Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

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When Time returns he seems to have calmed down a tad bit, a worried face Wild on his heels; his eyes darting between my isolated figure and Time's simmering anger. "Remember what I said," Wild warns as he sits to finish his meal, eyes catching sight of my abandoned bowl that lays at Twilight's feet.

A grumble from Time is his answer as he starts to clean the area up, busying himself as he refuses to look in my direction. Unease permeates the air, causing it to become thick and difficult to breathe in; its heaviness presses down on our shoulders as the Chain is at a loss of what to do. Sure they have aided many throughout their life, but never have they had to navigate hatred, distrust, and hurt between two people they are close to. Who should they side with? How do they rectify the situation? Sure both of us are in the wrong, yet both of us are not truly wrong when you get to the core of the issue.

On one hand, I do the dirty work that only Warrior has ever had to stoop to, and those moments were far and in between. Throwing my soul away for the sake of our Kingdoms and the family I have built for myself. Understandable, if not a little idiotic.

On the other hand, Time is worried about what the corruption has done to me, what actions will no longer seem wrong to me; the sliver of a chance that the corruption will take over, just as it had done to the Sheikah Tech. He has every right to monitor me, to arrest me for mass murder due to the occultist, and to keep me under lock and key. Yet at the same time, all trust and familiarity he held for me were thrown wayside to make room for his fears. He persecuted me as a stranger capable of eliminating each of them for the slightest inconvenience. He has chosen to ignore the good my actions have led to, even if the result came from a horrid act.

But what could they do? We refuse to give on our own views and feelings. We refuse to communicate civilly. We are pushing the others to abandon their feelings, their notion of justice and righteousness; to bend and yield to our own desires and views of how it should be. We are at a standstill, two sides refuting each other and pushing harder and harder until one is forced to break.

An imprisoned Queen who has suffered the death of almost everyone she has known and loved; locked away to decay in her dreams, fears, and torture. A woman who has only ever wanted freedom, a family, and friends to share her life with.

A famed hero who lost his childhood friend, his wife, and his daughter lost in the past and is bound to duty to his Kingdom. His friend, companion, and confidante vanished on him, only to show up in the distant future; her lies and misleading coming to light. The weight of her sorrows during their adventures breaks his heart as the reality of her wish for death drowns him. A creature invading his body, his thoughts, and whispering nightmares into his ears. And now, this creature has granted him the sight of her soul, a woman who he has loved since her near death in the Shadow Temple ; of her soul decaying and corrupting within her. He has seen the aftermath of her magic lay waste to a massive group of people, and the fears of what she could do have taken hold. How can he save her, when she claims she doesn't need saving? When she claims she can overcome this on her own. Yet, he knows he cannot overcome Dark Link on his own, he knows he needs help...her help, but now that option is gone. Cast aside like the friendship he so willingly abandoned due to his fears.

The remaining members of the Chain quickly get to work helping clean up, digging a hole to discard uneaten food; washing the cooking utensils and bowls with water from their water skins. Once the tasks are completed, Wild calls my name, beckoning me to come closer as Twilight shifts into a wolf. Slipping from the fallen tree I make my way over, my boots crunching through the snow. Once to the large charcoal and snow-colored wolf I brush his soft fur lightly; my voice is soft when I speak, showing concern even in my ferrous state. "Let me know if it hurts at all, okay? I'll get off right away." Once Twilight nods at me, I accept Wild's hand as he helps me onto Twilight's back, slowly allowing my weight to settle down onto him. "Is this okay?" My fingers settle into his fur, the soft strands sliding across my frost-coated gloves.

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