Of Friends and Foes

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The chilled air of the morning seeped into my bones as the sun peeking out from behind the thick clouds warmed the deep green fabric covering my skin, my iconic silver robe had the hood raised, and the veil still neatly placed upon my face. I stood before King Porlamorus in the garden, the scent of flowers filling the air with a sweet thickness as a gentle cool breeze blew through them, ruffling my clothing and lifting my hood slightly to reveal the peelings of my hair and the silver band holding my veil in place upon my head. I stood before Porlamorus, twig was a short twig of a man, nearly three times my senior, he had a head of blading red hair, and a patchy beard and mustache combo; his facial hair resembled a rat with mange, while his beady yellow eyes reminded me of a Bokoblin. He stared at me as I explained why we had guests currently enjoying breakfast in our banquet hall, he did not look pleased at all.

"Your majesty, please consider meeting with Princess Zelda and her champions so that they may plead their case. If this Calamity Gannon poses such a great threat to their kingdom, then surely, we will be next. I have the Goddess Romazumara's blood running through my veins, and she was part of Demise's undoing. Should we leave them to handle this...it could spell disaster for us."

Porlamorus glared at me as he glanced up at the stained-glass windows along the outer wall of the garden, facing into the palace's walls. They depicted various stories of our Goddess, the largest, near the entrance of the garden depicting her wielding a golden scepter, a blue glow emanating from it. "I will be the one deciding if it is needed or not. Mind your tongue when addressing me. You may be her incarnation in the flesh, but I AM king. Not just to the peasants beyond these walls, but to you as well. Or have you forgotten?" He sneered at me as he clenched his fists.

'I see, so your ego is already cracked today. You must have had a terrible hunting trip' I let out a small breath as I lowered my head, "I have not forgotten my place, my King. However, speaking with Hyrule's princess would be a show of good faith, and may lead to their king being indebted to you; for simply entertaining the crazed ramblings of his daughter." I tilted my head slightly, "Imagine what you could demand from a king brought down so low? Besides, she has the Gerudo chief, the Zora princess, the Goron chief, and the top archer of the Rito with her. Think of how they would be indebted to you, should you give them even a moment of your time." I could see the gears working within his head, the promise of superiority clouding his judgment as he nods, smirking at the thought.

"I see, I suppose I never give you enough credit, My Queen," the possessive tone seeping into his words sent a shiver down my spine, yet I pushed the feeling aside to carry out my appointed mission. "You truly are cunning when it comes to furthering my kingdom."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing out loud, 'oh if you only knew how I have kept this kingdom from crumbling under your regime.' "Shall I tell the guards to fetch them then?" My only answer was a wave of the king's hand, sending me off on my new task. With a bow, I quickly made my way out of the garden, and back into the warm palace. Waiting by the door was a tall guard, his black hair peeking out from his helm, eyes a deep gray.

"Damian, please get our guests ready to be escorted to the king's meeting room in an hour; he has yet to finish his morning stroll. Do not let them enter before him, nor be by the doors as he makes his way there. And...please tell the Princess to have her Gerudo champion stay behind...the king is a fragile man and I do not wish to see how he would react to a woman being stronger, taller, and...more attractive than him." I chuckle lightly as Damian snorts. "Be sure to say those words exactly for me. I think they all deserve a good laugh.

"As you wish, (Y/N)...do you think you will really be leaving?" He questioned me, peering down at my veil-covered face. "What if you don't return and we're left without your blessings and sending ceremonies?"

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