Meetings, Blessings, And Goodbyes

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The following few days passed in a blur. I was busy getting my belongings together and spending as much time with Damian as I could. I performed a small sending ceremony and blessing ceremony for the Lords and Ladies, as well as the merchants; in order to appease them for the time being. I also snuck out of the palace to give Damian's family a private ceremony, taking us to where I am now. Standing at the door to Damian's mother's home I was dressed in a plain and patchy brown tunic, black capri pants with black leather flats, old and worn. I also had on a black hooded short cape, hood drawn over my head, yet kept my face slightly exposed. This was the most uncovered I had ever been within my own kingdom while in the public eye; in order to go unnoticed and not draw attention. After all, no one knows my face, as my ceremonial mask still covered my face from the nose up. Damian quickly opened the door and shoved me inside, slamming the door closed behind me.

"Uh, excuse me for the intrusion," I quickly apologized to his mother, eldest sister, younger brother, and his youngest sister who stood in the main area of the home. Not a moment later his father came down from the upper floor of their home, smiling brightly. Alocara, his younger brother, looked like a spitting image of his brother, both of them taking after their father Tokala; with the same gray eyes and black hair. His eldest sister, Aurora took after her mother Zalena; their hair a soft mint green, and eyes the same shade. Yet the youngest daughter Rorum, was the perfect mixture of both, hard to pick out each aspect of her to compare to her parents, yet it was easy to see just who her parents are. She had her mother's soft mint hair, yet her father's dark gray eyes. She waddled over to her father, cooing softly as her stubby toddler legs had a hard time keeping her up.

"Oh dear, it is never an intrusion for one of Damian's friends to stop by," the velvety voice Zalena spoke, lifting her daughter up into her arms.

"Honestly, it's an honor for the queen to pay us a home visit, and show her full face to us." The deep voice of Tokala soon followed.

I lower my hood and smile brightly at them, "I'm so happy to finally meet all of you...well I mean really meet all of you. Not just in passing."

Alocara smirks softly as he leans against the wall, trying to look cool, yet being the baby-faced teen he was, it was laughable. "I never knew our queen was so hot, now I know why Damian didn't introduce us sooner. He knew I'd steal you away."

"Just how old are you anyways?" I snicker out, missing the soft red hue that erupts onto Damian's face.

"Seventeen baby," he 'purrs,' then yelps when Aurora smacks him in the back of the head.

"Ignore him, he's an idiot," her honey-like voice played into my ears.

'Is it possible to be in love with a voice? Because guilty as charged!' I muse to myself. "I kind of figured, he reminds me of Damian," I reply smoothly, not at all having an internal panic over her beautiful voice. "Now, I couldn't sneak away from the palace for too long, so let me thank you all first for allowing me into your home; and Aurora, thank you for allowing me to borrow your clothing." They wave me off politely as Damian steps in, his face no longer tinted red.

"Really, it was nothing. Thank you for coming here to bless them all."

Waving my hand around, I brush it off, "it's my pleasure. After all, they have to deal with you."

"Hey!" Damian smacks me in the back of the head softly as his family laughs.

"Anyways, let's get started. Everyone line up and let me give you each a blessing; starting with the youngest first." I smile at Damian's mother as she holds Rorum out to me, I take her into my arms and give her chubby little cheeks a gentle squeeze. "You are the cutest baby I have ever seen," The air around me glows a soft blue as I close my eyes, speaking softly I hold her a little higher up. "May the Golden Goddesses bless you with a bright future. A spouse that loves you and a life that leaves you wanting not," I place a soft kiss on her forehead, casting my charm spell on her. I then hand her back to her mother and move to stand in front of Alocara.

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