When One Becomes Four, Will All Be Lost?

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The Blight is like a beacon, shining brightly amidst the blanket of thick Cumulus clouds. My spell is holding up, even as the Blight dots in and out of existence, a brilliant white light clings to its form; alerting us of its presence and location and rendering it unable to use the darkened sky as cover. The cold air feels sharp against my exposed skin as Twilight's legs pump, pushing us faster as another flurry of attacks is sent our way. My fingers grip his fur harshly, one hand raises as I create a shield around Wind, halting a harsh swing from the Blight. It shatters, sending Wind skidding backward from the force.

"Why is this Blight so strong," I complained breathlessly. "Twilight," I lean forward to speak softly into his fur-covered ear. "Get me close to Four, I need to convince him." Determined to beat the Blight somehow, I lean my body to the left, forcing Twilight to head in that direction or risk having me fall from his back. My eyes are locked on Four as I settle myself on Twilight's back, my right arm stretched out as I snatch Four up. I yank him across my lap, his face angled to the ground as I press my arm against his back to keep him on Twilight.

"What the hell!" Four shouts as he turns his head to glare up at me.

"Four, I think our best bet is to separate you. I promise I will put you back together, but this Blight is overwhelming us." I flench forward, tightening my legs against Twilight to keep from falling off. A tornado just misses us, the wind causing Twilight's paws to momentarily lift off of the ground as he runs in place. They only land back onto stone when the twister fully passes us, now at least twenty feet off of our original course.

"I do not want to leave it to chance," Four puffs out, shifting to draw his bow and firing an arrow at the Blight, who easily knocks it away.

"Four," I beg, "Look at me," I force Four to meet my frantic eyes. My voice is akin to that of a fanatic as I speak, "Trust me, please! I know we are all having issues with one another but trust in the me that you have known throughout our adventures. Trust in the (y/n) who shared food with you. The (y/n) who stood watch as you rested. The (y/n) who was your friend, who would never let harm come to you. Trust in the me you knew me as before all of this came to light."

Four's eyes bounce back and forth between mine, taking note of the grief, hopefulness, and pleading that dances inside of them.

"I have always been her, and I will always be her; so please, even just once, place the trust you once held back onto me." My fingers grip the back of his tunic in desperation. "As angry as I might be, as hurt as I might be, I would never do anything to harm any of you. I'm a woman of my word, and I will put you back together."

Four's face scrunches in contemplation, his shoulders stiff as his eyes dart to the Blight, then to each member of the Chain and their struggles. Wind is close to the edge, frantically trying to run against the gust of wind threatening to send him overboard. Time has his hookshot plunged deep into a pillar to anchor him to the Divine Beast, his hand outstretched to Wind; their fingers brushing against one another as they fight to grab hold of one another. Legend is trapped against another pillar, harsh wind forcing his body so harshly against it, that the pillar is cracking under the pressure. Sky and Warrior are hidden behind the main terminal, buying their time to snatch Hyrule who is standing up to the Blight. While Hyrule, a traveler turned hero, lives up to his divine mission. He has drawn the Blights' attention away from us, swords at the ready, shield cracked with chunks missing, guarding next to nothing. A glowing red light is blinking against Hyrule's exposed face, his brow furrowed in concentration and determination.

The wind has kept our attacks from landing, it's a threat as it attempts to push us off to our deaths, and its lasers threaten to burn our very flesh from our bones. Four come to terms with this knowledge, we are at a disadvantage In this terrain, our lack of knowledge about this Blight leads to us being ill-prepared. "Okay," Four conceded, "Do it." Four turns to lock eyes with me, uncertainty filling his soul. "We have no choice."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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