A Truth Turned Mistake

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The creaky door of the library was opened by Damian as he motioned for us to wait outside. Quickly he walked through the large room, before opening the door for us wider allowing us to enter. "All clear, feel free to read and discuss anything you want to, Princess Zelda.

The library was a large room with high ceilings and three floors, bookshelves lined nearly every wall, with tapestries hung in the empty spaces. One wall was a window that overlooked the Garde below, from up here you could see everything. Large flowering trees below blocked the cobblestone walkway from the sun, large bushes trimmed into different animal shapes, and designs; some swirled upwards, while others were boxy or spherical. Following the walkway, the flowering trees opened up to a wide area with a fountain, depicting a fairy pouring water from a jar, flowers of all colors and sizes lined the circular structure and the cobblestone area around it. Some benches are set around the outskirts of the area to provide a nice sitting view. Further away from the fountain laid trees with hanging foliage, some with green leaves, others had beautiful purple, blue, white, or pink flowers of some sort; all obscuring the trunk of the tree hidden underneath.

Further still lead to large bushes trimmed to be long rectangles, melding into one another to form a maze of sorts. The bushes themselves seemed to have small colorful spots throughout them. within the center of the maze was a sea of red. The sky above them was clear now, allowing arm light to flutter through the large window, and bathe the garden below, causing the dew from the cool morning to shimmer, and a rainbow to be thrown from the fountain's water. "Oh my, your garden sure is beautiful. What kind of trees and flowers are those down there? I have never seen them before."

I approached the Princess and her appointed knight as they gazed out at the view. "Since our weather and soil are so different from Hyrule's, I can understand why. We can grow some unique flowers, trees, and fruits here in our land; like the Dahlia flower, my favorite version of this flower is the Labyrinth Dahlia. We also have Amaryllis, Iris', roses, peony, and Lamprocapnos are a few of my favorites. They are so unique in the variety of appearances they grow in, or just their appearance in general. For the trees, we have willows and sugar maples. birch, hickory, and evergreens. And for flowering trees we have; Wisteria trees, which also are flowering trees; Magnolia, Oleander, Witch Hazels, Cherry trees, plum trees, apple trees, and Smoke trees. For fruits, we grow Cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. These grow on the bushes we have around the maze, and we also have Hibiscus syriacus, a flowering bush, and the shrub form of Witch of Hazel."

"May we go and see the garden before we leave?" Zelda looks over at me hopefully, and I smile softly; the sound of it leaking into my voice.

"Of course, we can, I can even point out each kind to you," I look back out the window. "I'll even have the chefs use some of the maples from our trees in the morning, so that you may try that, as well as, gathering some of the fruits that are in season for you to try."

Link perks up at the promise of food, and looks away from the window, stirring at me, trying to get a silent question across to me. Letting out a laugh I nod. "Of course, you are included in that, Sir Link; as well as the other champions." I gaze at the garden below us, "I will miss this garden while in Hyrule, but my short absence from it will be worth the preservation of it."

"I could not agree more, your highness," Zelda looks at the window for a bit more before turning her gaze back to the library before her, "however, I am more excited about all the knowledge that lies before us. Where should I start?"

"Well Princess, would you prefer to know more about our history first? Or magic and runes? I could always tell you about our wildlife, however, besides a few differences, we mostly have the same Fauna within our lands."

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