Meeting With The Queen

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The princess of Hyrule stood before me, her champions at her back, hands clasped in front of her as she spoke. "It has been prophesied that a new evil will rise to destroy Hyrule and stretch far beyond my kingdom once the deed is done; this evil is known to us as Calamity Gannon. We have been gathering our necessary tools, weaponry, and champions in order to combat it." She paused and released a shaky breath before speaking once more, "The Sheikha tribe of our land has told us of an old legend involving a faraway land, and the royalty of the land lending aid during our darkest times. Your kingdom. This knowledge came to them in the form of a book hidden within one of their libraries; the old text written in Sheikha and Hylian script. Yet knew details of your land that not even my father knew of."

I bit my lip softly, looking at the beautiful princess before me. ' I see, so my birth's prophecy was true '. "Princess Zelda, who told you of this Calamity Gannon?"

Zelda glanced away from me, looking slightly off-put, "We are not quite sure. My father said the one who told him is a trusted advisor of the royal family. I have not met him, nor have any of the champions. Not even my appointed Knight Link has met the man. However, I did have a prophetic dream of a ghastly beast surrounding my castle, the land before it crumbling; and the screams of agonizing deaths." Her eyes closed tightly as she lowered her head slightly, no doubt remembering the dream in excruciating detail. "My mother had a dream much the same, before her passing. Yet, everything we have done, the dream stays the same."

I nod slowly, "I see. I'm sorry for the visions you have seen, there's no doubt it must have been horrid. To know the possible outcome should you fail...and to keep having this dream after all the work you have put must be difficult, your highness. I could not imagine the weight you carry on your shoulders, and the harm that knowledge must be doing to you." I let out a small sigh as I lean back in my throne slightly, "Although I have not seen the outcome of this war, my birth foretold a bad omen; and I feel as though all would be lost if I should refuse."

Zelda tilted her head ever so slightly as she returned her gaze to me, "what do you mean?"

"There is a legend about my birth, I am sure was mentioned in this book you spoke of. I am only to come to be when a great evil is to walk the land."

"There was no mention of this within the writings."

"I see. We can discuss that at a later time, so let's move on to the important matter at hand. I would be foolish to refuse your request, as a disaster and possible collapse of my homeland is sure to come if Hyrule falls."

Zelda looked at me hopefully, "wonderful! So you will be coming with us to Hyrule?"

I felt a ping in my chest as I shook my head, watching her face fall, "Although I am queen I hold no say within my own kingdom. It is up to the king whether I will be going." I stood slowly, keeping my hands clasped together in front of me and squaring my shoulders, "I shall request an audience with the king for you, princess. I will do what I can to help sway the king to see reason." I smiled softly behind my veil, even if they could not see it. "Should he agree, I would be happy to fill you in on anything you wish to know; I'll even take you to our royal library so that you may pursue our selection." Zelda bit her lip as I came to a stop in front of her, placing my hand on her shoulder to give a light squeeze hoping to comfort her slightly

"Is there a possibility he will refuse?" She raises one of her hands to squeeze mine roughly.

'Her nerves must be getting to she stays looking so strong and defiant, even now, is astonishing. She truly is meant to be Hylia's reincarnation; at least more deserving than I am.' I collected my thoughts before sneaking. "It is a possibility...unfortunately. The king is very...cautious when it comes to the fate of his kingdom, as any ruler would be. His short-sightedness has led us to trouble more times than I can count."

Zelda retracted her hand as I brought mine to my side, "I see, thank you, your highness."

I laugh softly as I once again tell her to call me (Y/N) while the king is not around. "Please be mindful as the king is a highly man, who is prone to fall at the slightest breeze. Bow when he enters a room, do not rise until he tells you to do so. Do not sit, until he instructs it, and do not speak out of turn. I will pull what strings I may during the meeting. But I do not make any promises for the outcome. Flattery is the way to his heart, as it is buried under his wrongfully grown ego."

The Gerudo champion peers at me wearily, before speaking carefully, "You do not seem to like your husband...why is that?"

"How can you love a curl man you were forced to wed due to traditions?" I softly spoke as I made my way to the closed doors of the exit, before stopping and looking over my shoulder to speak once more; the royal crest on my cloak on full display. "You will all be staying here for the night, Moritz will show you to your chambers. Do not stray too far, as you will be gathered for the meeting, once the time has been decided."

Revali took a step forward, placing himself in my direct line of sight, "It doesn't seem very smart to speak so lowly of a King you see as cruel."

I turned to face him, fully addressing him as I responded, "that is true. Although I have no say in the everyday going ons of the kingdom, I do have say over my people. Not because of my title, but the respect I hold for them. They would not turn on me and inform the king. Also," my voice took on a playful mocking tune, as I smirked behind my veil, "Why would he believe those from another kingdom? I'll be fine, I can assure you that; sir Revali." I turned and opened one of the large wooden doors, "Good night, Princess and champions. I do wish we met under lighter circumstances, such as a discussion of our trade route." I chuckled softly as I exited the throne room, sending the pink-haired maid in, as I headed for my chambers.

'Now, how should I go about convincing the king to loosen his ties on me? Flattery can only get you so far, perhaps appealing to his visions of grandeur would work...that'll be my best bet.' Releasing a soft sigh, I entered my chambers and undressed for the night; deciding to take a warm and calming bath before slipping under the covers of my bed. 'In the morning, should the Princess and I fail to convince that asshole; what will our next move be? I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...or throw him from it,' laughing to myself and closing my eyes to slip into a dreamless sleep. 

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