Two For The Price Of One

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The next timeline I crash into has me land inside of the castle, right onto a grand dining table, bruising my back and knocking the air from my lungs. Once my senses return to me I leave the dining hall and traverse the castle, fighting enemies that I come across and having some difficulty in doing so. I descend into the dungeon of the castle, having a feeling that I need to be there. I stumble across a Link there who is making his way to the entrance of a sewer. When he hears my labored breathing, he spins around at the ready, only to lower his sword when he sees me. "Who are you?" His voice is slightly shaky, with unshed tears in his eyes.

"(y/n), I'm here to help you." It seems word of my role in these quests have spread, as this Link accepts me with open arms, informing me that Zelda spoke my name. We quickly make our way from the castle and out into the world, working to save Hyrule, for him the first time, for me once more. We have to travel through the light world and dark world in order to obtain the power he needs to defeat Ganon and seal the tainted sacred world once more. In the dark world, we run into multiple shadow Links.

"What are those things," Link hisses at me, as we hide behind a rock.

I lean in to whisper to him, "They're evil incarnate, taking the form of Hyrule's hope and savior. They are as strong as you are, and will match your blows. You'll need to catch it off guard. I'll help as much as I can, but with all that movement I might hit you as well."

"Amazing, and here I thought saving Hyrule would be easy. Besides, they look nothing Like me, they got my face all wrong."

"Hun, they look exactly like you, only a shadow with red eyes."

"And my attractiveness is in my hair and blue eyes." I snort and quickly cover my mouth as we hear a Shadow pace back and forth in front of our hiding spot, this Hyrule's Link smiling at me, before whispering "Never heard you make that sound. Do it again."

"Say something funny and I might." I stick my tongue out at him, before refocusing. "Let's hurry and take this guy out so we can keep moving, Zelda and Hyrule can only wait so long."

Once we save Hyrule it is rapid-fire as I disappear once his back is turned, traveling to a new time. I meet him a few more times, aiding him in his quest of seasons, ages, and between worlds. When he asks me why I have not aged like he has or why I keep disappearing on him; I wave it off, saying it is due to my race, as I am not Hylian. My race lives longer and ages slower, a total lie; as I age at the same speed as Hylians. I am just as confused as he is, by now I should have aged at least a few years, yet nothing has changed. My hair is the same length, no wrinkles on my face, and nothing to show the passing of time to myself. The only indication of time passing is the rapidly deteriorating clothing that I have to mend more and more frequently. That information does put me at a bit of ease, yet I question how much longer I will be stuck in this cycle, and fear that the last remaining items from my previous life will fall to shreds around me.

Link has tried on multiple occasions to get me to throw out my rags and wear something more fitting of a "Hero", yet I refuse each time.

"What's the point in keeping those? You look terrible, the clothes look terrible, and I'm pretty sure your toe is going to be popping out of your boot in a few more days."

With a heavy sigh I lean back on the tree we are resting against, on our way to a portal for Lorule, Ravio having just allowed Link to rent the next item we need. "Someone who I was...who I wished to be closer to, gifted these clothes to me. it's all I have left of them, of my new home and family. I want to keep them for as long as I can, to keep their memory fresh and alive." I look up to the sky, "I'm already having trouble remembering their faces, eyes...voice, and so much more. The fun times I knew we had to have had, our arguments...and our deep conversations divulging information we would never tell to another. This gives me something, something palpable to keep with me and reminds me of those I loved and those I grew to care for." My hand absentmindedly wanders down to one of my pouches attached to my belt, rubbing the latch lightly as my eyes slide shut. ' I can't picture them anymore, at least not clearly. I keep seeing an amalgamation of their faces, of the heroes and Princesses. I'm starting to forget just where I home. I can't remember what the champions looked like. And Damian, his face is so foggy in my mind, I fear I'll forget him soon as well. I'm terrified of never remembering him; to lose him in the darkest depths of my mind, never to see the light of day again...damn I sound like a sappy old woman recounting her youth.'

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