Full Speed Ahead

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The cold wind pierced my skin, sending violent shivers through me; numb, glove-clad fingers tangling into Harth's feathers for some sort of warmth. I drop my chin, speaking softly to the stored-away Chain. "I will be using my magic to help. I'll focus on defense and attack should an opportunity present itself." A wicked grin traces my lips, "Just letting you know since you can't really approve or stop me right now." I snicker to myself as I raise up some, eyes focused on Wild and Teba.

"We're almost there," Harth informs me over the rushing wind. "Are you ready?"

"Yup," I pop the p and raise a single hand, ready to perform a simple barrier spell if need be. My other hand winds tighter into his feathers, while my thighs lock violently around his waist. "I won't fall, so don't worry. Move however you need to."

He gives a gentle nod, "That was the plan, however, if you do fall I will catch you." No sooner as he finishes his sentence, a heavy red light covers Vah Medoh, a shrill sound vibrating inside my skull. "It's barrier is up again. I hope your friend can take it out."

"There is no one more capable than the men I came here with," I readily admit, admiration clearly in my voice. "They will always find a way to save those around them and vanquish the evil that plagues these lands." My eyes are locked on the two figures before us, closer to the beast.

Harth glances at me, "That is high praise...if someone like you can speak so highly of them, then I have no reason to worry. Keep Teba and myself safe while we draw the fire to clear a way for your friend."

"Thank you, Harth," my voice is heavy with gratitude, so soft it is almost lost to the wind. "For risking your life to help us. I promise we'll get Vah Medoh under control...and I promise to keep you all safe."

In a flash of speed, Wild pulls his Glider out, riding the updraft and approaching a cannon. I swallow thickly, eyes flickering between the two males to see who the beast will go for, turning my head to follow Wild's path as we fly under him, following Teba in his movements. A red light appears on Wild, my body is quick to bend backward, gripping onto the Rito with my legs solely. My hands spaced apart as my mouth runs dry, "Blockade," my mother language rolls off my tongue easily, as my hands slam together, producing a booming clap.

Just as Wild releases the bomb-tipped arrow, a dark blue orb surrounds him, just as a laser hits it, right in line with his face. He can still feel the heat through the barricade, causing sweat to prickle on his skin as a result of the short exposure. With a loud pop the barricade disappears, Wild being caught by Teba swiftly.

"Wonderful work!" Teba calls out to me as they quickly whizz by.

The joy is short-lived as I hear the loud call of an Aeralfos draw my attention. A swarm is heading our way, blades drawn and shields raised. Wide eyes seek out Wild, "Wild! Try not to get hit! I'll take care of the flying lizards," I scream out, leaning on Harth's back to direct him to my desired direction. Once facing the new enemies, I take a deep breath, "I call upon the Spirit of Lightning. An army lies before me, their weapons of steel drawn, their shields of metal raised. Armed to the teeth to mock your reign. Send a wave forth," Harth dodges a heavy strike from a red Aeralfos, the edges of his feathers that meet his right angle cut clean off. "Strike them down and turn them to ash," the clouds above us turn to ink, a deathly rumble causing the beasts to freeze and turn skyward. Their panic is short-lived as the electricity rises in the air. My hair standing on end, and the slight brush between Harth and I, as I lay my hands on his shoulder sends a powerful surge of static electricity. The strike is deafening. The sound of electricity running through their bodies, jumping from one to the other sends the smell of burning scales and flesh into our noses. Their bodies rain from the skies as Harth turns tail and heads back for the Beast.

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