I Promise It's Platonic

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"...so who gets out first?" Damian questions, his body facing away from me.

Humming quietly to myself I shrug, "you can. I'll close my eyes."

Damian looks at me skeptically, before waving his hand in impatience when I make no move to cover my eyes. Laughing I slap my soggy wet hands to my eyes, and once I hear him shift I exaggerate peeking through my fingers at him, a shit-eating grin stretched across my face. "Oh my, who knew you got such a workout as a knight."

Damian squeals, dropping back into the water, hiding his perfectly sculpted body. ' Honestly, they call Zelda and I Goddess; but we really have been sleeping on the Link and my own dear knight. It should be illegal to look that good.'

"Look away!" Damian shouts in embarrassment, only resulting in me laughing louder"

"Oh come on, lighten up. Here I'll make it even." Before he can even question what I mean by that I stand in all my glory, giving an over-the-top wink; before splashing him in the face with a monsoon of soapy hot water. As he sputters and coughs I grab my towel and wrap myself up in the plush fabric.

"Uncalled for!" Damian wheezes as he exits the tub as well, wrapping his own towel around his waist.

Snorting, I use another towel to rub against my hair, drying it as fast as possible as the chill in the air seeps into my bones. "All is fair in love and war," I tease.

"Yeah, and where's the love?" Damian questions in annoyance.

Snickering, I shrug my shoulders, "my love for war?" I hear Damian growl, the sound of something plunging into the water before a handful is dumped over my head. A loud shout of surprise passes my lips as I jump. Wide eyes turn to Damian. "No fair."

"All is fair in love and war," Damian mocks, a wide smirk on his face; all too pleased with himself.

"Fair enough," I narrowed my eyes at him as I slowly made my way closer. "But you let your guard down," as I say this I am already in the process of reaching for him; fully intending to shove him back into the tub. Unfortunately for me, his reflexes are faster as he sidesteps me, a hand shooting out and pushing against my shoulder blades as he crouches. As he does this, his other arm swings low, knocking my legs out from under me, and sending me diving into the tub. With a loud splash, hot soapy water spills over the side of the tub and onto the floor; the floors become slick and unsafe.

As my head comes popping up, heavy coughs shaking my whole body, Damian is leaning over clutching his stomach. His broad shoulders bounce with each push of air. Between gut-splitting laughter, Damian teases me, "I let my guard down? Look who's in the tub!"

Unable to stop myself, my hands fly forward, wrapping around his large bicep before yanking him back into the tub, his body crashing into mine and sending us both underwater. With a push off from the bottom of the tub I resurface, sputtering water out of my mouth, only to scream when a hand wraps around my ankle. A hash tug sends me under once more, and with a little fight, I free myself and burst through the surface of the water. Soap stings my eyes and burns my throat, leaving a foul taste in my mouth. My towels are long forgotten, one on the wet floor, the other floating in the water along with Damian's. Damian soon emerges from the water, sputtering and coughing as a bubble shoots out of his mouth, floating up in the air and to the ceiling where it pops. Others soon followed it up, some sliding down his jaw and clinging to his collarbone.

"You are dead," I playfully growl before tackling him into the water, as a result, more sloshes out of the tub, soaking the floor.

Damian fights back, lifting my body off of his before slamming me backward into the water. More sloshes over the side, and the tub is now half full. As I surface, gasping for air, a discarded towel makes itself at home in my throat; my frantic hands yank and tear at it, before sending it out of the tub. Gasps coughs and pants fill the large room as we try to regain our breathing. The sound of a door creaking open causes both of us to freeze, all sounds stop. With quick thinking, I loudly splash to Damian and shove his head under the water just as a pink-haired maid enters the bathroom.

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