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The following morning I woke up with a stiff back...probably due to the position I was lying in. The left side of my hip is pressed into the bed, my upper half laid across Warrior, chest pressed into him; my left arm is pinned under him, while my right is smack sab on Twilight's face. Laying across my hip, and across Warrior and Twilight's laps is Wind, on his back, whose head is hanging over the side, legs off the other side.

My groggy eyes blink at the predicament we find ourselves in as I try to push myself up, my left hand pressing against Warrior's chest, under me, as snickering meets my ears. 'So that is what woke me,' my eyes blink at them slowly; face unamused. "Is anyone gonna help, ooooor," is what I settled on.

Wild snickers slowly shaking his head, "No, we all decided you'll be stuck like that until one of them wakes up."

Time smirks as he crosses his arms over his chest, "it's your punishment for running off and not informing any of us what you were doing."

My eyes widen, "I'll die before any of these lazy men wake up! Warrior literally slept through Impa's temper tantrum when I accidentally set her tent on fire."

Time shrugs as he sits in the chair behind him, my mind flickering through the memories of the room...and that chair was not there before. "Then that is what will happen."

"...did...did you...drag that chair over here? To watch me suffer?" I ask in disbelief.

Time's smirk widens, almost wickedly so, "of course. What kind of man would I be, not to watch your punishment run its course?"

"A cool one!" I loudly shout.

"Then I have come to terms with the fact that I, Hero of Time, Hyrule, and Termina; child of prophecy and hope of man, am not cool."

I open and close my mouth a few times, at a loss for what to say, before my mouth snaps shut. I settle on a loud groan of agony as I slam my head down onto Warrior's chest, who is happily sleeping through my torcher. "You're a fucking Sadist," I whine.

"Only when it comes to you, my dear," Time retorts.

My face warms, "are you seriously flirting with me...while I am pinned under my son and on top of another man? Right next to your descendent?"

Time shrugs again, leaning back in his chair, "believe what you will, dear."

I gape at him, "pervert."

Time's face warms, though he refuses to relinquish power, "you are the one who holds the twisted mind. I am simply a victim of it."

"You-" I am at a loss for words and cry out to the only man I can trust at the moment; my voice cracking as it rises a few octaves. "Hyrule!"

His nervous eyes meet mine before he quickly glances away, "I am truly sorry but...I have sworn to uphold the punishment."

My eyes move to Sky as I whisper desperately, "please Sky...my arm, I can't feel it, and my body hurts. Please," I beg.

Sky avoids eye contact with me, "I-I can't."

My eyes fall onto Legend, choosing a new course of action. "Legend, are you going to let Time tell you what to do? Come on, you're better than that."

He smirks at me, "it was my idea."

I squeak, the aura surrounding them demanding retribution.

Time clears his throat, drawing my attention to him. "Since we do have you here, at our mercy I must add, I have some questions for you. Answer them and I will consider ending your punishment."

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