Can We Get A Dog? Oh, You Are one? Ya I could Tell

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The next timeline I land in is that of Twilight. I met this Link when I landed on him while he was in his wolf form, as he traversed Orohn village. I crushed him under my body as I fell to earth, already cursing EVERYTHING I have ever been through, and will need to go through. Wishing I could go back to my quaint little cottage with the Hero of Hyrule, but knowing that I probably never will. This also cemented my decision to tell the most outlandish things about myself and the legends that I knew of...or did not know of, I really don't care. I may have altered the past, but oh well

Once I come to my senses my first reaction is fear as I see this fearsome wolf below me, quickly rolling off of the soft fluffy creature. Frantic eyes quickly settle on the beat before me, but relax when noticing that the eyes look familiar and far more human than they should; the earring in the ear is another dead giveaway.

I breathe out to him softly, so as to not draw attention, "Link? Is that you?"

The wolf nodes and tilts its head in question, before a child-like voice speaks out to us, sounding off to the ear yet somehow being able to understand her. "Oh how interesting, you seem to be able to sense what he truly is. Who are you?"

I introduce myself as quietly as possible, going through the whole spiel of why I am there. "I can't understand you, but I'll wait outside of the village so as to not draw attention. Meet me there once you complete whatever it is you are doing here." The wolf shakes out its fur before quickly running deeper into the village, the chain around its ankle making a pleasant jingling noise. With silent fast footfalls, I rush out of the village and wait near a deserted-looking home, a tree house built into a tree. Taking a seat I wait for the return of the Wolf hero, and all too soon I hear the pleasant sound of the ankle cuff; bouncing up to my feet I make my way to him and tilt my head in confusion, mimicking his earlier action. My brow raises at the sword and shields attached to the small Imp on his back, "uhuh, alright then. Lead the way Link, you know where you are going better than I do."

Link takes off running, and with a squeak I sprint off after him, casting a spell for speed so that I can keep up with him in wolf form.

My time in this Hyrule was the second-longest stay and one where I was the most useful so far. This Link had a strong resistance to magic, rendering my healing spells, on a whole, ineffective. As a result, I decided to learn how to create elixirs and potions, testing out different brewing methods and ingredients, using what I learned from The Hero of Hyrule. Although my physical capabilities and swordsmanship were lacking, my elixirs and potions came along nicely; quickly becoming the strongest around. I aided Link throughout his whole adventure, casting light spells on myself so that I may enter the twilight realm, or lighting dark caverns and temples when his lantern ran out of oil. It was a risk at first, one Link tried to talk me out of, yet I willingly jumped through the veil and came out on top. The Fights were difficult, leading the both of us bloodied and tired, but with a quick swig of my latest concoction and heavy healing magic; it was like it never happened. If not for the scars that were left, you would believe it was so. Once our mission was complete I ended up staying in this Hyrule for four years, traveling with Link as he explored Hyrule and looked for some way to bring the Mirror of Twilight back. Over that time I developed a crush on the tall hero, who probably should learn that people can see when he is looking at breasts and not into their eyes; but oh well. Being sneaky was never his strongest skill.

I first noticed it when in Telma's bar while speaking with the resistance, Link seemed to be paying attention to the map and our discussion, yet when Telma walked past I saw his eyes immediately drawn to her exposed cleavage. Telma only winked at my handsome companion as she placed some ale down for the adults who ordered some. I made a sound of offense as jealousy rises through me; with a quick shift of my elbow I smacked him in the ribs and hissed out to him. "Pay attention Link, this is serious. Stare at boobs on your own time." I glance down at my own chest acting as if I am looking at the map before us insecurity swirling within my gut, "Are mine not good enough? Exposed enough? Now that I think about it, has he ever checked me out? I am...extremely offended for some reason.'

Link brings his attention back to the map, but bumps me with his shoulder softly, in a form of apology. After the meeting, Link and I start our way outside of castle town, and my mouth gets the better of me and before I can stop it, it quickly seals my fate. "Hey Link, have you ever checked me out like that?"

"...Like what?" He asks, seeming a little nervous, keeping his head turn away from me as if he is trying not to give me his full attention.

"Like you do Telma, I won't be angry, just curious," I bump my shoulder into his arm to get him to look down at me, keeping it pressed against him as I grin at him, "Tell me, I won't judge you for it."

"As a friend, I have to say no, but as a man and a hero, it wouldn't be right to lie...I have. Your clothes cling to you when you get wet, I can't help it." He shrugs, having literally no shame for what he has just said.

My face erupts and I squeak out my reply, "Well...thank you? I guess? You're not too bad yourself, I've checked you out a few times too." My face reddens further as I look away from him, bumping him with my shoulder one last time before taking a small half-step away from him so that we are no longer pressed together.

We share an awkward laugh as we fall into silence, this new information making our interactions awkward for a few days until I make an announcement. "Nothing happened and nothing was said, so we don't have to be so awkward around each other."

"Well, I can't just ignore what we said to each other, or forget it."

"My magic can make you forget about it...I'm going to be using it on myself, you up for it?"

Link wholeheartedly agrees and I proceed to cast the spell, the memory of our conversion being whipped from my memory, and Link? Not his, but he pretends that it was and was quite good at it too; curse his resistance to magic. But just like always, the times I spend being happy and being able to place my negative emotions aside for just a few moments must end. One night while camping out near Lake Hylia, following intel of a portal that might lead us to Midna; I disappear while we sleep, traveling to the next hero.

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