Could you come up with better names? Absolutely Not

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We cross the desert quickly, the clothes helping us fight back against the brutal heat; sweat still forming on our brows and tricking down our necks and exposed skin. As the gates of the town come into view, it is decided I will be the voice of our group until we meet with the Chief; not wanting anyone to catch on that three of us are men, and one is a teenage boy who is still going through the throes of puberty. Standing at the main entrance of the large imposing wall stands two guards whose eyes seem to linger on the males of the group a little too long for my liking. Smiling, I stroll over to them, ahead of the group; "hello, my name's (y/n), and these are my friends, Lonk," I gesture to Wild. "Lunk," I motion to Four, "Lank," I point to Wind; "and lastly my dear friend Lynk," I turn my attention to Legend. "We're here on a sightseeing tour. Do you have any recommendations?"

The Links behind are shocked and appalled by the names I have given them.

"I am Dorrah, and this is Merina; we are tasked with guarding the main entrance of Gerudo Town." Her eyes look at my companions, taking in the muscle mass they have, and how it differs from my own. I am not extremely built, yet I have muscle tone due to the years of traveling; the links on the other hand have visible abs, pronounced muscles, and wider-set shoulders. They look nothing like a female Hylian.

"You four have scars fit for a warrior, and you," she motions to me. "You have quite a few of your own. Your travels must have been difficult. I recommend seeing our spa first before anything else."

'Are they that noticeable?' I find myself thinking to myself as I look down at my skin taking in the lighter-colored scars. One across my left leg, from the hip down to my knee from a run I had with Ghirahim; a few scattered about my left leg from various situations. I have a large scar on my stomach, just over my belly button that takes a sharp angled left to my side as if I was partially halved; an injury sustained in the Shadow temple; that almost killed me. A few decorated my arms from various injuries during the adventure, and one across my neck from my time with Wind when Tetra got a little too suspicious of me. "I guess it has been...that sounds nice, hopefully, we can go to the spa here before we need to leave." I give the guards a gentle smile as I usher the boys inside the town, "thank you for the information." I follow behind them letting out a small breath of relief, Four leaning in to hiss into my ear.

"What kind of names were those?"

Wind leans in to growl at me as well, "those names are shit!"

Snickering I nod my head, "Yeah they are, aren't they? That's what makes them so good."

"I'll remember this," Legend flips his hair as he releases an annoyed huff, crossing his arms over his silk-clad chest.

"Oooo so scared," I tease him as we approach the palace where the chief lives. Ascending the stairs I can feel the nervousness rising inside me, 'what if she turns us away? What if they treat Wild the way the Zora did at first? There are too many what ifs.' I compose myself as we walk up to her throne, her age catching me off guard. Wind however seems to take an interest in the cute chief.

"Hm? More did you get in here?"

"No one stopped us, it was kind of easy," I find myself saying before I can stop it. Wild's hand quickly covers my mouth to prevent more word vomit.

The Chief before us looks a little taken aback by my response, her guard seeming to stand at the ready as her steely eyes lock onto me. But as the chief looks down at Wild's hip her interest peeks. "It seems you have something rather interesting there."

The guard slams her large sword into the ground, the loud sound resinating around us. "You stand before Lady Riju, Chief of the Gerudo! Declare your business but come no closer!"

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