Why Am I Doing This?

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We arrived at the bazaar just as the sun began to peek over the tall cliffs that surround the entrance to the desert; quickly I remove the cloak and slip it into my pack as the sun's rays warm the air around us. As I stuff the cloth into my pack while walking, I nearly run into Wild when he comes to a stop, his breathing halting as his eyes slide shut. Now if I had not witnessed him remembering something before, I would be worried. Instead, I use my hands to fan his face as the heat rises with the sun.

"How long do you think it'll last?" I yawn.

"A few minutes?" Four questions as he moves in front of Wild to study his face as well. "Oh, he's turning blue."

"Should I punch him in the gut to force him to breathe?" I tilt my head as I look down at my balled fist.

"Give it a few more seconds," Legend chimes in as he stands next to me. "Then I get to hit him"

I snort and get a waterskin ready when Wild gasps loudly as his eyes open. Panting loudly I'm shocked when he collapses into me, resting his forehead on his shoulder as he tries to regain his breathing. "Uh..." I rub soothing circles into his back. "Want some water?" He nods as he straightens himself out, accepting my waterskin before greedily gulping it down. "Bad memory?"

Shaking his head he passes the, now empty, waterskin to me. "Not really, the Yiga tried to assassinate the Princess...and you..." He looked both disappointed and amused, "asked a Yiga member if they were a girl because he had a tiny bulge, not sure why you did that."

My face contorts as I try to recall the memory, drawing a blank; "I did?"

"Yeah, then you blasted him with the smallest stream of water I have ever seen, and when he laughed at you; you said it matches what he was packing. Small, unsatisfactory, and a waste of energy."

I burst out laughing, nodding my head, "okay yeah, that sounds like me."

"It's still hard to believe that not only are you a high priestess, but also a queen. You're the furthest thing from dignified or holy," Four pipes in.

"But you wouldn't have me any other way," I tease.

"I could," Wind chimes in, "have gone without all of the vomit."

Huffing I roll my eyes, "the ocean is not my thing...well boats in general. You're just lucky I decided to tag along with you. If it weren't for me, your nickname would have been filth; because you never wanted to bathe or brush your teeth."

"Becaussssse," Wind puts a hand on his hip; the common sassy Link stance. "I was a pirate." His hand slaps against his own chest as he closes his eyes in disbelief. "How do you keep forgetting that?"

Deadpanning I look at Time, "I now understand how annoying I was to all of you, and for that, I am deeply, truly, sorry." Wind loudly protests as the others chuckle.

Time pats my back softly in reassurance, "I wouldn't have it any other way...I missed you during my other adventure...Now," he looks to the group. "Let's find a way into the town, see if there are some lighter clothes here for (y/n), and resupply."

Tilting my head, I try to recall what other adventure he had gone on, drawing a blank. "What other adventure?"

Time stiffens slightly, looking out at the pool of water reflecting the rising sun; a far-off look in his eyes. "I'll tell you all about it someday...but right now that is not important."

"Okay Time, I look forward to hearing about what you got up to in my absence; after all, you must have fathered at least one child for Twilight to be your descendent." I wink at him, "give me all the dirty details, yeah?"

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