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Wild slowly backs up from the terminal, stepping off of the raised platform as Mipha's sweet voice fills the space around us. "Hello, Link, (y/n) and you all that have aided Link in freeing my spirit." We all look around us as we try to pinpoint the location of her voice, it sounds as if she is in the same room as us, and not echoing across Ruta; like it had seemed before. Wild spots the seafoam glow first, locking his eyes as Mipha's figure becomes clearer, standing before a far-off wall and looking in our direction. His halt in movement draws our attention to the direction that he is focused on, "and Ruta as well. Thank you. For I am now allowed by this freedom..." Mipha gives us all a soft grin as she continues loving eyes locked onto Wild, "to be with you once again."

My hands find their way to grip the fabric over my heart as a weight is lifted from my shoulders, only to have an ocean crash down upon them at seeing that Mipha did die one hundred years ago, a ghost of a breath passes my lips resembling her name. One cautious step forward, then another, followed by one more before I stop in my tracks as the guilt doubles seeing the look she is directing to Wild. 'She loves him...and they were friends when they were younger, because of me...because of me, I ruined a potential happy ending between the two of them. It's all my fault, I destroyed everyone's happiness. I'm disgusting, I ruined everything for some many innocent people. For so many people that I love and care for.'

Mipha starts to slowly advance as she speaks, her voice full to the brim with love, admiration, and a strength she had always possessed even if she did not always display it. "Since I am now a spirit," my heart twists within my chest as it drops into my stomach due to her words; "my healing powers would be wasted on me. I have no need for it. So, therefore...I would like you to have it." Mipha stops her advance after only a few slow steps, tilting her head cutely with a graceful smile stretched across her red lips; "please accept, Mipha's Grace." As she speaks she closes her eyes and raises her hands to her heart in a praying formation, drawing out her power, and with a quick thrusting motion, she sends it to Wild. It crashes into Wilds's chest and as the power and Mipha's love rushes through his veins and settles in his core he glows; rising up from the ground slightly before being softly placed back onto his feet.

"Yesterday I was awash in a pool of tears. I had nearly given up hope and resigned to myself to be trapped here, as a spirit, for the rest of eternity." Mipha clasps her hands in front of her, averting her attention briefly, before looking to Wild once more. "But now you're here. All this time, my hope...was to see you once more. Promise me that you will not hesitate to call upon my power if you ever find yourself in need. Knowing that will let my spirit rest in peace." Wild and the rest of the Chain start to glow, "I must go. Ruta and I have our roles to fulfill. We are both honored to be able to play that role of support." She holds her hands to her chest as she looks to WIld, glee deep within her Amber eyes, "We'll annihilate Ganon together. Farewell. Save her Link. Save the Princess. Save Princess Zelda.." In a flash of golden light, the Links turn into gold orbs and ascend out of Ruta. I turn my attention from the empty spots my friends once were, and look to Mipha, waiting for her to spew the vile hatred that I deserve. The Shriek of Ruta rings throughout the air, the ground under me shaking as it begins to move.

My voice is shaky and full of shame when I speak, "Mipha...I'm so sorry," my body starts to glow and lift off of the ground; water drips off of the bottom of my boots and creates ripples on its surface. Just as the guilt of my actions ripples through my being.

"Keep Link safe and aid him in saving the princess," Mipha's sweet voice is my only reply; her voice is as gentle and kind as ever, a small smile gracing her red lips. I turn into a golden orb, phasing through the ceiling of Ruta and then down to the center of the domain. In a spark of light my body materializes, as I peer around me. The warm sun kisses my skin, and the air around me is warm and humid due to the water around the domain, and the brutal sun above our heads. I gaze over my shoulder, seeing the Chain admiring the beauty of the domain and land around us, the moist rocks glistening in the sun; rainbows refracting from the surface of the water around us, bathing the area in a unique prism-like beauty. As Sidon rushes to greet us, a wide, sharp tooth smile splits his face in two.

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