I Love The Ocean...Can We Never Go Back Out There?

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Blackness gives way as I belly flop into a deep blue ocean; my body stunned from the rude awaking causing my body to start to sink; salt water fills my lungs, and pain flows through my nerve endings. A hand yanks my head above water, a hand tangled in my hair to keep it above the waves; resulting in me hacking and coughing up all the water in my system, before focusing my eyes on my rescuer. A child looks at me, face scrunched in worry...he looks kind of familiar. I wheezed out, the whole front of my body an angry red from the slamming force of my belly flop. "Oh...fuck..not again..let me drown." I drop my face back into the water, yet the child pulls me out. 'I was enjoying my time with the Hero of Twilight. Fuuuuuuck everything. Maybe I don't deserve happiness.'

My head is forced up back above the water, "Let me take you to the nearest Island. My name's Link by the way."

A loud groan is his only answer. And that Kids, is how I learned that I am extremely seasick; the hero of Winds is a gremlin...and my curse of jumping from time to time continues. Whoopie.

Once on Outset Island Link helps me ashore and helps steady me as I use the shallow water to rinse the taste of vomit from my mouth.

"The Helmaroc King drop you into the ocean?" The Link questions.

Gargling water, I then spit it out, "Yeah thATs what happened," my voice cracks from the dryness in my throat due to the salt water.

"I can take you home if you want, where do you live?"

For the first time since arriving, I look around me, my face no longer tinted green; a look of horror appears on my features, 'Oh god, it's all ocean. I'm going to die here.' "I...I don't know...It's not important right now." I give him the whole spiel of who I am and why I am there, only for him to look at me in confusion.

"What's a Zelda? And Who is Hyrule?"

"That's...reverse those two...you'll see once we get to that point. Apparently, your Hyrule has turned into an ocean, so...fantastic."

"I'm not following," the young hero seems even more confused, face scrunching almost comically.

"That's not important, just know I was sent here to help you," in an almost whiny tone I continue, "why'd it have to be sailing the ocean!"

"....are you going to hurl again? Try not to hit my boat this time."

"No, I'm not going to vomit, show some respect, all I want to do is help."

"And feed the fishes apparently. Oh! I know, Pirates have nicknames to go with their ocean personas, yours will be madam Barf."

My eyes widen, as the sound gets stuck in my throat causing a strangled sound to escape before I screech out; "DO NOT call me that!" More calmly I add, "it makes me sound old, and I don't want to be associated with vomiting. it's gross."

"Well you are old, so what's the issue?"

"I'm only twenty!" 'I'm still only twenty right? Technically I haven't aged.'

"That's old...fine, I'll call you barf, take it or leave it."

"I leave it!" I stomp my foot to prove a point. "I don't want to be associated with puking!"

"Then I'll leave you," this gremlin of a Link smirks at me, knowing he won, and I only groan loudly in response.

"Fine! But the next time I puke, I'm doing it on you." He laughs and ushers me back onto his ship, letting me know that I wasted his ' precious time for exploring with my old woman problems' ; to which he is promptly expelled from the boat. Once the King of Red Lions gets us both to calm down and make a truce, we start our mission, that damn name sticking like glue; 'I might just kill this Link before Ganon even has a chance too.'

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