The Memories Are Comforting, Yet leave Me Feeling Empty

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Our travels to Gerudo town had been more serious, the others thankful Wind and I no longer are sharing the same brain cell; each of us having one of our own. However, that also means the trip has been relatively boring, aside from the yelps from Warrior and I, as we sneakily spank one another, trying to one-up each other on who can get away with it during the worst times. So far he is winning. The rest of the chain knows what is happening, two people can only yelp, scream or groan and grip their rear for so long; before everyone understands what is happening. Yet they all chose not to comment on it because that would mean they have to admit we are spanking each other...around everyone...and that is not a conversation anyone wants to have.

After weeks of traveling, we finally made it to the stable just before the Gerudo Desert, a sand storm being visible off in the distance close to the town of women. As the temperature amped up more and more, the antsier I became, I have never really been good with hot weather due to where I come from.

As we approach the stable I wipe at the sweat bubbling up on my brow, fanning myself with a hand as I try to stay in the shade as much as possible. "Use that magic you used during our adventure on death mountain," Sky tries to be helpful.

My eyes narrow at the sun that is beating down on us; "that's more for fire resistance, and it uses too much magic. I do have a heat resistance spell, but it requires constant focus. So I wouldn't be able to use any other magic, nor my daggers. "

"Use a heat-resistant potion," Four suggests.

"I'm allergic to almost all of the ingredients for it, believe me, I've tried."

"Take off some layers then," Warrior points out.

I turn my eyes to him, "I only have on my boots, pants, and tunic. There are no other layers. Unless you're suggesting I strut around in my underwear." The sound of Wind's adamant refusals overtakes all the others telling me not to with red faces. "Exactly...maybe we can find some clothes at the bazaar? Let's wait for nightfall and head out into the desert. We can sleep in the inn until then."

"That sounds like a good plan, we can huddle up to keep warm as we cross the desert." Time agrees as he pays for a few beds. I nod at his statement and go to lie down in one of the beds, slipping off my boots and equipment; just catching Wild stating he will be going to a shrine he saw nearby. With that, I fall into a deep sleep due to heat exhaustion...and regular exhaustion; my memories resurfacing as dreams designed to haunt me. Face never truly clear, nor the voice that speaks to me; yet I know who it is. Damian.

I lay in my blush bed, satin sheets cool against my bare skin; my dark blue night shirt bundled around my waist as I sit cross-legged in the center of my bed. A man sits across from me, his armor removed reviving the military-issued black long-sleeved tunic, with matching pants; his clunky metal boots lay on the floor at the foot of my bed. A platter of sweets sits before us, tarts, mini pies, finger cakes, puddings, mousses, and custard neatly arranged.

The man is the first to speak, his voice sounding far off, yet oh-so comforting. "Happy Birthday, (y/n)! I had the cook make these special for you."

I can feel the joy that buzzes through me, keeping me warm despite the bite of chilled air against my exposed skin; the way his presence seems to ground me. "Damian, I know for a fact some of these are for you. Don't try to lie to me like that." I reach over and push his shoulder, keeping my stern, yet obviously joking tone, "it's not good to lie to your queen."

Damian laughs, his shoulder shrugging as I can struggle to make out his features; they look as if I am like I am looking at him through rippling water. "You caught me, these are mostly for me." We share a laugh as we take a treat, plopping it into our mouths and savoring the flavor.

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