Two Steps Forward, But How Many Steps Back?

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The wind is loud, and harsh against my body as it threatens to push my body over, a bitter bite sinking into my bones due to the chill. Peering around the malice eyes stationed at the entrance, gazing into the inner workings of the Beast; I feel my heart knot up. Distinct memories of wandering the interior with Ravali by my side dance across my mind, bathing my body in nonexistent warmth. With a short exhale, I take a step forward, darting my eyes to Time who is standing far closer than he has in a while. My stomach turns with irritation at the worry he sends my way, yet at the same time, I feel thankful. I find my voice before I even realize I am talking, "I'm sure the Calamity fortified his defenses. We need to be on our toes," I flow Wild closely, Wind right at my side.

Wild drawing his bow, tongue peeking out as he aims, accounting for the wind; he fires arrow after arrow to take out the large collection of malice eyes. They explode into a puff of ghastly magic, the barrier disintegrating and allowing us entrance. As soon as the smoke clears, a creature is in front of us, its scale-covered face framed in armor. I let out a breath when Wild's arm wraps around my waist as he pushes from the ground. His body arches masterfully as he backflips, my body along for the ride. He lands a few feet away, releasing me from his hold as Wind slashes at the heavily armored Lizalfo. My eyes scan it, taking in its rotting flesh, the rusted armor, and a thick purple goo that drips from its maw.

"Get back!" I screech, hand outstretched as a golden hude magic shoots from my hand, wrapping around Wind. With a quick yank, he flies to me, my arms wrapping around him to cushion him and slow his approach. My feet are unable to find solid footing, sliding momentarily until a strong hand between my shoulder blades stops me.

Sky's fingers grip harshly at the fabric of my cloak, "I know," He's on edge, eyes darting between the approaching monster and the gaggle of partially decomposing bodies behind it. They shuffle forward, leaving behind streaks of foul smelling much behind them. "They are cursed."

"Keep your distance," I called out, tightening my hold on Wind. "Keep your distance, I don't like the taste of their magic."

"If they touch you," Sky warns, his voice is grave, "Your swords will reject you until you are purified. They will sap your life away quickly; they attack relentlessly and are incredibly durable."

"If you're touched, make your way to me so I can work on purifying you. It takes time, so please be careful." I sidestep, dragging Wind with me as decomposing Bokoblin rushes us. Its eye is dangling from its socket, bouncing with each movement. Its tongue is swollen, dripping the same viscus purple goo onto the ground below it. "Keep the purple substance off of you, as well. A touch is bad, the goo is worse, as it can kill you in a few minutes. It's in its saliva and its blood."

Wind separates himself from me, aiming an arrow at the approaching creature, thick heat billows out from the arrowhead as it ignites, the air sizzling loudly around it. Steam rises, mingling with the clouds that sit just a touch away. The arrow rockets through the air, embedding itself into the Bokoblin's dangling eye. It bubbles, boiling and falling in goo-y clumps as the Bokoblin wails out. Its feet slam into the ground, rushing us as the fire creeks across his skin.

Raising my hand, and a flurry of words, a powerful gust of wind pushes against the tormented creatures, creating distance for the chain. "Gusts of the holy winds, keep the creatures at bay to save our mortal flesh."

"Good job," Twilight praises as he shoots his arrows into the creatures, a large explosion causing me to throw a large forcefield around our collected bodies. Purple goo, dismembered body parts, and chunks of guts slam above our heads before slowly sliding down my barrier.

Raising my opposite hand, a strong gust of wind pushes the ick from above our heads, scattering it around us as my barrier flickers in and out of existence. "Another one Twilight," I demand, eyes locked on the small army of creatures before us. Disgust settles into my gut as I see the corruption Ravali's restless soul had to deal with. Witnessing these horrid mistakes walk around his once pristine safe haven.

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