, and the family of the deceased would be more convincing than him, an irrelevant stranger!

If Mrs. Feng, Wang Da's wife, came forward, others would not know about the existence of herself and A Bao. No matter what happened, it would be none of their business. Moreover, only Mrs. Feng could do things like opening the coffin for an autopsy. Right.

"Brother Pei, let's...are we really going to dig other people's graves? I, why do I feel so weak..."

Mo Xiaobao was a little timid about digging graves and opening coffins for autopsy, he was an authentic ancient person , not as easily accepted by Pei Shaorong.

"A Bao, we didn't dig it. We told Wang Da's wife the news and asked his wife to overturn the case. Digging Wang Da's grave is helping him. Do you think how good Qin Xiangrong was to the villagers when she was a child? We are helping her. Otherwise, she will be tortured to death by those two men and women..."

Pei Shaorong explained in a serious manner, he was telling the truth, everything they did was definitely helping people, and there was no reward at all. It's selfless dedication.

As a person with almost no moral bottom line, he will help others with good intentions and no good. At this moment, Pei Shaorong feels that he is very great, although he can do this mostly because of the cynical impulse in his heart

... He won't let himself dig graves. After several months of brainwashing with various modern bedtime stories every night, Mo Xiaobao instantly agreed with Pei Shaorong's words about digging graves and opening coffins for autopsy. .

Mo Xiaobao and Mo Xiaobao had done a good job in their hearts, and the two started to take action that day. Pei Shaorong dared to ask Mrs. Wang to dig a grave. thing!

What Pei Shaorong wanted to do was very simple. In fact, it was just pretending to be a ghost, and the method was the same old-fashioned way of reviving the deceased.

In the end of the world, Pei Shaorong knew a person at the base. That person was very famous before the end of the world. He was a very powerful hypnotist. He often appeared in the pulpit on TV.

However, after the apocalypse, this person is unlucky. He has no ability to stimulate, and he has no strong physique. As a hypnotic researcher full of brains and useless, he is not as good as the beggars before the apocalypse!

This hypnosis is actually not as powerful as people think. Just like a look in a TV series, a gesture can hypnotize a person. is nonsense.

At that time, Pei Shaorong also had a bad relationship. He lived in the most chaotic area of ​​​​the base with the hypnotic scholar. The shed was next to the neighbor, and the relationship was not bad.

From that scholar, Pei Shaorong knew a lot about hypnosis. When he was bored, he also learned some simple hypnosis techniques. In fact, it was just the use of light props and mental cues to induce hallucinations.

It's not easy to influence people's spirits with simple hypnotic methods, but Pei Shaorong, as a power user, has much stronger mental power than ordinary people, and it is easier to use them.

His current purpose is not to completely hypnotize Feng, but to influence Feng's spirit. It is almost enough to make him believe that Wang Dazhen has returned to his dreams. It is too easy to convince the ancient feudal people!

From the afternoon, Pei Shaorong dressed up as Wang Da's attire before his death and began to meet Feng Shi, leaving a hint of Wang Da's return to his soul.

In the evening, when he was outside the Wang family, and saw Feng, who had been walking around the house, finally turned off the lights and fell asleep, Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao sneaked in.

Wang Da and Feng had no children before his death. His parents died early, and he had no siblings. Once Wang Da died, Feng was the only widow left in the family. At this moment, there was no one else in the family, which made it more convenient for the two of them to move. .

After a hint in the day's heart, Mr. Feng was obviously on the point. Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao entered the room and saw Mr. Feng who was sleeping on the bed, frowning and looking uneasy.

Quietly set up the props in the house and lit the incense that made people dizzy, Pei Shaorong began to pretend to be a king in the ears of Feng who was half awake and half asleep.

One sentence after another, I died very wrongly, and the lady wants to avenge me, otherwise I will become a ghost and hear Feng Shi who is lying on the bed keep shivering.

"Brother Pei, is this okay?" Mo Xiaobao asked quietly, staring at Feng Shi on the bed.

"Certainly, no, let's pretend to be ghosts every day, and the Feng family will definitely seek justice!"

Pei Shaorong is very confident. This kind of thing is very useful in ancient times. It is those emperors who love feudal superstition since ancient times. Prince, you can see how effective this is.

Besides, Feng shi had a lot of doubts about Wang Da's death at the beginning, but it was because Cen Ziwen's power did not dare to resist.

If Mrs. Feng really believed in her husband's sham trick, she would definitely find a way to avenge her for her own life. In ancient times, people were afraid of the government, and even more afraid of ghosts and gods!

However, Feng's psychological quality is much stronger than Pei Shaorong imagined. For the first time, she was afraid but did not do it. She was a weak woman who didn't have the courage to dig a grave.

If the first time was unsuccessful, then the second time, every night, Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao went to the Wang family in the middle of the night to pretend to be a ghost and threaten Feng to overturn the case.

Of course, Feng was actually an innocent victim, and Pei Shaorong didn't want to scare her to death. He even helped her figure out how to avenge her grievance. Pei Shaorong couldn't help but sigh how he could be so kind. ...

Finally, on the third day, Feng shi couldn't take it anymore, and in the middle of the night, he took a hoe and dug up Wang Da's grave.

When he opened the coffin and saw the decomposed corpse inside, Feng's face turned blue with fright, screamed, and ran away in panic.

Pei Shaorong and Mo Xiaobao were far away, not knowing what Feng saw, so Mo Xiaobao stayed where he was, and quietly ran over to find out.

When Pei Shaorong saw the corpse in the coffin, all that was left in Pei Shaorong's mind was, "Fuck, it's terrifying for women to be ruthless!"

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