You Leave Me No Choice

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My eyes open slowly, the sky still dark, crickets chirping around me as I move from my hiding spot. I keep my eyes away from the carnage in front of me and start to backtrack my steps; heading back to the fairy fountain to give her an update on the cult, before moving on to the rest of my grocery list of ingredients. My back is stiff and cracks as I stretch, and my mussels are tight from the uncomfortable position that I was sleeping in; my magic is not fully restored, yet my body forced me to wake, knowing that the situation Twilight is in will not get better without my help. My legs fill like jelly beneath me as I get closer and closer, the sun rising and bathing the forest in brilliant shades of gold and as I near I hear a twig snap, causing me to look behind me and see a group of Shiekah.

"Stop right there," It's the voice of a woman, a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. "Come with us willingly, or by force."

My brow arches as I turn fully, "Excuse you? I ask incredulity.

"You are wanted for questioning regarding the attack of Purha, Symon, and the one known as Twilight." She states, as more Guards appear around her.

"Attacked? I mean, sure I put them to sleep, and put Twilight in a state of suspension; but I had to," I admit.

"So you admit to your crimes," she growls.

"Crimes? Look here lady," I put a hand on my hip as I narrow my eyes at her. "I did not harm anyone. I needed to leave so that I can gather what I need to save Twilight; Purah and Symon would have tried to stop me, so I put them to sleep for a short while so I could leave."

"You are only talking yourself deeper into your conviction. You need to stand down before we force you to come with us."

I take a step forward, energy gathering within my veins, "look here. I don't have time for this. The spell I cast on Twilight won't hold forever, and I would really like to finish the position before it breaks. Now, I get you have a job to do, but so do I. I will not let another friend die." Flashes of the Champions dance in my head, the uncertain fate of Zelda weighing in on my heart; unsure if she is alive and trapped within the castle, or if it is just her spirit that is there. "I will not let you get in the way. Come get me when I'm done saving Twilight and the Princess, until then, back off." My teleportation spell requires a lot of magic and a clear location in mind; my first thought is Zora's domain. However, as I steady myself to cast the spell, a sharp pain shoots through my side; eyes snapping open, and looking down I see a sword pressed into my side. A masked Sheikah warrior glaring at me.

"You are not permitted to leave," he growls, pushing his sword deeper.

I squeal in pain, before sending a gust of wind out from my body, throwing him back and pushing the others away. A shaky hand presses to my side as I heal the wound, "I've had enough. I tried to leave peacefully and you attacked." My hand raises as my sleeping spell aura surrounds me before pushing out to surround them, "Sleep," I command as they fall forward, unconscious. 'I need to find another way through, the village is not safe...a detour it is. All I have left is the luminescent mushrooms that grow somewhere with a great amount of death, a flower of pure white, and a veil of blood from a pure soul. I can do this...I just need to be fast. The spell I casted is weak, they should wake up in twenty or thirty minutes. I need to be long gone.'

The image of a burning central Hyrule enters my mind as I gather energy to teleport, wanting to get the blooming flower as fast as possible. My body blinks out of existence before materializing in the weathered remains of Castle town; my eyes scanning my surroundings for a glimpse of a glowing shroom or a white bloom. Quietly I begin to move, taking notice of the Guardian Stalkers that are patrolling the area; as well as, the castle surrounded with malice just behind me. 'I need to find a safe place to wait for nightfall. The mushroom will be visible then. Thousands died that day, surely a mushroom from here would be sufficient.' I hum to myself as I find a densely populated area of trees, ascending one and resting within the coverage of the foliage. Reaching into one of my packs I retrieve some salted meat, cheese, and bread; making a small sandwich to enjoy with an apple. My mind reminisced of the time I spent with Time in the Water Temple, a meal much the same shared between the two of us. As time passes, a few meals are eaten in a tree, the occasional descent to stretch and a handful of short naps; night approaches a sheet of darkness covers the land. As light flees the cursed land, the faint glowing of mushrooms and flowers illuminates the ground. I take in the beauty of it, admiring how Hyrule can be so breathtaking, even with how much is destroyed and left for dead. Floating down from the tree I head for what remains of the square, sneaking around the Stalkers to obtain a mushroom in the area I know death occurred. After all, I wore their blood and meat when a Stalker exploded them right next to me. A silent prayer was given to them as I plucked the shroom from the ground and carefully placed it into my pack.

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