Who Is The Knight To The Queen? What Does Zelda Mean By That?

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The air around him is cold, his breath creating a mist every time he exhales; the frigid air burns his throat and lungs as it enters. Within the small wagon, are bodies huddled for warmth, Zelda snug against the side of a large Gerudo woman, Wild himself is pressed against the smooth wood of the carriage across from the two women, a feathered man reluctantly pushed against him to help share warmth. Next to the Rito is Mipha, snuggled under the Rito's wing, violently shaking; a bottle being brought to her lips as she drinks a dark red elixir. It seems to lessen her discomfort as her shivering is no longer as violent.

The silence around them is broken as they hear soft voices speaking from outside of the carriages. Wild recognizes my voice, sounding awestruck and longing all at the same time. The male voice is a mystery, yet he feels as though he knew who this man was, once upon a time.

"I never knew how beautiful the outskirts are," (y/n) speaks softly, catching their attention. Wild finds himself straining his ears to hear more, finding a need to know more about this mysterious Queen whose personality seems to change on a Rupee."

"There's a lot that you don't know about your kingdom's lands and its people." There is joy in the man's voice, before sadness leaks into it. "We'll be at the bridge soon...and we'll have to part ways."

The Queen sighs sadly, "but we'll meet again, I promise to return as soon as I can." There is a short silence as Wild stains his ears, hearing the soft shifting of fabric.

"I'll hold you to that, and when we reunite once more, I'll have so much to share with you. All the adventures I've been on. My family. And I want to hear all about your adventures, and any new shoemagedens." The man's voice is soft, and joking, but leaves a bitter sting to the carriage inhabitants' ears. As if they too can feel his dread of separating for any length of time.

(Y/n) voice is shaky yet firm when she speaks; a demand masquerading as a question. "Good knight, please allow Sir Damian and myself to have a proper goodbye."

The voice of a Hylian knight meets their ears; "Of Course, but please make it quick. We need to reach the next town before nightfall." The sound of a large body slipping off of the carriage, followed by it rocking at the loss of weight, the sound of a body being placed onto the ground; leads to another silence surrounding them.

"Do you think she and her knight are..." Zelda trails off, her cheeks turning crimson.

The Gerudo chuckles, "only one way to find out." She sands quickly and arched over to keep from hitting her head on the roof. She throws the door open and steps out, causing the carriage to jolt once more at the shifting in weight.

"Wh-wait! I'm coming too, for research purposes." The princess quickly follows her. Wild reluctantly follows, needing to stay close to the Princess. The sounds of the other inhabitants of the carriage let him know that more than just the Princess and Gerudo are curious. "I need to know all about the woman who is to be aiding us in our endeavor," The Princess rationalizes.

Off in the distance, far enough to not be heard, but close enough to see; they are greeted with the sight of a tall armored knight and (y/n) smaller form. In her hand is a glistening silver circlet, a shimmering fabric woven onto it. They are murmuring to one another, a close conversation soon turns into a close loving embrace; a longing lingering hold.

Turning his attention from the 'lovers' embrace he looks to the Princess. Her hands are held close to her chest as her eyes dart between the two figures. A small smile takes home on her lips, a puff of vapor exits as she breathes; "I think they are."

"Maybe we will be invited back for a birth, once our mission is complete." The Gerudo grins.

"You mean wedding," the Rito snorted.

"She is already married," Mipha mutters.

A knight calls out to the figures, uncomfortable by the display he is witnessing. "We must go, your highness. The storm is rolling in, and night is approaching."

(Y/n) calls out she is on her way, before looking at the man before her, they seem to stare before the circlet and veil are placed on her head. They embrace before the man kisses her. When she is turned and sees them all staring at her, a shaky hand grips the fabric over her chest as she rushes back to them. Zelda is whistling to herself as she shifts around, Wild himself feels uncomfortable at the display. He himself has never had a relationship like that, especially a forbidden one like the married Queen and her knight. In fact, he's never even kissed a girl before.

She comes to a stop before them, head held high, "okay, let's head out now. Sorry for the wait."

His memory fades as he gasps for air, revealing himself surrounded by the chain, and that woman looking at him in worry; yet happiness in her eyes as his memories are coming back to him. Once assured that he is okay to move, they proceed out into the desert, yet his mind continues to reflect on the memory and his emotions. He cannot help the pit that forms in his stomach, an uneasy, if not jealous feeling at the supposed relationship she and that man seemed to share. During the time of their adventure, and the weeks he has known her; sure they have become close, and there is no denying the base level of physical attraction he feels for the woman. He likes her personality and the way she gives her all to help them in any way. But all of that does not explain this feeling, or so he thinks.

'Maybe it has something to do with the memories of her I have yet to uncover,' he finds himself thinking. 'I'll worry about this later when we finally save Hyrule. There will be time to sort out my feelings then.' He finds his eyes darting back to the only woman in his group, the sun dancing across her hair and exposed skin.

"(Y/n)," Wild says, a questioning tone already seeping into his voice. She turns to look at him, tilting her head slightly as she gives him her full attention. Something she has always been good at when speaking to one of them. It makes him feel as though everything he says holds some sort of importance. He hopes that he could do the same for her as well. "When this is all over, and you feel comfortable in doing so; tell me all about the knight who was in charge of protecting you."

She seems taken aback as her eyes dart between mine, her lips parted in shock; her voice is unsure...or maybe touched when she speaks. "Uh, yeah sure. I can tell you all about Damian."

'So that's the name of the man from my memory.' Wild moves his attention to the barren wasteland before us.

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