I'm So Happy You're Alive, But Try That Again and I'll Kill You For Real

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Plugging the needle into Twilight's arm, I instruct Wind to hold it in place as I stand and squeeze the bag slowly; the pink liquid slowly through the tub and into Twilight's arm. My eyes are locked on his face, and when he starts to wither and groan, I instruct the room to hold him down. Sky and Warrior jump into action, holding his shoulders and legs down; Hyrule rushes to get a tub of water, wanting to find something to help with. It's a grueling process, my hands growing sore and stiff due to the prolonged pose; the bag slowly emptying. Once it is empty it looks as though nothing has happened, Twilight's breathing is still shallow, his skin still thin and pale; his heartbeat a slow sluggish rhythm, as weak as a newborn kitten. Yet his body stops thrashing, allowing the two men tasked with holding him down, to release him.

"It's not working?" Wind exclaims in panic, as I pull the needle from Twilight's arm, applying pressure to it as I wrap it.

"Give it time. It will work as fast as his heart does. I barely made it in time, he had a few hours at most...so his healing will take a while." I sit on the floor, tucking my legs under me as I keep a keen eye on Twilight. "We have to hope this works...he has always been resistant to magic, and mine is no different; I can just add larger concentrations into it." My tone is precise, even, as if explaining the weather and not if a dear friend might survive. "Wind," my voice is softer, "you look exhausted. Please go and take a nap, we will wake you if anything changes."

Wild clenches his fist, "no. Not until I know Twilight will be okay."

Reaching up, I grab his hand, forcing his fist apart and giving him a gentle smile, "then rest here, okay?" Pulling him down to the floor I rest his head against my shoulder. "If I so much as move, you'll wake up, so rest." I feel his body almost instantaneously go limp as sleep takes over, my hands fold on my lap and my eyes move back to Twilight.

"...what took you so long? You usually are not this late," Four questions as he takes a set next to me.

"I ran into trouble, apparently I'm a wanted criminal now," I say nonchalantly. "I'm sorry, by the way; Purha, Symon. I acted rashly, but as you can see there was a reason for my quick action. It does not excuse my actions, nor do I expect forgiveness, but I am not entirely sorry for what I have done."

Purah sighs heavily, such a tired and aged sound to come from a child's lips; "I'm over it. I wrote a letter a few days ago to my sister, asking her to call the search off for you. I never wanted you to be treated like a criminal, just brought back to speak with me."

"I am assuming they still searched for you," Sky chimes in, "seeing as how we received a letter that you attacked a group of searchers."

"To be fair," I move a hand up to cup Wind's ear when he shifts, due to the noise; "they attacked me first, I was defending myself."

"What do you mean they attacked you?" Symon questions.

"They stabbed me when I refused to come with them, so I pushed them away and put them into a light sleep. I never injured any of them." I explain. "Then they somehow tracked me after I teleported, forcing me to waste my teleportation spell to get myself and the elixir to safety; resulting in me needing to travel a day and a half once the elixir finished. I almost didn't make it on time."

"I never intended for that to happen," Purah laments, "I will write another letter to my sister; let me know if Twilight's condition improves," with that, she scurries off.

My hand reaches up, pushing the hat off of Wind's head so that I can comb my fingers through it. "He hasn't bathed in a while, has he," I state rather than ask.

"We all have not had much time for hygiene," Warrior defends.

Letting out a tired sigh I lay my cheek against the top of Wind's head, eyes sliding closed; "I guess I have no room to judge as I am in the same boat."

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