I Can't Believe I Forgot That!

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The ride to Kakariko is quicker than expected, as Anzul had been running full tilt the whole way. When we reach the village I hop off of his back and pet his neck. "Sorry for pushing you so hard, but Twilight is dying." I rush down the path, ignoring the villagers that greet me, too focused on the task at hand. I catch some guards' attention as I rush past Impa's home, and up the hill to where the hidden fountain is located. The path to the fountain is well maintained until the dirt path ends abruptly; the tree line thickening so that the foliage hides the lush grass and fauna of the magical fountain.

Slowly I make my way through the trees and up the mushroom-like stairs to Cotera's fountain. "Cotera?" I call out, crouching down to tap the water's surface. The water starts to ripple and bubble before the large blond fairy appears from the magic liquid.

"Well well, who do we have here," she teases as she leans on her fist. "Why is a reincarnated Goddess appearing in front of me?"

"Cotera...I am requesting aid from you, a dear friend and Hero is dying. I need more ingredients to create a healing potion powerful enough to work on him."

"Oh? And what will I get from this? After all, your friends, the other heroes; are already aiding my sisters."

I chew on my lip, "I'll do anything."

She laughs, "it will be dependent on what you require."

Wringing my fingers together I look away from her, "a great Fairies tear, a large healing fairy in the brightest pink shade, luminescent mushrooms that have grown in the place of great death. A flower of pure white...a veil of blood from a pure soul and water from a fairy fountain;" I explain to her. The list caused her to grow more and more interested.

"Oh my," she muses, leaning her cheek on her first; "that is a large list, a list that requires a lot from myself."

"I know it is a lot to request," I look up at her, determined. "But Twilight deserves to live...to return home to the ones he loves. My negligence and weakness have caused him to be in this state...and I refuse to allow him to die."

She hums softly, "you know we Fae do nothing for free. Rupees give us enough magical power to aid with strengthening and enchanting armor and clothing. It will even give us enough power to create our small pink fae. However, and you may have noticed, the magic within Hyrule has dwindled. Become near extinct within the very soil of this land. Yet you, you are filled with so much; your body creating new magic when you use up your reserves."

I tilt my head in confusion, listening to her words; "so you want a blessing of sorts."

She laughs loudly, causing my hands to clamp over my ears to lessen the pain. "No no dear, I want your magic. For myself and for my sisters. Drain every drop into my body, so that I may recover the magic I have lost throughout the years. So that we may bring the Fae race back from extinction; after all, it is only fair when you wish to sacrifice one for your potion."

"That is true," I look away from her to the trees that surround us. "Is that all I must do?"

"Not quite," she leans closer to me, her eyes darkening. "It seems an occult, nearly sixty strong, has been trying to steal the water from our spring, and have threatened our lives. Taking every fairy they come across for their own sick rituals, to gain power. Exterminate any you come across; unlike the Heroes of old and new, you will actually bring them to death's door."

I gnaw on my lip and nod, "of course I will. What they are doing is wrong and...I would do anything for Twilight. His life, all of their lives, means more than my own does. If this is what I must do in order to save him...then I will."

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